23rd September 2016, 12:58 AM
What is the eligibility criteria required to appear for GRE exam after completion of B.Tech 3rd year?
What is the eligibility criteria required to appear for GRE exam after completion of B.Tech 3rd year? Can you please guide me with the right information on the same? It will be really helpful if you can let me know the answer soon on this. Thank you.
23rd September 2016, 03:08 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria required to appear for GRE exam after completion of B.Tech 3rd year?
The Graduate Record Examination is called as GRE. The examination is conducted by ETS (Educational Testing Services). There are no specific eligibility criteria for GRE. The aspirant can register for the test irrespective of age and qualifications. So you are eligible for GRE after completion of B.Tech 3rd year. The GRE is useful for you to get admission in various universities in USA and other countries. |
23rd September 2016, 04:16 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria required to appear for GRE exam after completion of B.Tech 3rd year?
GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination. It is a standardised test that tests the candidate's Analytical Writing, Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Ability skills. There is no specific eligibility criteria required to appear in GRE examination. Anyone irrespective of age, educational qualification, etc., are eligible to appear in GRE examination. Since, you have completed your B.Tech 3rd year from a recognised university, you are eligible to appear in GRE examination.
23rd September 2016, 08:16 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria required to appear for GRE exam after completion of B.Tech 3rd year?
The acronym of GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination. The GRE examination is administrated by Educational Testing Service (ETS), this examination mainly tests the candidate's Analytical Writing, Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning skills.
The GRE examination is mostly taken by the candidates who wish to pursue Master's degree course in US universities. The validity of GRE examination is 5 years. No specific eligibility criteria such as qualification, age criteria, etc,. is not required to appear in GRE examination. As per the information you have provided in your query, you have completed your B.Tech 3rd year from a Government recognised university, so, you are eligible to appear in GRE examination. |
23rd September 2016, 11:08 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria required to appear for GRE exam after completion of B.Tech 3rd year?
GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination. There are no specific eligibility criteria for GRE Test. This examination is open for all candidates who are willing to pursue higher degree in abroad. |