13th August 2015, 03:49 PM
Afraid about my joining documents verification in Wipro
I got placement in wipro wase through campus selection. Received my offer letter, but am afraid about any miss-happening during document verification, as i did my 10th in 2009 and 12th in 2012.
Please if anyone could get away this fear from my mind. |
13th August 2015, 07:21 PM
You need to cross your fingers , because if they check it and found falt they can reget your application and even joining dates. I am not afraiding you but awaring you about the norms of company and HR process of recruitment at Wipro. So if you are lucky then this falt can be hidden or overwritten and you can even join soon. Thanks for the query. |
13th August 2015, 09:43 PM
I don't why you are afraid of this. When you filled up the online application form, then only you must have specified that you have done 10th standard in 2009 and 12th standard in 2012. Did you not provide the correct information? If that is true, then nobody can help. Wipro will see mismatch of the online form that you filled for the job and the hard copy of your certificates. Then and there they will reject your appointment. You cannot counter it with any argument. But if the case is that you have provided every data correctly. Now you are just fearing that Wipro might not appoint you because the gap of one year between 12th standard and 10th standard. Then let me tell don't be afraid. Every company has a tolerance of one year gap. So you are safe that way.
13th August 2015, 11:10 PM
>> The documents verification is not a problem in any company as it is a simple process of every company but first you have to qualify the written exam taken by company and the interview at last the document verification will be there because the documents are needed only of the qualified candidates.
>> You don,t have to be afraid of the verification for the documents as it is a serious problem for the candidates have the duplicate or invalid documents as if they have not qualified any graduate or post graduate degree and have the same by illegible method. So don,t be afraid of it it will be very simple and easy process for you, You have to just cooperate the company officers. |
14th August 2015, 01:54 PM
Thank you for your replies.
@joyshreenath: I've mentioned my details and the reason for the gap in the "CAM" form which is filled prior to the interview. |
29th August 2015, 02:39 PM
Hello, i have got less than 60% in class 12th but after giving my improvement exam its more than 60%.I have got two Mark sheets i.e, One in which i have got less than 60% in 12th and other in which i have got more than 60%(But after adding my improvement marks). As i have cleared the selection process of wipro, so will i face any problem in document verification process. As wipro criteria is above 60% in 12th.
I am very concerned about it please help me out!!!!! |
19th February 2016, 04:25 PM
Is passport mandatory for freshers ? They mentioned in the mail that the acknowledgement no of passport is not eligible ,otherwise on boarding might not happen. If the arrival of passport exceeds the joining date what I have to do?please reply for the same.And also tell how many days r there for to documents verification after intimating through mail.
2nd March 2016, 11:36 PM
I got placed in a Mnc on 2014 and I have 1 year experience but I have arrears and due to that I resigned and I have cleared it on 2015. So shall I provide my experience certificate and provisional certificate in which the year of passing is 2015? Will it create a problem?
14th June 2016, 02:12 PM
I have give details of my name incorrectly (ie Habinesh J is my name instead of that I gave Habinesh Jothi).Jothi is my dad name.will it affect my joining in wipro.pls advise.
29th September 2016, 06:54 PM
I have selected for wipro on campus. I have one year gap between my graduation years due to shortage of attendance. I am afraid that they will reject me.pls help anyone?????
24th May 2017, 04:19 PM
This is Neelimaprasanna and i have a 4 years of experience on dot net technologies and i had clear the 2 technical rounds and 1 skip discussion round after that i have receive a mail from hr please fill the pre offer process.it is mandatory to release the offer letter from wipro along with the link(https://synergy.wipro.com/synergy/CandidateLogin.jsp)i have loagged in to that link but i did not find a way to upload the pre offer documents which the need for release a offer letter from.could you please any once help me to find and fill the pre offer documents process. Tanks in advance
3rd May 2018, 02:58 PM
I got selected for wipro technologies through campus placement. After getting the LOI via email now they asked me to send my educational marksheets for verification having them attested from the respective authorities.
Since I am currently perusing BBA I just had the soft copy marksheets with 3 semesters having a QR code and other 2 are just simple declaration of marks. The final semester marks are yet to be declared. The mail from Wipro to submit the marksheets came at 4 in the evening I could not get the marksheets attested as the university was closed by then. I had to submit the marksheets by next day 9 in the morning hence I sent the mail without the marksheets being attested.But there are QR codes in the marksheet of three semesters. Will this cause as a problem for me to get the appointment letter? Will I get rejected? |
26th May 2018, 03:41 AM
I have received reporting location mail of wipro which is in kochi kerala for document verification. Please anyone help me where i live in kochi or what will happen after it or how they are doing verification. If anyone had experienced.
30th September 2018, 12:34 AM
I've got the joining date of Wipro and accidentally I've uploaded the wrong provisional certificate but later on I uploaded the real one as well..
Does this accidental mistake cost my job ?? |
11th October 2018, 09:06 PM
I had selected in wipro but before getting offer letter they tell me to apply for passport but there is a mistake in my mother name then shall it affect my joining letter.
