NET Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations (Paper II) Papers


The National Eligibility Test or NET is conducted by the University Grants Commission. The students who are appearing for this exam get plenty of subjects to appear for this exam. Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations paper in one such paper.

Time and Total marks

The exam is of 100 marks and the time allotted for this test is 1¼ minutes.

Number of questions

There are 50 questions in the question paper.

Paper Pattern

The question paper of Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations is a 1¼ hour exam. There are 50 questions in the question paper, each carrying 2 marks. All the questions are objective type questions. With each question four alternatives are given, out of which only one is correct. Students are to mark their answers on the OMR answer sheet provided. Use of only ball point blue/black pen is allowed. The question paper is provided in both Hindi and English. There are some questions based on a passage given. Other questions may include match the following types and fill in the blanks. There is no negative marking in the exam. Thus the students should attempt all the questions; this will help them score good marks in the exam. Students should go through the entire syllabus thoroughly.

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4 Responses to “NET Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations (Paper II) Papers”

  1. 4

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