28th January 2014, 07:06 PM
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Preparation required to shift from Hotel industry to Banking sector?

I'm basically from hotel industry with 4 yrs of experience.I want to move inbanking sector.
So,what are the thing should I prepare to enter.

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15th April 2015, 08:08 PM
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 103
Arrow Re: Preparation required to shift from Hotel industry to Banking sector?

Having experience or degree related to Hotel management isn't a big problem to shift to Banking Industry. But, you need to have a convincing reason for this complete domain shift. You should believe that you will be able to convince the interview panel who is the final decision maker in recruitment.

Coming to entrance tests and gateways to banking career are as follows.

There are three levels of entry clerical, PO and Specialist Cadre. For Clericial and PO IBPS and SBI conducts exams which consists of various stages of selections in phase manner.

Phase I will be preliminary exam candidates who are short listed will be eligible for Phase II
Phase II will be comparatively tougher than prelims exam. Candidates who got short listed will be eligible for Phase III
Phase III is GD/PI (Group Discussion and Personal Interview). Candidates will be finally shortlisted depending on the vacancies.

The syllabus will be 10th standard English & Mathematics spread across sections like Data Interpretation, Quantitative Ability, Data Sufficiency, Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability and few exams will also have marketing basics, computer awareness and general knowledge as sections.

A good coaching centre can train you in these areas. And with your dedicated efforts you will be able to master each and every concept within six months. Put your thoughts in this direction if you're pretty serious about career in banking industry.

There are also few options like ICICI PO or Bank of Boroda PO course which will train you first before absorbing you into service as PO (Probationary Officer) for this also there will be a selection process with written exam first and GD/PI rounds next.

Your course will be completely funded by respective bank at subsidized interest rates and you have to repay the loan while in service as PO.
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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