24th September 2012, 09:00 PM
After graduation how many years are required to study CS course?
after graduation how many years will require for study CS course
29th December 2012, 01:12 PM
The Company Secretary course is being conducted in India by ICSI.
Website- www.icsi.edu This course is conducted in three stages and you have to pass each stage. These are: >> FOUNDATION >> EXECUTIVE >> PROFESSIONAL Since you have already completed your Graduation, you can directly take admission in the Executive Programme. You are not Required to study the Foundation Programme. Minimum time taken to complete the executive course is 1 year. After taking admission in the Professional course , you have to work under a practising CS for minimum 15 months. So total time taken to complete the CS course after graduation, if you clear all the exam in first attempt is 3 years This 3 years include 15 months compulsory training |
19th April 2013, 01:36 PM
how to find a practising cs in amritsar what it means