Law Assistant, Stenographer, Railway Recruitment Board
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) is a departmental undertaking of the Ministry of Railways, Government of India. The main idea behind the establishment of the board was to have a body responsible for making recruitment in the Indian Railways on important government posts by the means of conducting competitive written examination as well as the personal interview session. The board has been successfull in performing all it operations in an efficient way.
Job Profile:
1. Recruitment of Stenographer:
Posts Availbale: 670 posts
2. Recruitment of Law Assistant:
Posts Availbale: 21 posts
3. Recruitment of Hindi Assistant:
Posts Availbale: 44 posts
4. Recruitment of Finger Print Examiner:
Posts Availbale: 4 posts
5. Recruitment of Senior Publicity Inspector:
Posts Availbale: 8 posts
6. Recruitment of Catering Inspector:
Posts Availbale: 1 post
7. Recruitment of Assistant Master:
Posts Availbale: 218 posts
8. Recruitment of Library Clerk:
Posts Availbale: 1 posts
Selection Procedure:
The selection preocedure for the above specified posts includes both the written examination as well as the personal interview session with the selection committee.
How to apply: An application fee of Rs. 60 in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Assistant Secretary of concerned RRB must be mailed alongwith the application forms in the prescribed format to the Assistant Secretary or Member Secretary of the concerned RRB where candidates are willing to apply.
Contact Details:
Government of India,
Ministry of Railways,
Railway Recruitment Board.
Last date for the application: 7 June 2010
For more information visit
- Government Jobs in Railway Sector
- Railway Recruitment Board, Chandigarh, Assistant Station Master Papers
- Assistant Station Master – How to become an Assistant Station Master?
- Railway Recruitment Board ASM Exam Papers
- Railway Recruitment Board, Bangalore, Assistant Station Master Papers
- Railway Recruitment Board, Bhubaneswar, Assistant Station Master Papers
- Railway Engine Driver – How to become a railway engine driver?
- Technician Grade-II, Technican Grade-III, Railway Recruitment Board
- Assistant Loco Pilot, Railway Recruitment Board
- Law Assistant – How to become a Law Assistant?
- Assistant Sub Inspector, Head Constable, Delhi Police
- Teacher, Assistant Teacher, DSSSB
- Trackman, Assistant Pointsman, Railway Recruitment Cell (Central Railway)
- Assistant Registrar, Stenographer Grade C/Court Master - National Green Tribunal, New Delhi
- Trasporter, Helper, Railway Recruitment Cell
Do you have any question? Please ask:
68 Responses to “Law Assistant, Stenographer, Railway Recruitment Board”
Syallbus of law assistan post in cen railway mumbai br
please send me model paper of law assisstant
Please provide the examination pattern of THE SENIOR PUBLICITY OFFICER, for RRB Patna.
please vacancy of Law Assistant in RRB And Sylabus
kindly inform the exam date of Hindi asst.,
Syllabus for Stenographer Enlish
I applied for the post of Stenographer Lower grade in 2008. now i got hall ticket for the written exam which is schedule to be held on 22 of this month. I therefor request you Please inform me about advertisement detailed published in the regards in 2008 and syllabus for the said exam
Sir, Please let me know when the vacancy of Law Assistant will be published in the RRB website and what is sylabus
What is the procedure for evaluating answer script of Law Officer’s Exam. Whether LL.B. qualification and legal experiences are urgently require for evaluating the answer script of DEPARTMENTAL LAW OFFICER’S EXAM.OF Railway. Please let me know in my said Email as quickly as possible along with citation of the Rules of Railway Board in connection with the above.
Kindly inform the exam date of hindi asst.,
Please inform me any vacancy related to law officer in railway,public sector,banks etc.
Next vacancy Stenographer in Railway and what is sylabus
Loco pilot
Sir, Please let me know when the vacancy of Law Assistant will be published in the RRB website.
Please give me exam date for stenographer.
Sir, Please let me know when vacancy of Law Officer will be published/departmentally circulated for the post of Law Officer in Central Railway ?
Sir, I am arvind chaturvedi of sagaruniversity university,want to apply for the post of law assistant,so plz send the exam date,syllabus and some model papers for the exam to mail address.
when held law assistant exams?
Respected sir,
when will be conducting exam of Hindi Assistant. kindly send the message to my mail or phone no.9989149034.
Please intimate me the date of stenographer exam
Please intimate me the date of stenographer exam
Sir, I Sneha jaiswal a student of calcutta university,want to apply for the post of law assistant,so plz send the exam date,syllabus and some model papers for the exam to mail address.
