IISc 2011 Integrated PhD.


Indian Institute of Sciences is a premier institute in the field of science and engineering. The institute was established in the year 1909 and has a glorious past associated with it. IISc is a highly reputed institute with a very good infrastructure and highly qualified and skilled faculty. The institute provides education in Post Graduate and Research programmes in various fields of science and engineering.

Indian Institute of Science also provides Integrated PhD. programmes in the following disciplines: Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences and Mathematical Sciences for fresh graduates in the corresponding discipline. The admission in Integrated PhD. programmes is through IISc Entrance Test. Those who clear the Entrance Test are called for Interviews. Final selection is based on performance in the written test as well as interview.

Courses Offered:

Integrated PhD:

Physical Sciences

Chemical Sciences

Biological Sciences

Mathematical Sciences

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates should have a First Class Bachelor’s degree in Biology/ Chemistry/Physics/Mathematics. Candidates having First Class B.E./B.Tech/B.Stat/B.A. with Mathematics as one of the subjects can also apply for mathematical Sciences discipline.

The eligibility criteria mentioned varies for different disciplines. For details refer to the link: Eligibility and Selection Criteria

How to Apply:

The forms will be available at selected branches of Canara Bank and also from IISc. Candidates can also apply online through the website www.iisc.ernet.in.

IISc Entrance Test:

The Entrance Test will be of 3 hours duration and the candidates have to choose one of the papers for a particular discipline as given below:

Physical Sciences: Physical Sciences

Chemical Sciences: Chemical or Biological or Physical Sciences

Biological Sciences: Chemical or Biological or Physical Sciences

Mathematical Sciences: Mathematical or Physical Sciences

Important Dates(Tentative):

• Commencement of Sale of Application forms: February 2nd week, 2011

• Last date of issue of application form: March 3rd week, 2011

• Last date of submission of completed application form: March 4th week, 2011

• IISc Entrance Test: April Last Sunday, 2011

• Interviews: June 1st week, 2011

Contact Details:

The Registrar

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore 560 012, INDIA

Telephone: +91-80-23600757

Telegram: SCIENCE BANGALORE 560 012

Fax: +91-80-2360 0683/0085

Email: regr@admin.iisc.ernet.in

Website: www.iisc.ernet.in/admissions



Do you have any question? Please ask:

Questions will be answered on our Forum section

492 Responses to “IISc 2011 Integrated PhD.”

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  1. 492
    nanda kumar j:

    i need iisc entrance exam question paper for ph d previous 5 years

  2. 491

    hello sir i am doing b.pharm final year i want join in integrated PHD.how to apply this entrance ?? plz let me know the details regarding it??

  3. 490

    Hello sir/madam when the integrated PHD for 2012 notification will be published.b.pharmacy final year students are how to apply this ??

  4. 489

    Hello sir/madam when the integrated PHD for 2012 notification will be published.b.pharmacy final year students are how to apply this ?? and could you tell me exam pattern ??what will be portion for integrated PHD ?? and sir/madam could you tell me details about integrated PHD i shall be thanking you sir/madam..

  5. 488

    Hello sir/madam when the integrated PHD for 2012 notification will be published & how to apply for it??? are the final year students of B.pharmacy students are eligible for it ?and also please tell me what will be portion for preparing the in PHD and the exam pattern how it will be could you just let me know the details regarding it?????? i shall be thanking you sir/madam

  6. 487

    Respected Registrar sir, IISC, Bangalore. Sir, i am REKHA DUMPALA, a pharmagraduate student of final year B.Pharma from Sir Aadichunchanagiri College of Pharmacy, B.G.Nagara, Mandya District, Karnataka State. i am wish to do “INTEGRATED PhD in PHARMACY”, could you please sir send me the details of how to apply for it, i shall be very greatful and very thankful to you sir.

  7. 486

    no application fomrs of( Msc in biochem iisc bangalore ) selected branhes in mysore ,) entranance exam) plz give exat branch of canara bank

  8. 485

    Respected Sir,
    Please send me syllabus & questionpapers of chemistry (entrance exam).

  9. 484

    hello sir/madam , i’m doing final yr B-Pharmacy, i’m trying to get into iisc integrated phd (biological science), so i’m i eligible for that and plz tell me the syllabus for entrance test and what books to refer….

  10. 483

    I’M a BSc.physics final years student, which are good institutes for doing integrated phd in theoretical physics?
    please give me the details of the entrance tests for which the last date of online submission is not yet passed?

