List of Biotechnology Entrance Exams
Bio-Technology is a subject that is research oriented. It is a combination of technology and biology. There are lots of Indian colleges that offer students with biotechnology courses at postgraduate as well as graduate level of education. As to get admitted into these programs, the students need to appear for an entrance exam that is set by the college or university. Given below is a list of entrance exams in Biotechnology.
List of Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- AIIMS Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Alagappa University M.Sc Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- All India Biotechnology Entrance Examination
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences Biotechnology Entrance Examination
- Amity Institute of Biotechnology Entrance Examination
- Anna University Biotechnology Entrance Examination
- Banaras Hindu University M.Sc Biotechnology Entrance exam
- Bharathiyar University Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Central University Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Christian Medical College Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Combined Biotechnology Entrance Examination (CBEEE)
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Environment, Goa University Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Common Entrance Test
- Himachal Pradesh University M.Sc Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai JAM Biotechnology entrance exam
- Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi JAM Biotechnology entrance exam
- Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Jamia Hamdard University M.Tech Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Combined Biotech Entrance Examination
- Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Jawaharlal Nehru University Combined Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Kakatiya University Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Karnataka University Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Kasturba Medical College PG Medical Entrance Exam
- Kurukshetra University Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Madurai Kamaraj University Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- MS University of Baroda Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- Osmania University M.Sc Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- University of Delhi Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- University of Madras M.Sc Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- University of Mysore M.Sc Biotechnology Entrance Exam
List of courses available in Biotechnology
- Advance Diploma in Biotechnology
- B.E. Biotechnology
- B.Sc. Biotechnology
- B.Sc. Biotechnology (Hons.)
- B.Sc. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
- B.Tech. Biotechnology
- B.Tech. Industrial Biotechnology
- Biotechnology Training
- Diploma in Biotechnology
- Diploma in Industrial Biotechnology (Correspondence/ Distance Education)
- Integrated Dual Degree (B.Tech./M.Tech.) in Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
- M.B.A. Biotechnology
- M.E. Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- M.E. Biotechnology
- M.Phil. Biotechnology (Correspondence/ Distance Education)
- M.Phil. Biotechnology
- M.S. Applied Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Agricultural Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Biotechnology (Correspondence/ Distance Education)
- M.Sc. Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Biotechnology (Integrated)
- M.Sc. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
- M.Sc. Coastal Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Industrial Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Marine Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Medical Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Nanobiotechnology
- M.Tech. Biotechnology
- M.Tech. Industrial Biotechnology
- M.Tech. Nanobiotechnology
- M.V.Sc. Animal Biotechnology
- Ph.D. Biotechnology
- Post Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Correspondence/ Distance Education)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology
- Post Graduate Diploma in Pharma Biotechnology
Application procedure for the Biotechnology Course
The application form for the exam can be obtained from the university counter. The same could be downloaded from the official website of the university too. After filling in the form, the students must dispatch the form to the concerned address without any delay.
- List of Bioinformatics Entrance Exams
- Application forms for various M.Sc in Biotechnology Entrance Exams
- List of Plant Biology Entrance Exams
- Bio technology course after 12th
- Post Graduate level Courses in Biotechnology
- How to prepare for M.Sc. in Biotechnology Entrance Exam?
- Biotechnology Courses
- Application Forms for various M.Sc in Biotechnology Entrance Exams
- List of M.Sc Food Science Entrance Exams
- Courses in Biotechnology after 12th
- List of Microbiology Entrance Exams
- List of Genetic Engineering Entrance Exams
- List of Neuro Biochemistry Entrance Exams
- List of PhD in Biotechnology Entrance Exams
- Biotechnologist - How to become a Biotechnologist?
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81 Responses to “List of Biotechnology Entrance Exams”
please tell me Msc & Mtech biotechnology in medical colleges?
I want to be a college lecturer or professor in botechnology.
Can u advice me on which should i take up n for that very course wat exams should i give.
sir,i am studying bsc final in biotech. which exams are useful after bsc biotech in India.
sir,i am studying Sr.inter.i am interested in biotecnology.please tell me about entrance exams&institutes.
respected sir;
please cn i get the list of pg courses in biotechnology??
which enterance exams should i attend for getting admissn in top colleges in pg bitechnology???
what should i opt to do research in biotechnonlgy??
what is the scope of bio technology & which type of job will get aftr done this course & its basics salary
sir,i am studying final bsc bio tech.what are the examinations for msc&phd bio tech and syllabus for bio tech.tell what books i wil read.
