29th September 2012, 12:32 AM
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University M.Ed Degree Exam (2008-2009 Batch)-Optional Subject-Group-I Teacher Education Exam – Download Previous Year’s Question Papers
Teacher Education is a critical zone of learning as teachers have to be trained to manage students and contribute to their wholesome development. It is the teacher’s responsibility to see that their students prosper not just in academics but also in other fields. Thus, the educational program includes theoretical understanding of requirements and conceptualization of important issues that are faced by teachers. The topics delineate the cognitive, affective and conative characteristics required for developing correct attitude in teachers, profiling criteria that should be considered while selecting teachers in schools, psychological traits and situations for better insight into their level of adaptation, concept and calculation of predictive validity, qualifications, personality traits, aptitude and interest of teachers in one section of the syllabus. Another section provides an outline of the approaches of teaching, mainly humanistic in nature, changes and improvements in pedagogy, classroom behaviour, teacher-student interaction methods, students’ psychology and educational counselling techniques.