Principal, PGT and Trained Grad Teacher, Atomic Energy Education Society
Profile of the society: It was started in the year 1969 and since then it has grown steadily. The main aim is to provide quality education to the children. It runs 30 schools/ junior colleges at 16 different locations in the country. It provides excellent facilities to the students and staff which is the benchmark of this society.
Job Profile: The role of a principal will be to manage various activities of and in the institution and control the decorum of the institutions. The teachers will be responsible for teaching and providing quality knowledge to the students. Their main aim will be to inculcate various interests and explore the interests of the students.
Eligibility: The candidates must be Indian nationals. The age limit for the principals is 50 years, for PGT it is 40 years and for TGT it is 35 years. However, relaxation is available.
Educational qualification:
1. The education required for the post of Principal is a Master’s degree from a recognized University, B.Ed or equivalent teaching degree, teaching/administrative experience and the candidate must be among the persons holding analogous post OR posts of Principals in the scale of Rs.10000-15200 OR Vice-Principals in the scale of Rs.7500-12000 with combined service of 9 years as Vice-Principal and a PGT in which 6 years service as Vice- Principal and 3 years as Post graduate teacher OR Combined service of Vice-Principal and PGT with at least 10 years regular service or Persons holding posts of a PGT in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 (Pre-revised pay) or equivalent with at least 10 years regular service in the aforesaid grade.
Desirable: Knowledge of Computers
2. The education required for a PGT is B.Ed, MA, MSc, M.Com, B.E/B.Tech, PGDM, A level from DOEACC + PGDM in relevant field with relevant experience.
3. The Education required for a TGT is class X pass with 4-5 year diploma, XII pass with a 3 year diploma, B.Ed, BSc, BA, B.Tech etc in relevant field.
No. of posts: There are 52 posts in total which include 3 for Principal, 29 for PGT and 20 for TGT.
Pay scale: For principal - Rs15600-39100 + a grade pay of Rs6600
For PGT and TGT – Rs9300-34800 + a grade pay of Rs4200
Selection process: The candidates will be short listed on the basis of a written test and the short listed candidates will have to appear in skill test and an interview.
How to apply: The candidates are required to apply in the format on the website and send 2 copies of the application and a DD of Rs100 (in favor of AEES payable at Mumbai) to Chief Administrative Officer, AEES, Central Office, (AECS-6, western Sector), Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400 094 super scribing the post applied for on the envelope.
Last date for sending the applications is 31.07.09
For details visit
- Pay scale for PGT in Government Jobs
- Principal, Post Graduate Teacher, Punjab Adarsh Model Schools Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
- Pay scale for TGT in Government Jobs
- Teachers, Principal, Noida Greater Noida Education Society
- How to become Post Graduate Teacher in NCERT?
- Teachers, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
- Government jobs in Atomic Energy
- Principal, Trained Graduates Teachers, Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
- Eligibility Criteria for KVS PGT Recruitment 2013
- Principal, Post Graduate Teacher, Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
- Post Graduate Teacher, Assistant Teacher, Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board
- Technical Officer, Scietific Officer, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Rsearch
- Post Graduate Teachers, Trained Graduate Teachers, Kendriya Vidyalaya (Badarpur)
- Dr. K. S. Krishnan Research Associateship (KSKRA) - Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)
- Role of Nuclear Physics course in modern society
Do you have any question? Please ask:
102 Responses to “Principal, PGT and Trained Grad Teacher, Atomic Energy Education Society”
Please arrange to send me the Syllabus & the model set of question papers with their answer for PGT (Physics)& TGT (Maths/Science)examination of Atomic Energy Education Society. I have applied for PGT(Maths) and TGT(Maths/Science) teacher
Please let me know the exam pattern for PGT, TGT written exam of AEES
plz. send me syllabus for written test for computer science
I am sixtytwo years old having above thirty years of teaching experience. I am in search of a Principal’s job in India on the basis of my teaching experience.Presently, I am working in Bhutan. Is it possible to get the job of my choice? My present salary is Rs.28000/- per month.
sir’i done my hindi and M.ED with set at present i am working in D’TED COLLEGE having 1 year expirences can i get appointment through TGTandPGT enterance exam in AURANGABAD
when will be the enterance examination for the post of TGT and PGT for AECS for this year2012
please send me the result of the interview held on 14-11-2011
please send me syllabus of J.N.V. P. G.T. written exam ….
may i have syllabus for written test
pgt question paper for hindi teacher
i hv done msc in botany and b.ed
what options i can have to get a teaching job. which exams to b cleared and their details
i gat 4th rank in the 2010 pgt english list empanalled for the post. iam the only obc candidate in the subject. is there any chance for my appointment i have sent this que many times. pls send me reply. iam in a very pathetic condition. that is why i send this again. pls.