Which exams are useful after BSc biotech in maharashtra?
is there any entrance exam to get admission in bsc biotech in any of government college in india
respected sir/madam,
i am pursuing my bachelors in biotechnology, biochemistry & microbiology in Mysore university…please help me a way out to choose which of the above mentioned course to select in M.Sc so that i have a good scope and high earning jobs
plz tell me what can i achive after bt
i m last year student of biotechnology i will do in future something new in veternary field but i dont know about these field…………….so give me some info.
sir want proper information about the application forms
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have some doubt on KBAT-2013 exam conducted by Biotechnology Finishing School (BTFS), Karnataka. What is the scopes and opportunities of this exam? Is this exam genuine and authentic?
Waiting for your valuable reply.
May i know the list pg diploma courses for biotechnology students.
sir i wanna know dat what is future scope of biotech in india.plz reply me
for getting admitted in ggs indraprastha university under biotechnology( dual degree, i am to go through common entrance test which i come to know from web site of the said university. now my question is that which authority conduct the said exam and the time of applying for the test.
moreover from web, i come to know that JNU conduct an examination for admission in different colleges in biotechnology, is the exam for or for
in both the cases please let me know when and how to apply for tests and is there any exam. center in kolkata.
with regards,
what are b tech biotechnology entrance exams in india and what are thier last date to fill applications
hello sir
Im more intersted in research field,would it be right to opt for biotechnology and is there better scope for it and does it inciudes mathematics and i cant go with maths so which entrance exams should i prefer ??????
hello sir
i am biotech 2nd year student i want to do in biotecnology from any iit college so plz guide me and tell me addmission procces for in iit college and what are the sellery we can got aftter complete and what are the future in biotechnology
respected sir,
‘m doin ma 4th sem Bsc in BtBM( biotecnoloy,Biochemistry n MicrobioloGy).n ‘v thinkin t do my Msc in Biotec. n i dono how t tak compitativ exams N in wat??.. so,plzz could u help me out from dis… plzz refer some enteranc o compitativ exams..
I am a class 12th science student. I have Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths as my subject. Which career options are suitable for me??
sir is b tech in biotechnology better than bsc in biotechnology?
Is cet exams necessary to get admission for b tech?
could you give me a list of colleges in mumbai and mangalore that are good for doing B tech in biotehnology?
please do reply…soon
What kind of preparation should I have for biotechnology course entrance?
which entrance exam among the ISEET/NEET should i write after 12th to persue an admission in good &reputed biotech college?Or are there any other exams specially for biotechnology cources???????

a confused student.
what should be the rank to get seat for top ten collages in india
Result of enterance exam result 2012.
i am studing “be” in computers but i am interested in biotech is there any exam for me to do research .
last date for filling for B TECH BIOTECHNOLOGY COURSE DEGREE
Im interested to do M.Tech. So im in need for the entrance exam which provide me a way to universities where they offer me Biotech or integrated Ph.D program.
I require it as soon
sir i need to MSc biotechnology entrance exam date please send to my gmail id
i want to know the dates of msc biotechnology entrance exam in calcutta university
hi i want to MSc entrance exam in biotechnology
i want the exam date for msc integrated course after inter
im doing bs.c biotechnology final year now i want to do my PG as msc.biotech in this academic year , so i need proper informations about the date of entrance examination for MS.C biotechnology for current academic year…… thanking you
Hello sir,
Now i’m doing final year of biotech..and i’m interested in horticulture but also i want to do M.B.A so what can i do and which enterance exam i’m preffer?
hi sir,i jst completed my biotech,i want to do mtech in biotech through entrance exam,so plz sir mail me the details of best colges for that corse..
hello sir, I completed my 12 with science. i just want to do biotech… so plz let me know imp forms & their dates plz…
hi i want to persue my phd biotech in mysore university can you suggest me the scope of phd programme
If there is any goodcollege with direct admission den plz let me know!
Im doing B.Tech Biotechnology,rite nw im in pre final yr.Can yo plz tel me abt M.B.A in Biotechnology?
I m doing 3rd yr B.Tech industrial biotechnology.
I hv no idea abt wat to do nxt.My parents wer not ready to spend for my higher studies even though i wish to do my PG.
