GATE Papers
The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all-India examination with an objective to identify meritorious students to admission to Post Graduate Courses in Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Pharmacy, in reputed institutes of the country. It is conducted by the GATE Committee in eight zones all over the country. The Committee comprises of faculty from seven Indian Institutes of Technology, and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, on behalf of Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India.
Details of the Exam:
The examination is of three hours duration and consists of a single paper. The paper is divided in two sections. The first section is objective type and caries 75 marks. The second section is problem type and also carries 75 marks. So the total is 150 marks.
The subject of the choice is to be opted and prepared according to the syllabus given the GATE brochure. There are many subjects including Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering., Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation Engineering and also subjects like Physics, Mathematics etc.
The students who qualify will get an all India rank and their percentile score will be indicated. Candidates scoring below 70 percentile will not get any score card.
GATE scores are valid for 2 years. One may reappear in the exam if one is not satisfied with the score and the new score, if it is better than the old one, will be used for admission purpose.
From 2010, GATE exam will be conducted online also.
Download GATE Papers:
- GATE Mining Engineering Papers
- GATE Civil Engineering Papers
- GATE Chemistry Papers
- GATE Geology And Geophysics Papers
- GATE Mechanical Engineering Papers
- GATE Computer Science Papers
- GATE (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Papers
- GATE Agricultural Engineering Papers
- GATE Life Sciences Papers
- GATE Electrical Engineering Papers
- GATE Engineering Sciences Papers
- GATE Instrumentation Engineering Papers
- GATE Mathematics Papers
- GATE Aerospace Engineering Papers
- GATE Physics Papers
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respected sir,
i am preparing for my gate exams.gate 2011. please send me the previous 10 years question papers with detailed solution for mathematics
respected sir,
i am preparing for my gate exams.gate 2011. please send me the previous 10 years question papers with detailed solution for mathematics at my email id [email protected]
I am preparing for gate exam 2011, plz send me the previous year’s question papers with solutions urgently.
sir i need 2010 gate question with explianed answer
pls, I am attending for GATE for first time, i need TO KNOW THE books for which i should reffer to, i am from MECHANICAL STREAM,
and previous year question papers with solutions, so pls help me out , any information kindly mail to my email ID
I should question paper 2010 of gate exam
respected sir,
i am preparing for my gate exams.gate 2011. please send me the previous 5 years question papers with detailed solution for mechanical engineering at my email id [email protected]
i want pharmacy question paper.
pls send me 10 years gate previous paper
i am a student of 3 year computers interested in areas like embedded systems ,electrmagnetism and communication side..tell whether i should write ece gate or cse gate..
sir i need previous 10 years question papers of gate electrical can you plz help.
what is the minimum percentile in GATE to get a chance to admission in iisc,iit.
respected sir,
i am preparing for gpat-2010 exam.could you please send me last 10 years question papers with answers and explanation.please give me reply immediatly sir..
please send me course of maths for gate-2011
respected sir,
i am preparing for my gate exams.gate 2010. please send me the previous 4 question papers with detailed solution for electronics and communication at my email id [email protected]
please mail me 10 years production & industrial question paper ,with answer.
i need gate question papers for last ten years
plz send me question paper with answers of GATE 2010 of
sir,pls send me gate syllabus for IT stream ans last 10 years gate papers with solutions. am really thankful to u sir.
respected sir/mam
i am the student of computer i need last ten years q. papers for prepration of gate .so please send via email.
please send me course of mechanical engineering for gate-2011
I’hv completed M.Sc biotechnology. am planning to do and phd. So, Could you please send me some recent model question papers for gate? am very thankful if you give me any idea/suggestion regarding GATE exam.
plz send me GATE Aerospace Engineering papers
i want question from pharmacology
plz send me last ten year gate question paper with the ans i really thankful
plz send me last ten year gate question paper with the ans i really thankful
sir i want to know the best coaching of gate of mechanical in bhopal
plz send me question paper with answers of GATE 2010 of
i am studying b.pharm final year i want gpat model papers free downloads where i can find plz give this information to my mail
i need any book for gate biotechnology exam .
I need detailed syllabus of GATE in computer science & engineering course and also the past years question papers with solutions
i nEed GATEpapers
i need gate question papers for last ten years
Pls some one can provide address of coaching center for Production engg in Bangalore & pune
from where i can get recent gate2010 question paper
please forward the link
sir ,plz send me gate previous entrance paper for architecture planning,minimum last ten years paper……….
from where i can get recent gate2010 question paper
please forward the link
i am doing my mca degree from chandigarh engineering college mohali ,punjab. i want to do in computer science, so, i want to start my prepration for GATE. PL send me last 10 year GATE paper including the GATE 2010 paper of computer science.
i request you please send me gate question paper 2010 for computer science.
please send me the question paper for gate 2010 biotechnology
plz help me to prepare gate exam.plz send me previous question papers sir.
sir please send me the question paper for gate 2010 biotechnology
i request you to send me 2010 solved question paper for EEE & EIE branches.hoping you for a quick response.
can u provide me with gate previous years question paper for biotechnology….
i am preparing for2011 gate exam .so i request to
sent 10 year question paper for ECE branch
i am preparing for2011 gate exam .so i request to
sent 10 year question paper for ECE branch.
good evening sir.I m a computer science student of BPUT,odisha.
