Assistant Professor - cum-Junior Scientist - Bihar Agricultural University


Bihar Agricultural University came into existence in the form of Bihar Agricultural College and it was one among the six agricultural colleges that were established in the state of Bihar between 1906 and 1910. It is one among the important institution for agricultural research and education in India that came into existence on the 17th of August 1908.

Recruitment by Bihar Agricultural University:

Bihar Agricultural University invites application from eligible candidates for the position of Assistant Professor-cum-Junior Scientist.

Name of the position: Assistant Professor-cum-Junior Scientist

Number of Vacancies: Total number of Vacancies is 281, which is divided as follows:

Back Log Vacancies – 37 posts

Post to be filled by Agricultural Inspector/JTA/STA or equivalent – 12 posts

Current Vacancy – 232

Current vacancy is for different disciplines like Statistics (Fruit Res.), Soil Science& Agril. Chemistry,  Plant Pathology, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Mathematics, Nematology, Horticulture, Entomology, Botany & Plant Physiology, Biotechnology, Agronomy, Agril. Extension, Agricultural Engineering and Agricultural Economics.

Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get a pay scale of Rs.15600-39100+GP of Rs.6000

Eligibility Requirement:

Educational Qualification: For each of the above-mentioned departments, candidates should possess certain educational qualification, for detailed information about the same, visit

Application Fee:

The cost of Application of Rs.450 for General RCF/EBC/BC candidates and Rs.1500 for SC/ST candidates must be paid in the form of DD drawn in favor of Comptroller, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour from the State Bank of India, Sabour Branch.

How to apply:

Application form in prescribed format as given in the website of university, should be sent along with DD for the required amount should be sent with self-addressed envelope of 27×19 cm size with a stamp worth Rs.27 should be sent to the following address before the 15th of July 2011

Officer-in-Charge (Recruitment),

Bihar Agricultural University,



Last date to apply: 15th of July 2011

For detailed advertisement issued by the Bihar Agricultural University for this position, candidates can visit



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