  11. 482

    sir sugst books for me for integrated phd exam in biochm

  12. 481

    Dear Sir,

    When we be the entrance exam for integrated PHD chemistry 2012 held (tentative date) also provide us the books or study material that we can refer into for preparing for Chemistry

  13. 480
    mahesh hegde:

    I am doing final Bs.C ,can I write the entrance examination for intigrated PhD(chemistry) and what is the syllabus for that? sir, give me the idia fpr the preparation

  14. 479

    weather second year B.Sc chemistry students are eligible to write this exam

  15. 478
    pankaj kumar:

    dear sir give me an idea about book for iisc entrances.

  16. 477

    please tell me the syllabus for integrated phd in biological science of IISC entrance exam

  17. 476
    Amrita pritam nanda:

    Sir,can we apply for msc biotech in iisc?cn i kno da eligibility criterias?

  18. 475

    syllabus for integrated phd in physics

  19. 474

    i completed my b.sc biotechnology.i want to phd integrated in iisc.plz tell me am i eligible for doing my phd integrated in biotech in iisc

  20. 473

    Hello sir, i mm studying BSC final, i wish to do intigrated phd in chemical sciences,which books can i refer for that, plz give me suggestions to get it………

  21. 472

    syllabus for integrated phd in iisc???????

  22. 471

    hello sir….i m studying in 2nd yr b.sc …i wish to do intigrated phd in maths.when should i write d entrence exam?what are d eligibilities required?

  23. 470
    Jyoti Shukla:

    Hellow sir/madam , i’m student of BSc PCM(physics,chemistry,Mathematics) can i apply for integrated phd programme in chemistry? and What is the syllabus for it and which book can i refer for that?

  24. 469

    helyoo sir/madam ,whn the integrated phd for 2012 notification will be published and how 2 apply for it ?? are the final year students of B.PHARMACY are eligible for it ?? and wat will be portion for preparing the integrated phd.. ?? and the exam pattern how it will be culd you just let me know the detalils regardng it ???

  25. 468
    Sukanya Rai:

    How can i prepare for integrated Ph.D in mathematics? What is the syllabus for it and which books can I refer for that?

  26. 467

    Hello sir/madam,
    This is Divya i’ve completed BSc biotechnology in 2011 with 67%. Now is it possible to get into IISC by entrance exam.

  27. 466

    i am studying in B.Sc final yr.i wish to apply for the entrance exam for integrated Phd program in physical science.what books should i refer for the exam?

  28. 465

    i am B.Sc electronics final year student.i am trying to get into iisc integrated phd programme.what books do i need to refer for the entrance exam? does my bachelor’s degree score matter in my selection? thank you.

  29. 464

    Now i am studying in 2nd year bsc micrbiology. I have interest to do integrated phd in iisc . So, when i qualified to take iisc exam

  30. 463
    sankha subhra das:

    i am doing my graduation in microbilogy .what are the courses in which i can get admission into iisc.

  31. 462

    respected sir/madam
    please give me clear information about integrated P.hd offered in your institution especially in chemical and biological science

  32. 461

    hi respected sir\madam…. is there NCC Quota to join this integrated phd in chemistry… if there please give me a details…..

  33. 460

    is iisc offering integrated ph.D in microbiology .plz……………. send me some previous year question paper and sampe question paper for integrated ph.D in biological science. plz…plz……plz….. send answer on my mail (pamila.PMicro@gmail.com)

  34. 459

    is ur institute offering itegrated phd in microbiology.
    plz…………….send me reply on my mail.

  35. 458

    whether P.hd(chemical science) programme still seeking

  36. 457

    i completed Bsc in this academic year, can i write entrance in next year?

  37. 456

    will u please inform me when the result of integrated phd program will disclosed???????????????

  38. 455

    what is the syallbus for integrated phd entrance exam in chemistry

  39. 454

    Wheather NRI students are eligible for IISC Integrated ph.D entrance exam?

  40. 453
    veena dhanwani:

    when will IIsc entrance exam 2011 result announced. please tell me?

  41. 452

    i want iisc entrance test 2011 results

  42. 451


    I’m B.Phrma student awaiting for final year result

    please tell me that i’m eligible to appear for IISc entrance or any other entrance for integrated phd

  43. 450
    kajal shende:

    am i selected for iisc banglore entrance exam 2011 for phd my apllication no. is 11104564

  44. 449
    mukkera nagaraju:

    when will give iisc entrance test 2011 results.please tell me?

  45. 448
    mukkera nagaraju:

    i want iisc entrance test 2011 results.

  46. 447
    Brijesh Kumar:

    I’m BE-Biotechnology student. Can I give GATE & IISc exam in Life science?

  47. 446

    I have written iisc integrated phd,when will be the results get released.