I have applied for the post of law assistant,
I have applied for the post of rrb Junior Stenographer (English) cen 08/2020. Kindly let me know tentative the exam date.
How I can apply for the post of
Respected sir,
I M.V.Lakshmi, applied for the post of hindi assistant, kindly send the exam date and syllabus to mail address.
Resoected sir,
I M.V.Lakshmi, applied for the post of hindi assistant, kindly send the exam date and syllabus to mail address.
G. Santoshi,
Now i want to apply in RRB for stenographer jobs. so, pls. send the update details for this job. my email address is
G. Santoshi, my email address is
Now i want to apply in RRB for stenographer jobs. so, pls. send the update details for this job.
how many questions are in rrb exam.
how to become a train ticket counter (ttc)
how much salory in ttc
what is the syllabus on ttc exam
I m already a booking clerk in central railway and wants to apply for law assistance how shall i apply for it
sir i want the details about locopilot & how attnd that exam..pls send the details in my id
As i have apply for the post of law assistant i wants to know about date of examination
I am applying for the post of law assistant in RRB. what is the date of written exam of railway Law Assistant? plse give me the syllabus for the exam for the post of Law Assistant in Railways. Plse also give previous question papers too.which books may i refer for entrance exam.
I want some model papers for the law assistant exams.
what is the shyllbus of senior publicity inspecter in rrb banglore.
Which book suitable for this post.
Pleaz,give me some model paper.
what is the date of written exam of railway Law Assistant? plse give me the syllabus for the exam for the post of Law Assistant in Railway. Plse also give previous question papers too.
I am applying for the post of law assistant in RRB. what is the date of written exam of railway Law Assistant? plse give me the syllabus for the exam for the post of Law Assistant in Railway. Plse also give previous question papers too.which books may i refer for entrance exam.
I want some model papers for the law assistant exams.
sandeep suryawanshi
Mob. 09890601057
What is the shyllebus in indian railway.
Which book u r recoment in this post?
Whait is the shyallbus for senior publicity inspector in indian railway?
Which book suitable for this post.
1-what is the shyllbus of senior publicity inspector in indian railway.
2-which book recoment for this post.
3-i am applying for this post in rrb banglore.
4-pleaz sent me some model paper last rrb exam
What is the shyallbus of senior publicity inspector in indian railway.
2-I am applying for this post in RRB Banglore.
3-which book reffer me in entrance examination.
4-I want some model paper for senior publicity inspector
what is the syllebus of publicity inspector in railway recruitment board ?
who books in this post ?
what is the date of written exam of railway Law Assistant? plse give me the syllabus for the exam for the post of Law Assistant in Railway. Plse also give previous question papers too.
please inform me syllabus for the exam for law assistant in RRB and also request you to provide previous solved question papers.
where is form of station master..and what type of qualification..
Plse inform me the syllabus for the exam for Law Assistnat in Railways and also the previous question papers
plse give me the syllabus for the exam for the post of Law Assistant in Railway. Plse also give previous question papers too.
what are the qualification of stenographer?
kindly inform me the syllabus of railway Law Assistant.
Q.1 what is the syllabus of Law
Q.2 work of law assistant?
what is the syllebus of publicity inspector in railway recruitment board ?
what is the date of written exam of stenographer hindi.
Good morning sir,
The post of law assistan in Indian Railways are treated as group C or group B. please explane.
what is the syllabus for the post of law assistants in the railway recruitment?
I am applying for the post of law assistant
which books may i refer for entrance exam.
I want some model papers for the law assistant exams.
hello sir , i am jitendra i know about law officer in railway . there are any vacancy in railway for this post if any vacancy then plz told me how to apply n what qualification required thanks sir
where is the application form for the post of stenographer in hindi and in both language????????/
where can i get the previous question papers of RRB Stenographer exams.
what are the subjects, knowledge of which are desireable for the post of Law Assistant
what is the syllabus for t he post of law assistants in the railway recruitment?
how and where to application for the post of law assistant
I am applying for the post of law assistant
which books may i refer for entrance exam.
what is the syllabus for t he post of law assistants in the railway recruitment?
hello sir,
what is the date of written exams of stenographer hindi
Good evening sir,
What is the last date sending application for rrb stenographer,
what is the syllabus for law assistant in railways
Muje Railway me Job ke Liy Kiya Karna hoga Mene 2010 me 12th ke Exam Diye hi
how to achiv a good gov. job?
i want some model papers for the rrb exams