10th August 2015, 04:05 AM
How can I get High Salary job being a B.Tech Computer Science Engineer and having 2 years of working experience as an Online Marketing Associate?
I am doing job from last 2 years and I have a B.Tech degree in Computer Science Engineering with 69%. Presently I am doing a job in a recognized company as an Online Marketing Associate. I am confused which platform I choose Government or Private. I am not interested in Coding. I am too frustrate and seeing no growth in my professional and financial life. I am confused whether I continue my career with this profile or need to switch job platform or will enhance my knowledge in same profile? I am searching for Higher salary jobs or better profile jobs in India or outside India. |
29th May 2016, 10:33 AM
This is the common problem between all the IT employees of today's generation. They opt any job as a fresher in order to earn money and when they realize that they are not made for that job or they are not suitable for that particular kind of job then it has become too late for them to get out from there.
And the same thing is happening with you. Since, you are not interested in coding, so you can find other job that you like to do. Don't take job based on the job profile go for the job you like to do it, then only you will see yourself financially satisfied as well as mentally too. So, my best suggestion is that just try to find what you can do and what you wanted to do and then search the job of your interest. |