  48. 445

    I have written PH.D entrance, when will be the results get released.Please if possible mention it online.

  49. 444

    Respected sir, will you please tell me date of result for Integrated PhD program (Biological science)

  50. 443

    when will the result of integrated phd.( held 24th april) entrance test announce? please tell me

  51. 442

    When will the iisc int. phd entrance 2011 test’s result be announced and where will it be published? Kindly reply. thank you

  52. 441


  53. 440

    please tell me the Integrated PhD ENTRANCE EXAM RESULT 20011
    my application no is 11203848 plz send the result to my email id as shone above

  54. 439

    when will the result of 24 april 2011 entrance test announces pls pls pls pls pls can u tell me

  55. 438

    did the results of iisc entrance test for int.phd held on 24.4.11 come?how to know my result

  56. 437

    when will the result of 24th april entrance exam announced?

  57. 436

    when will the result of enterence test of biological science result announced.please tell me

  58. 435

    I want to know the result for the phd chemistry entrance test held on 24-4-2011

  59. 434
    Rameshwer Dangi:

    I have applied for Integrated PhD. Entrance Exam in IISc and i have exam next month. In the application they just mentioned like i will have interview in the month of June. Please someone let me know how many days it takes to get my results once i complete my exam?

  60. 433

    when will the result of 24 April 2011 enterance test announced.
    pls can u tell me

  61. 432

    wen is the integrated phd result for entrance examination held on 24.3.2011 be announced?can u tel me the date and site to be checked…thanking you

  62. 431

    when will you issue the result ? please mail here

  63. 430

    when the result for int.ph.d. in mathematical science - 2011 will be published? tapatidas52@yaho.co.in

  64. 429

    is the result for integrated phd entrance held on 24th april out?

  65. 428

    may i know about the result of the entrance exam conducted for integrated Phd 2011

  66. 427

    when will be the next entrance exam. admission

  67. 426

    when we will get result of entrance for integrated phd

  68. 425

    WHEN WILL RESULT OF IISC ENTRANCE EXAM-2011……….ANNOUCED……………. pls ……..reply fast……

  69. 424


  70. 423
    subhamoy chakraborty:

    i a m not gettng result for iisc entrance (held on 24.4.2011) can you plz tell me how can i get my result.i will be highly obiliged … thanking you

  71. 422
    Neha Nandkeolyar:

    Respected sir.
    I had given exam for integrated Phd on 24th April. Sir can u please kindly tell me that when will the result of the entrance test will come.

  72. 421

    when will the result of iisc entrance test 2011 be announced

  73. 420

    m not getting the way to look for my result of enterance test for integrated phd. plz tell me the site and the procedure to check my result. i shall be highly obliged.

  74. 419

    when we will get result of entrance for integrated phd

  75. 418

    what are the syllabus of iisc integrated phd please tell me sir

  76. 417
    rajni bajaj:

    i a m not gettng result for iisc entrance (held on 24.4.2011) can you plz tell me how can i get my result.i will be highly obiliged … thanking you

  77. 416
    annie agnes suganya:

    respected sir.
    i have written an entrance exam on 24it april for integrated phd 2011. can u tell me when does the resul be announced .

  78. 415

    i had given the entrance test on 24-4-2011,when will the results announced for that exam….and how can i see the result

  79. 414
    veena dhanwani:

    when will the result of 24 April 2011 enterance test announced.
    pls can u tell me

  80. 413

    dear sir,
    when you are going to announce the iisc p.hd.2011 entrence examination results.

  81. 412

    i wrote entance exam iisc on 24-4-2011, when will the results announced for that exam. can u plz tell me

  82. 411
    Vahinipriya Manoharan:

    Respected sir/madam,
    I have completed my Bsc microbiology this year.i want to do integrated phd programme in Molecular biology in iisc.please send me the syllabus for the entrance exam to my mail id.
    thanking you.

  83. 410

    pl. give information on integrated ph. D course schedule of IISc, Bangalore for the year 2012. Give the syllabus details for integrated ph.D in biological science entrance test and pattern of questions.

  84. 409
    Piyali Sen:

    Dear Sir

    Wanted to check when the results of the Integrated Ph d written test for 2011 will be announced



  85. 408

    i will complete my 3 yr BSC MLT course in coming september,2011 (aggr 70% - most approx.) from BPKIHS.DHARAN ,nepal.i want to do integrated phd in (biochemistry or microbiology -most prefered.)or other if possible in recent years.please kindly infrom me all the criteria,duration,time,date of application,age requirement , minimum cost and available schlarship for nepali student.looking forward for ur answer.

  86. 407
    vivek jasaiwal:

    i am late but i want fight exam . how can apply the exam of iisc on organize 24-04-2011.