13th October 2018, 12:27 AM
I got my LoI recently but 2 of my mark lists are missing. I have approached my college for that and I am getting my missing sheets with in 2 weeks. Can this will affect my joining letter
18th December 2018, 07:20 PM
Hi, I've got the LOI from wipro technologies.
I've also uploaded all my documents. But there is slight variation in my percentage in the CAM and the documents. I've entered 84% instead of 83.66% for my 10th marks and 61.5% instead of 60.5% in my engineering due to a genuine calculation mistake during the cgpa to percentage conversion. Is this going to affect my joining? Please let me know. Thank you. |
19th December 2018, 08:39 AM
For documents verification in Wipro I uploaded only semester marklists but I forgot to upload 10th and 12th marklists .is it an issue to get joining dates? Or is it no problem?
31st December 2018, 12:39 AM
I have got the letter of intent in which I have to upload a documents for verification but when I was filling I have uploaded 60 instead of 59 will that be a problem for my rejection. But still I have 1 year to complete my engineering I will try to score more marks so suggest me will I got rejected
16th January 2019, 06:16 PM
I am selected in wipro but while filling the verification form I uploaded only last semester marksheet and others are not there. And I forget to upload 10th and 12th marksheets, so does it affect joining date?
1st February 2019, 08:17 PM
I have 46 in class x but some how i entered 64 but i have enough marks in diploma and btech and i have received LOI from wipro now wipro terminate me or it will be okay on my boarding time?
3rd June 2019, 01:08 AM
I have marked my Present address as my Permanent address because I dont have any proof of my Permanent address.. in the CAM form and BGV .. now I'm afraid of being disqualified.. what should I do?
14th July 2019, 11:20 PM
Will BGV verification done after releasing offer letter or after joining wipro? actually third party vendor had already visited my present, permanent address and as well my college
17th July 2019, 12:23 AM
I got selected in wipro through campus selection. There is permanent address on my aadhar card and I have no proof of present address... Because on passport the address is my previous address. What should I do?
25th July 2019, 12:04 PM
Many companies dont accept gap in education.
But if you can provide a reasonable explanation, and supporting documents for proof , that is not a matter at all. When you are talking to HR, with valid reasons you can explain them. |
25th September 2019, 11:18 AM
I have uploaded all my documents ready except provisional certificate
Will they effect my joining formalities |
5th October 2019, 03:24 AM
What to fill in highest qualification for wipro? Yet i am pursuing btech.
6th October 2019, 04:42 PM
Hi, Don't be afraid, you are on the right track. I am also a software developer 95% you have chance to work in Wipro. If you have completed your academy studies from right University or college which have existence, then you do not need to worry document verification. Just wait for there joining letter.
6th October 2019, 05:03 PM
![]() Quote:
If you have Adhara card or pan card then you can show it as address prove. If present address is mention in address prove then the problem is solved.In case you have made mistake to declarer permanent address then you need to discuss with Wipro team and you can make it correct. If you want to show them present address to permanent address then you need to apply Adhara with your present address. |
27th October 2019, 12:41 AM
If we give any fake b tech documents what they will do in wipro can you tell me plss
27th December 2019, 05:32 PM
I accidentally provide wrong door number and permanent and current address as same. Can it be corrected later?
14th February 2020, 08:39 PM
I have entered my school and college registration numbers incorrectly by mistaking thing that it was admission number . How should i correct it ? How to convey this to them ? How they will react ? Please help me out of this.
29th February 2020, 01:05 PM
should i submit all original documents of aadhar card,pan card
11th March 2020, 08:43 PM
i have uploaded my documents but when i clicked submit its displayed submitted and internal error and document upload tab disappear so i m afraid whether my documents are submitted or not
16th March 2020, 03:53 PM
It's been 3years I had completed my degree yet I dent recive my degree certificate from university...! Hwo to manage this with documnent verified
17th May 2021, 03:55 PM
Hii I got selected for Wipro....but the thing is I had a back log in 6semister ..due to Corona that exam was not conducted ...If in document verification could create a problem ...if it is case please help me in this case
1st June 2021, 10:16 AM
Hi i got selected for wipro In BGV i forgetted to upload my pancard can this will effect my joining letter.
15th October 2021, 10:10 PM
No need to worry about such things. Year gap is very normal. Almost everyone is having same condition. If they sent you offer letter it means they accepted everything. In big organization all procedures are done before offer letter. So be happy and be ready to join WIPRO.
28th October 2021, 01:19 PM
i have received a mail to upload my documents for bgv but i did not got letter of intent
it's almost 10 days of uploading documents |
2nd November 2021, 08:42 PM
Is there any assessment after BGV of wipro?
2nd November 2021, 08:43 PM
Is there any assessment after completing background verification in wipro?
21st November 2021, 02:51 AM
In my class 10th marksheet the D.O.B is mentioned as 14th September while in actual it is 15th September 2000 which is mentioned in my Aadhar as well as pan card. So,will there be any problem while background verification of Wipro. Is their any chances of failure of my background verification due to this?