So i depend totally on the merit opportunity.can yo plz say me wat are all entrance v r eligible to write nw.
sir, i am completed B pharmacy and i m doing a job now.i want the list of colleges for industrial biotechnology in distance education.
sir, i complete my 12 science , i want admission to the biotech how and where i can fill application form
pleaes tell me imp dates and colleges names
sir, now i am in biotech 2nd yr. what kind of jobs are there in biotech field.
i m a student of cl xii (pcb)….. and after this i want to sit in the entrance exam of biotechnology…. bt m findin some problem….. what should i do????
now am studying advance zoology and bio- technology can i apply marine bio-technology then apply anythin biotechnology course’s there ??
wat exam to write for doing biotechnology in iit madras?
i want to do msc medical biotechnology…is it have any job or scope?
hey i am alisha studying in 12 doing medical… i want to knw that can i give biotechnologz exam if yes den which exam??/
Hi, i’m suriya.. i’m in last yr B.Scbiotech.. i want to do my in the university which is located in tamilnadu.. i need information about the fees structure and entrance exam dates for all universities….
Hi, i’m shikha.i’m in last yr of applied life sc.i want my in biotechnologz.can u suggest me which brach of biotech is right for me
Iam a 12th appearing student in 2012 and i want to built up my carrer in biotechnology/B.E in biotech.Can u suggest me the entrance exams in this feild.
Sir,in future which field gives more oppertunities either biotechnology either biochemistry.
dear sir,
i m a bsc biotech student 3 rd year,i want 2 knw about the fee structure of msc medical biotechnology in AIIMS college and other colleges of india and what are the job oppurtunities after completion of course in government as well as in private companies. please inform me about other courses and entrance exams dates.
thank you.
information aaout the dates for the msc biotechnology entrance exam.
Can we do biotechnology through engineering?if yes what are the entrance exams that we need to give?which are the best engineering colleges for biotechnology in India? what are the masters degrees that i can do?
i have completed my 12th.iam interested in please provide information regarding some universities offering courses related to biotech
i m doing bsc biotech final year. which is more beneficial msc biotech or msc micro or any other stream? can u send me msc scholorship forms details and msc entrance exam details of india and of south india.
i m doing bsc biotech. which is the better option msc biotech or msc biochem or msc microbio? i m confused. plz help me who’s demand is more. can u send some msc scholorship forms and msc entrance exam details on my mail.
M Seerat….persuing Msc in Biotechnology from Panjab University…my further plans are to undergo Phd program in biotechnology only…kindly suggest me some tips that how can i get into Phd program after completing my Masters…also do suggest me Good universities for this..
Thank you.
What are the job opportunites in public sector aftr completing master degree in plant biotech besides teaching lines???
..Waiting for ur rply
hi myself Ajay now I am for third year of biotechnology in NMU Jalgaon I want to do Msc in pune university so please provide the entrance exam date and what is the base of Msc in marine biotechnology
I want to pursue in M.Sc. Biotechnology.
What is scope after qualifying the said course.
what i the scope for doing Ph.d there after.
is the Jamia Hamdard University, delhi a centre aided Uniersity
or otherwise lindly specify full details
what is the scope of marine biotechnology ? Is there any future of marine biotechnology?
i want to know from where do i get the prospectus for the application of the course or will it be online if yes then on which site
hiranmay malik
What is the procedure of taking the diploma in industrial biotechnology and nano biotechnology?
hi plz give me the syllabus for biotechnology entrance exam of jnu unv
The scope for biotech is more in india or in abroad? N in wich city or rather country?
Am a graduate of animal science in a Nigerian university with 2nd class honours and am currently lecturing with a polytechnic. I want to enroll into any of your biotech falculties; what do I need to do and how do I go about it? Thanks in anticipation to your reply.
Kanai E. Thomas
i p.sardha rani bearing application no 420039 have not yet receieved hall ticket
Hi….plz provide me the date of entrance exam Mumbai Uni ,pune uni , Mohanlal Sukhodia University(rajsthan)….
i am a student of +2.can i get of biotechnology now?which is avaiable now?
i finished my +2 exams in this year.i want to take any courses in biotechnology.what is the difference between , and b. tech biotechnology and what course i am eligibie can i apply for next enterance exams.
what are the career prospects of biotechnology and which field is better for me?
can i get form of biotechnology now?
Which form is available now?
I M +2 sc student result will be got at may last
what are the career prospect of B,pharma and which is better MBA OR M Pharma jobs placementwise