  87. 406
    sitaram yadav:

    sir plz tell me how many question are safe in biological int. phd. about admitcard also

  88. 405
    sitaram yadav:

    admitcard have been not recieved by post. plz. tell me date and venue are same that have been written on net dounloding admit card .what have bring to cnter. for int. phd.

  89. 404

    what is the website to get iisc entrance 2011 hall tickets?
    What topics of mathematics will be given in the entrance test chemistry for Integrated PhD?

  90. 403

    Respected Sir,
    I have just completed my b.tech in 2010(mathmatics bieng one of the subjects) and am intrested to avail the iisc integrated phd programme in the field of mathmatical sciences\physical sciences\.I would be grateful if you could just mail me the syllabus of mathmatical science\physical science for the iisc integrated phd programme.
    Thank you.

  91. 402


  92. 401

    when will we get iisc integrated phd hall ticket?

  93. 400
    Samir De:

    Is ranking in JEST Exm considered for admission in Intregated Phd(phy) in IISC ?Is the Entrance Test is must for a student who has ranked within 100?

  94. 399
    Kamalendu Pal:

    sir,what is the meaning of DOB?

  95. 398

    i have completed my class 12(cbse).iam interested in taking chemistry or nanotechnology as a career option. so please give me the details of best colleges offering these courses without AIEEE and JEE TESTS.

  96. 397
    Archana singh:

    sir,i want to know about the syllabus of biological science for research programme-phd entrance 2011

  97. 396

    Hello sir,can i get the information of syallabus in chemical science for the upcoming integrated Phd entrance. The syllabus pdf file in your web site is not opening.

  98. 395

    I want to apply integrated m.sc in Biotechnology or biochemistry how to apply

  99. 394

    sir, i would like to know adout admission in Msc engg in IISC, Bangalore. I’ve a valid gate score in gate 2011. Should i appear for the entrance exam of iisc. Can u please sent the details regarding admission.

  100. 393
    pankaj kr das:

    sir, my doughter appeared 10th std. cbse examination this year in kviisc , now can you suggest me is ther any course after her completion of 12th srd examination,conducted by
    iisc, because my child wants to do research work either in maths or physics. please advise.

  101. 392

    sir, please mail me the syllabus of mathematical science for integrated phd pgm

  102. 391

    i m doing my final yr bsc botany.can u give syllabus of biotechnology .

  103. 390

    syllabus for integrated phd program

  104. 389
    ganesh b:

    sir / madam ,
    i m doing 1 year bsc …….and i m not getting the syllabus and quetion pattern ……..Can you please halp me

  105. 388

    Syllabus for Integrated Ph.D biology
    entrance exam of IISC?

  106. 387

    can i know the model question papers for the entrane exams.

  107. 386

    can i know which r d selected branches where we get the applection form.

  108. 385

    i request you kindly to send me model question papers for final year graduate of life sciences(All subjects)

  109. 384

    i got 59.9% in my Bsc.i am elgible to IISC 2011 Integrated Phd r not please tell me a solution.

  110. 383

    sir please sent me the syallbus of integrated phd biological science.

  111. 382
    shankar naik:

    good morning sir
    am MSc BIOCHEMISTRY[final year] student please mail to me how to apply for Ph.D in IISC my ID is naik.shankar.j@gmail.com

  112. 381
    arpita das:

    what is the eligibility criteria of m.sc in chemistry?what is the minimum percentage requirement of m.sc in chemistry?

  113. 380

    sir i am b.sc final year wanted to apply for biological sciences sir i want to know what branch of canara bank at visakhapatnam gives me application form and where would be the test centre in visakhapatnam .sir please mail me .

  114. 379
    rohini kumari:

    respected sir,
    i am B.Sc horticulture final year student.i need integrated phd biological science previous question papers.plzzzz sent me.

  115. 378

    sir please sent me the syallbus of integrated phd biological science.

  116. 377
    bapuji sahoo:

    respected sir,
    i am going to complete my B.sc with mathematics hons.in this year.I will apply for integrated p.h.d in your institution.So, please send previous years question papers and their solutions to my e-mail.

  117. 376

    I am the student of 8th semester mechanical engineering,i have written gate exam… if in case the score is not valid then what are the possible ways for me to get into this reputed institution.. does the integrated phd programme and research programme help me out… kindly mail me the syllabus of entrance test..
    please sir .. help me
    Thank you..

