New Phase of Education in Engineering


The general education scenario in the country has been undergoing tremendous changes .The need and value of education among people has always been on rise, but on the other hand there is a growing awareness among students regarding the different courses that are available and the career prospects in that regard.

The courses which are available may be professional courses, management related courses or else it also includes technical education. In any area, which ever college that a student is applying there are some basic points which one must be careful while choosing the college. This article takes a look at some of those points.

Building a Career in a specific Field

Doing or choosing the right course after the intermediate is very mandatory since the professional career begins from the course which has been taken and it also plays a vital role in beginning the professional life. Under graduate courses are offered in a wide range of subjects. One can build his career in any streams such as Science, Commerce, Arts, non-medical etc .Also important may be the duration of the above courses which may be short term, part time, job oriented courses which may also vary according to a particular stream.

Choosing a College which best fits in for you

The college search doesn’t have to begin and end with the nature and the name brand. There are many institutions out there to choose from — some known and some less known. While choosing a particular course / college for enhancing the educational qualities, numerous factors are predominant.

Why you are going – One need to carefully examine ones need as well as interest and what are the strength’s or abilities. The people who know you best can help you in taking decisions.

Its size which matters – The College does not have to be bigger than your high school.

Brand name of college will not ensure success to oneself. Choosing a college because your friends are going there or because of where it ranks on a list does not really matter who you are and who you will become. College is a match to be made, not a prize to be won. Finding a good match requires time and thoughtfulness.

Another important scenario all around the country is that majority of the students are after engineering courses. When we analyze the current scenario we can observe that the number of colleges particularly in Kerala is increasing. As a result the total numbers of seats also have been rising on a good scale which opens in opportunities for the students. But on the other hand an issue of making the correct choice from these is going to be something very difficult task. In Kerala, the government is clubbing with the engineering colleges to provide the right opportunity to the candidates but the challenge lies how to choose from the whole lot.

As far as the criteria’s for choosing an apt college, it may vary from one person to another. There are numerous factors which help in selecting the correct institution which may involve checking the past history of academic records of the college, the management structure, the total number of seats which are available, the number of years of existence of the college, the environment and the values that the college provides in, fee structure, student community, faculties, affiliation to universities and accreditation of the college and overall the brand name of the college, infrastructure facilities, accessibility to the candidates etc.

Apart from these general parameters the most significant one is the opportunities for campus placements in the college which is going to be selected.

Very few give importance to all these factors while opting a college. Majority of them opt for a college which has an overall opinion. A student has to carefully analyze if not all the factors but to the least main factors because the whole phase of his life or academics depends upon the institution which he/she chooses. The very nature or personality of the students are developed or based on the environment which he deals in.

Engineering Course – Overview

The engineering colleges in Kerala are of different types where in we have Government College, government aided colleges, self financing colleges, NIT, and private self financing college. The NIT falls in to all of a separate genus. When we analyze each of them carefully the government colleges have a strong base in the case of Infrastructure facilities which wholly depends on the number of yeas of it existence.

In case of self financing colleges, the facilities are immense even though they are government controlled. These colleges involve managements in different juncture, the one which involves minority groups, NRIs etc. The high performance of a particular college depends not on its age but on its vision and its facilities and performance.

What ever the criteria’s may be involved in choosing an engineering college, the majority of these institutions will not have significant factors such as performance records as well as placement facilities. Hence a careful scrutiny should be done in case of college selection as the number of these institutions is increasing rapidly. The personal vision of a student is directly related to the institution that he chooses. The institution should be capable of providing all the facilities needed by a student. If on the other hand if they don’t get what they expect it will affect them in all aspects. Hence in order to prevent that, one should adopt the necessary steps.



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One Response to “New Phase of Education in Engineering”

  1. 1
    Chittaranjan Dandapat:

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