I m preparing for gate 2011.I request u to plz send the 2010
gate question and solution to me through my e-mail.
dear sir/madam
i want to give exam first in amie sec-A. so i need some previous year solved paper.
plz send me the gate 2010 solved papers for life sciences
sir i am prepairing gpat2010 please guide me yhank you sir.
what is the solution of gate paper in physics 2010
Dear sir/madam
I am interested to apply Online Gate Examination in (IT) for next available date. Pls Give me the schedule for the same..
sir or madam
i want electrical and electronics question and answer
plz send me 10 year question papers with solutions for computer science.
i am a student of computer science engineering..i want to do in areas like embedded systems,wirelesss communications or vlsi…should i write ece gate or cse gate for eligibility…will it trouble much in the preparation of gate..please help me
sir, will you please send me previous XE gate papers with solutions?
Sir I need paper solution of GATE 2010 of mathematics subject. Pls send me solutions via email.
I am interested to appear Gate (EC) for next available date exam. Which are important dates for submission of application form? When it will beannounced?
Please supply me last five years test papers for EC.
sir…. plz send the sample papers of biotechnology
plz send me 10 year question papers with solutions for computer science branch
i want gate2010 biotechnology paper with solution.
so please provide me solution of biotechnology paper
I am preparing for 2011 gate exam. so I want gate previous 10 years question papers for computer science(CS) branch as early as possible.please I kindly request you.
Hello my self Imran persuing 3rd year from electronicst n communication branch want information whether problematic part will also have choices or not n previous gate papers of 2005 to 2009 of ECE thanks
i am preparing for2011 gate exam .so i request to
sent 10 year question paper for ECE branch.
As my speed for solving any exam is very slow so please give me suggestions how I could increase my speed & what steps should I take. Please give me suggestions so I could not face any hurdles in GATE xams.I ‘ll be very Thankful to U sir..
plz send me 2010 electrical paper of gate and previous question papers
i need last 10 years question papers of gate for electrical engineering….please send me the papers….i have searched a lot….but i m nt able to get…please help me out…it will be a great help…thank you
Sir I am preparing for GATE 2011 in Electrical engineering and for that I want the GATE papers of previous GATE EE papers. So if possible sent me paper set or any material..
Thanking you…
i am preparing for 2011 GATE exam..for this purpose i want to get 10 years qstion papers with solution for computer science branch..plz send this in my mail id.i kindly request u…
I am preparing for 2011 gate exam. so I want gate previous 10 years question papers for computer science(CS) branch as early as possible.please I kindly request you.
sir can u plzzzzzzzzzzzzz send me last 2 years gate question papers urgently
sir…. plz send the sample papers of biotechnology
please send me gate paper set for production and industrial engineering.
i tried to find out but i didn’t get it. pls send it as early as possible on my email address.
I want to know what type of aptitude questions can be expected in gate 2010 exam.
sir i want gate previous 10 years papers with solutions for Information Technology(IT)branch plz as early as possible
i need the solved previous 5 years question papers of instrumentation engineering.plz send it 2 my mail.
I want to know what type of aptitude questions can be expected in gate 2010 exam.
sir i want gate previous 10 years papers with solutions for Information Technology(IT)branch plz as early as possible
I want to know what type of aptitude questions can be expected in gate 2010 exam.
sir i want gate previous 10 years papers with solutions for (EEE)branch plz as early as possible
sir please send me the pattern of aptitude questions in gate and solutions of gate papers 2002-2008 only correct options.
Could you please send me the previous Chemistry questions with answers and with explations
I want to know what type of aptitude questions can be expected in gate 2010 exam.
sir i want gate previous 10 years papers with solutions for (ECE)branch plz send me on my email id
last 10 year gate solution papers please send me
i want last 5 year gate exam paper of IT
hello sir,
i need 10 years old gate papers of CSE department
please send to my email_id
sir i need gate 2010 question paper pattern and its weitage.. sir i also need any 8 solved gate question papers for computer science department which was useful for my exam..
i am preparing gate2010 so i want to previous 5years paper plz sent me with solved paper
sir, could u please send me sample paper of gate for biotechnology.which books should better for me for prepration
plz send me answer key and solutions for gate CSE year 1998 to 2009
could u pleaze mail me gate papers with solutions of last 18 years
I want to know what type of aptitude questions can be expected in gate 2010 exam.