  118. 375

    plese send me privous year questation

  119. 374
    abhinav bajpai:

    Sir,I am a student of Integrated Science Education and Research Centre(ISERC),Visva Bharati,Shantiniketan pursuing Intgrated M.Sc.(5 yrs.) in Physical Sciences as a DST INSPIRE fellow.I would like to know whether I am eligible for the Integrated Ph.D programme offered by IISc Bangalore after completing 3 yrs of study in my course.Here I would like to mention that I will not be given any equivalent bachelor’s degree after 3 years of study.

    I would like a replacement from this centre as this centre cannot provide me with the necessary and promised facilities required for a sound degree in any field of science.So any sort of positive information will be deeply regarded.

  120. 373

    respected sir/madam
    i am nikhith studying doctor of pharmacy 2nd year this is 6years pharmacy graduation course. i want do the int phd in biological science.. i want know iam eligeble for this program after my this graduation? ok i want know what is the syllubus for entrance exmination? plz i want reply soon

  121. 372

    i am need of the life science question paper(past 10years) for iisc entrane exam for regular ph.d.

  122. 371

    i am need of the chemistry question paper(past 10years) for iisc entrane exam for regular ph.d.

  123. 370

    i am need of the chemistry question paper(past 10years) for iisc entrane exam for ph.D.

  124. 369
    shibin sebastian:

    course duration of integrated phd

  125. 368
    vitthal hivrale:

    I want to ask u about the syllabus.Please if possible give me details.Also i want the exact location of Canara Bank pune which will help me to receive the form.
    Thank you.

  126. 367
    shubham malviya:

    sir please send me the syllabus ,model papers and exact location of the canara bank which distributes the form of iisc integrated phd course in maths

  127. 366

    i need syllabus for m sc bioscience

  128. 365

    could you please give the list of canara bank branches where application forms are available

  129. 364


    Now i am persuing MSc biochemistry, i interested in phd .
    Can u send the syllabus for the entrance exam 2011 in IISC.

  130. 363

    sir i want to know that what is the BRANCH of BSc.(physics,chemistry,mathematics)

  131. 362

    plzz send previous year MCQ’s papers of integrated phd biological science…….and syllabus to study entrance exam 2011


  132. 361
    m.reddy prakash:

    i need syllabus for m.sc. physics and model papers

  133. 360

    I’m a Mtech[computer science] graduate, interested in Phd computer-science [algorithms/real time os/datastructures/object oriented technology]. How can i join IISE for phd Prgm?

  134. 359
    ankita phadte:

    respected sir/madam
    i am ankita phadte,student of last year bsc in chemistry.i want to know whether i am eligible for the integrated phd programme in chemistry..
    i will be very grateful to u if u provide me d syllabus for the entrance,model question papers and d details of the reference books.

    thanking you
    yours sincerely
    (ankita phadte)

  135. 358

    Please send me previous year questions of chemistry.

  136. 357
    swati jain:

    Respected sir/madam
    My name is swati jain ,i am student of B.sc(general) final year,i would like to know weather ,i am eligible to take up integrated P.hd programe-2011 in physics &astrophysics.
    Can you please provide me the important Dates ,Syllabus model paper and the details of the reference books.
    Best regards&Thanku

  137. 356

    iam studying msc 1st year. can i apply phd integratd entrance exam 2011? please reply me sir

  138. 355

    I want the exact location of canara banks with in bangalore

  139. 354
    Satish kumar:

    I am b.pharm final year. Am i eligible for this program? Plz send syallabus&model papers of biology to my mail. Thank you sir.

  140. 353
    Satish kumar:

    I am b.pharm final year. Am i eligible for this program?

  141. 352
    dipankar saikia:

    the same info regarding math…plz send me to my mail id also…i just have the same qurey….info regarding math and its syllabus…pplz do it soon

  142. 351
    vidyashree k j:

    i want detail about mathametics………….
    adn also entranc exm dates

  143. 350

    i’d like to get the syllabus and model question papers for the iisc integrated phd entrance in biological science
    thank you

  144. 349

    sir i need syllbus for intigrated phd in biological sciences please send me thanks

  145. 348

    Hello sir,can i get the information of syallabus in chemical science for the upcoming integrated Phd entrance and even model question papers also.

    Thanking you
    Your’s faithfully

  146. 347
    ramya janu:

    plz sir; i need some important questions from chemistry for my board exams i’m 12th standed requesting u 2 send 2 my sister’s email waiting for ur reply…….
    [thank you]

    yours sincerly;
    ramya janu…

  147. 346

    hello sir, is there any concession in fee of application for boys or girls.

  148. 345

    what is the pattern of phd entrance exam

  149. 344

    i need syllabus for mathematics and model papers also…… thanks, varun.

  150. 343

    i need syllabus for maths and i need model paper for mathematics. thanks . varun

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