Dear Sir, My sister is appearing for this year PGT (botany) exam of adarsh teacher. Please send previous (10 Years) question papers.
kya jiskye hschool aur mei number sehi na ho per u.g aur p.g mei number sehi kya wo ker sekta hai
I have appeared preliminary exam in KV sangathan recruitment of 2011-12 PGT(Commerce). Please inform me result my roll No.1702160011 Reg No.16009011
Hi Dear,
Pls Tell me what is Last Rank & Marked in UP MSSCB Alld PGT/TGT Exam held in Feb 2010.
2. Pl send last year Q Paper of TGT HINDI/SS of Delhi SSB.
Mial id-
At present do you have any vacancy for PGT Hindi Post?
If possible please send the information about it.
Sir i want the syllabus of up pgt history,economics and up tgt social science syllabus kindly send on my
Sir/ Madam,
Please arrange to send me the model set of question papers with their answer for KVS, PGT & TGT examination (PT). I have applied for PGT(Economics) and TGT(Drawing) teacher.
With regards.
if possible please send the information about any teaching vacancy in AEES on my email id in future
is there ant PGT or TGT job in Public School in Jharkhand or in Bihar?
kindly send me the syllabus of psychology for pgt exam.
thank you
I want to know about the exam pattern and details in PGT computer science
kindly send me the relevant details.
I want to know what is the eligibility for PGT and what is the syllabus? plz reply me….I am waiting.
i got 4th rank in english pgt. i am the only obc candidate in pgt english.when can i get the appointment? is there any possiblity for recruitment?
i am 37 year old.can iapply for prt in school.when will the next exam of cental school be conduted in 2010
i am in 29th of my age …given BA II paper this year…looking for cureer in education line.plz guide
what type of question is asked in pgt computer sciencewhat is syabllus
what will be the format of proficiency/skill/aptitude test for the post of PGT in AEES
please send me previous paper of PGT Computer Science urgently
When I will receive appointment letter as I have selected as a PGT in computer science at 9th position in AEES?
sir i am a candidate of tgt english/sst i have been empanelled for the same as there are eight post and in the list my name is on the tenth place. so i want to know till when i will get my joining letter.
when is exam held forcomputer teacher for adarsh school
please!sir i want question paper of TGT and PRT exam………..
1,2paper…..sir please send me on my mail…………
I am Rahul Rastogi MSc.IT, Please Tell how can i get PGT forms (CS/IT), tell me a link or contact person
After selecting as a PGT in computer science what will be the next procedure?
when will be result of pgt aees? and how many vacancies for pgt maths
how can i fill the PGT/TGT form. i am completed M.A. with sociology from kanpur university in 2007. what is the procedure for preparing it. how can i beat PGT.
key of kaspersky
Iwant to appear in pgt and tgt with mathematics as asubject then shall we study any other subject(asG.K) THEN SEND ME THE the sample of that and of mathematics.
Where i get the result of principal post exam which held on 6th dec 2009
Please mail me the sample question paper for PGT Computer Science.
Exam result of oct 2009 for PGT
admait card for PGT entrance examination
what will be the format of proficiency/skill/aptitude test for the post of PGT in AEES?
sir/mam, i would like to know about total number of vacancies for tgt eng/ss
I want to know the syllabus of pgt examination with ancient history.
Hello Sir,
I want to know the interview process for PGT Computer by Automic Energy Education Society.
I would like to know more about the interview details of PGT in AEES schools.Please let me know the date of publishing results for the written test held on 21 /10/2009.
Thank you.
When can I get the results of PGT Recruitment examination of OCT 2009 ?
I would like to know the results of the exam of PGT and TGT conducted on Oct 2009. Please let me know the result
i want to know about result of tgt physical education exam witch was held oct. 2009
Please provide me the interview questions for PGT post in JNV as soon as possible,
I will be grateful of you.
Please prode me the Interview questions for the Post of PGT in JNV,I will be grateful of you.
My mail id:
I would like to know the results of the exam of PGT and TGT conducted on oct.2009. Please let me know the result.
i would like to know the sesults of the written exam of pgt for the atomic energy education society held in the month of oct. 21st 2009.
