IETE ALCCS Database Management Systems Papers


IETE ALCCS Database Management Systems course is by the colleges that teach electronics engineering as well as information technology or computer engineering. It is included such that any engineer may have a thorough knowledge of databases. The database management systems make sure that every engineer is well versed in this subject as well.

Importance of the paper

The fundamentals are taught such that top recruiters may prefer those engineers over others. IT has a total of 60 hours devoted to it excluding any lab work that maybe needed for learning of SQL.


The format of the paper is very simple and is created for the proper representation of each module in the paper based on weightage. It has a compulsory question of 28 marks and 4 more optional 18 mark questions. This makes the total stand at maximum marks of 100.  Hence one must attempt 5 questions overall.

Paper pattern

The paper carries weightage for each module according to the number of hours provided in the syllabus.  The paper includes ER model, SQL, normalization, basics of DBMS, relational algebra and normal forms too.


The paper is marked such that the first compulsory question carries 28 marks and the 4 optional ones carry 18 marks. The total marks are 100. An overall of 5 questions has to be attempted by an examinee.


The paper has to be completed by 3 hours.

Recommended books

The books needed to master this subject are Database System Concepts by: Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Fundamentals of Database Systems by Elmasri and Navathe, Database Management System by Raghu Rama Krishnan

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