Difference between Security Analyst and System Analyst


Security Analyst and System Analyst are two related but different job profiles in IT sector. In IT sector, Security Analyst is responsible for planned coordination to protect confidential or important computer files from accidental loss, unauthorized access, disclosure or destruction. They are also involved in designing and planning security systems that can tackle these security issues. System analyst on the other hand is responsible for identifying the system and software requirements of an organization to meet up their business requirements. Both the profiles require analytical and technical skills to perform well in their work. Apart from such similarities, both the job profiles are different in certain aspects.

Security Analyst and Opportunities

Graduation in computer science or computer engineering is the basic qualification required for the post of Security Analyst. They should possess sound knowledge in system analysis, programming and telecommunications. Those with professional diploma in computer engineering and work experience in the area can also get in to the role security analyst. These professionals can find opportunity with any of the firms operating in data security. Employment opportunities are also offered by outsourcing firms who carry out the work on contract basis.

System Analyst and Opportunities

Qualification requirement of system analyst is almost similar to that of security analyst. They should be proficient in diverse aspects of computer hardware, operating systems, programming languages, etc. They should have clear understanding on the business operations carried out by the organization, as they have to plan and implement system specifications accordingly. These professionals can find opportunity with almost all corporate firms that make use of computers for accomplishing their operation.

Key differences between Security Analyst and System Analyst

Security Analyst is responsible for identifying the security requirements of the firm and in devising measures for tackling such issues.  System Analyst on the other hand understands the business requirements of the firm and configures the system accordingly.

Though technical skills are preferred for both the jobs, Security Analyst should be sharp in programming where as System Analyst should be keen in design and installation of computer hardware.

System Analyst needs to understand the business transactions and operations for their smooth operation where as such kind of information is not much essential to carry out the role of security analyst.



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