sir i want gate previous 10 years papers with solutions for Information Technology(IT)branch plz as early as possible
I need previous 5 years question papers of GATE for mechanical engineering. plz send me on my email id
Could you please send me the previous life science questions with answers and with explations
Sir, am prepare for 2010 GATE and need last 10 year question paper with there solution of electrical engineering please send that on my id thanku
i need last 10 years question papers instrumentation(IN)
i want previous GATE solved question papers for me entrance exam for computerscience and engineering.
please sent me gate paper set for production and industrial.
i tried to find out but i didn’t get it. pls sent it as early as possible.
i need previous year gate papers with solution…
plz send it soon
pl send life science last years papers on my mail,i have applied for 2010 gate exam
plz send life science last year papers on my mail
Sir,i want to appear for gate 2010 i dont have the chemistry section H of life science-XL last years papers,pl send me on my mail,i will be grateful to u,plz help me sir
Plz….send me previous year GATE(Physics) question papers and solutions….
Plz….send me previous year GATE(Physics) question paers and solutions….
I want last 5years previous question papers of information technology (IT) please send to my mail id please
friends my name is jameson. i am a cse student.can any of you could just forward me some model papers and previous gate papers? plzzzzzzzzzzzz…..
i want all the details of preparation of gate exam and study centres in chennai
sir, cn u pls send me the previous 10 yrs exams paper of GATE in CIVIL ENGG.
ece previous questions & answers
I completed M.C.A and now i want to do m tech(gate-2011) in computer science. Please send me the process notification, examination date, how to apply, syllabus, previous years question papers and complete material of gate exam…..
I want Biotechnology gate previous papers
sir, could u please send me sample paper of gate for biotechnology.which books should better for me please send all information on my email id.
sir, could u please send me sample paper of gate for biotechnology.which books should better for me for prepration.
sir, could u please send me sample paper of gate for biotechnology.which books should better for me for prepration
i want previous 10 year gate question papers with solutions at my email id as soon as possible
I want previous question papers of computer science please send to my mail id plzzzzz [email protected]
I need previous year question papers for electrical engineering
how to prepere gate exam. Iam studying IIcse
can i get exact structure of gate paper for information technology
I want previous question papers of computer science please send to my mail id plzzzzzz
i want gate pepers last5 yers with solution for chestry branch,plz send me
please send me solutions of previous years gate papers.
i will be greatful to you. please help me SIR
plz send me mechanical gate material its urgent
i study in 4th sem B.E. in computer engineering.i want to info about when preparatiion of this exam start .how do preparation of this exam do,which book should refer& i want to know that is it tuff like CAT & what is diffrence between exam paper of GCET & CAT.
I have applied for GATE 2010 so please send me 10 years question papers of chemistry.
I am studying my of eee(electrical and electronicr engineering). I preparing for gate 2010. Please send me the previour papers of gate electrical engg.
only technical question will be asked?
Respected sir,
i am preparing for my gate exams.gate 2010. please send me the previous 10 question papers with detailed solution for electrical and electronics at my email id [email protected]
i need previous year cs gate question papers
respected sir,
i am preparing for my gate exams.gate 2010. please send me the previous 10 question papers with detailed solution for Instrumentation Engineering at my email id
respected sir,
i am preparing for my gate exams.gate 2010. please send me the previous 10 question papers with detailed solution for instrumentation engineering at my email id.
i applied for gate. i want previous year question papers for production and industrial engineering.
Sir i want question papers of previous 5 years gate exam with solution.
I wanted to know what type of aptitude questions can be expected in gate 2010 exam.
sir i want gate previous 10 years papers with solutions for chemistry(CY)branch.
hello sir,
m preparing for gate 2010 in instrumentation engg…plz send me some previous question papers n some sample que papers..
plz send me previous 10 year question papers with solutions of electrical engg.
i want model papers
how prepare gate 2010 exam and please give me 10 previous years gate papers with solution
i applied for gate in biotech,so i want model question paper on biotechnology
what type of aptitude question will come?
can i get few sample papers with solution for mechanical?
i need at least 5 years gate question’s very urgent.
i applied for gate2010 . so i want one model question paper.
I wanted to know what type of aptitude questions can be expected in gate 2010 exam.
plz send me 10 years quesation papers with solutions
sir i want gate previous 10 years papers with solutions for ECE branch
I am preparing for gate 2010 in Textile Technology.Therefore I am requesting you to please send me previous year question paper and if required send some sample questions for Textile Technology.
Thanking you.
Rajesh Kumar
I want previous question papers of computer science please send to my mail id [email protected]
my branch is civil engineering,but i want to do my in agriculture tell me which books do i need to refer
respected sir,
i am preparing for my gate exams.gate 2010. please send me the previous 10 question papers with detailed solution for electronics and communication at my email id [email protected]
sir , i wnt to prepare 4 the GATE 2010 chemistry exam.csn u send me d previous years question papers including solutions 2 my e mail id…………… plz ……
i want to prepare for the GATE 2010 plz send me previous year question papers with solutions of life sciences on my emal.
I;l be thankful to you.