When will the result of written exam of PGT for Atomic Energy Commission come? What is the date of interview?
when will the result of PGT written exam of Atomic Energy Commission come? What is the date of interview?
why are the results of PGT test biology conducted on21st oct 2009 getting delayed? pls let me know the date of result publication.
please send me previous paper of PGT Computer Science urgently
when will be result of PGT and Trained Grad Teacher will declar
what is the portion for 9 std. annual as well as unit test-2 ?
when will be result of Principal, PGT, and Trained Grad Teacher will declar.
what is the result of pgt biology test conducted at mumbai on 21st oct 2009
when the result of TGT and PGT exam will be announced pls inform the date of interview.
I wanna know about the result of teachers selection held on 22,oct.2009. for PGT & TGT test and when will interview conducted.
I wanna know about the result of teachers selection held on 22,oct.2009. for PGT & TGT test and when will interview conducted.
i wanna know about the result of teachers selection held on 22,oct.2009. for PGT & TGT test and when will interview conducted.
I want to know date of result of entrance exam of PGT & TGT will be announced . Kindly also tell the interview date if already announced .
result of pgt bio and tgt bch
I want to know date of result of entrance exam of PGT & TGT will be announced . Kindly also tell the interview date if already announced .
I want to know date of result of entrance exam of PGT & TGT will be announced . Kindly also tell the interview date if already announced .
Plz inform me that whn will be result of test for the post of TGT bio/chem disply held on 22.10.2009.
please!sir i want question paper of TGT and PRT exam………..
1,2,3paper…..sir please send me on my mail…………
i want know about pgt exam
Please send me syllabus of written exam for PGT (Computer Science)
please let me know where we can get question paper of PRT of AEES and KVS
Automic Energy Education Society Model Questions for Post Graduate Teacher
PGT. foam in comepursly B.ED
sir, what is the syllabus for the post of art teacher? is the written test is on 22-10-2009?
sir plz give me syllabus of aees ricrutment of teaching posts tgt-hindi/sanskrit
what is the syllabas of TGT(Computer Science) for your enterenc exam?
Dear Sir/ Madem
please tell me ,which type of question asked in PGT or TGT computer teacher exam and what is the syllbus in AEES.
Nitin Sankhe
syllabus for PGT written test. Which type of question will be asked?
hi sir ,
I have applied for PGT (computer science) post .
I want to know about the exam pattern and duration
kindly send me the relevant details.
How to get the model question paper for computer subject in Aees exam
Which type of question is asked for PGT computer teacher exam and what is the syllabus for computer subject
please send me the current syllabus of written test pgt teacher (English) exam to be held on 22-10-09.
My wife had applied for the post of PGT (History) & TGT (Social Studies & English) in the month of June, 2009, but till date i havent received any information. kindly let me know the status of my wife’s application her name is Mrs Sandhya Ramakrishna Narve, MA, B.ED and her date of birth 18.08.1975.
sir plz give me syllabus of aees ricrutment of teaching posts TGT-sanskit& PGT-hindi
aees ke enterence exam hindi & sanskrit ka syllabus kahan milega
As i have applied for AEES PGT Exam, i wish to know the syllabus for all posts. As that page in ur site is disabled.
Dear Sir,
please tell me ,which type of question asked in PGT computer teacher exam and what is the syllbus.
plz inform me when will be held pgt entrance test which is going on september last
how to get model pgt question papers?
Will you send me the syllabus for the written exam. for the post of PGT-HINDI in Kendriya Vidyalay sangathan,plz ?
Sir plz tel me the correct date of PGT entrance date in UP.
sir iwould like to know evarything about pgt(last date of form ,last date of submission of form,cost of form,places related where the entrance will held,from where i can get form,date of entrance,scope of pgt,demand of pgt,subjects related to pgt,is it compulsary that there should be a particular subject in which we are specialized for pgt.which type of question came in entrance.
sir i really want all these information urgent i will be very thankful of you if you hrlp me please.
i want to know about the date of pgt (hindi) 2009
respected sir/madam
i would like to know whether their is any vacanies for TGT zoology/science. teacher who will be seleted has to join the school by which date. do u offer any part-time teacher faculity esp. for Hindi subject.
I would like to know the entrance test date of PGT exam
respected sir/madam
i would like to know whether their is any vacanies for TGT Hindi. teacher who will be seleted has to join the school by which date. do u offer any part-time teacher faculity esp. for Hindi subject.