20th June 2011, 01:09 AM
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Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

which engineering branch is best for girls in preferencial order atleast three branches and what are their scope inplacement

21st June 2011, 02:34 AM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Dear Friend

Today there is no meaning of best or worst for Girls or boys.
Girls are doing well in all the fields and engineering is no exception of that.
Except Mining Engineering girls are contributing in good numbers in all the
branches of engineering.

There are chances that choice and priorities differs from one girl to another.

I would say that you should first try to get a good college through top engineering
entrance exams like IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BISAT etc.

Once you are done with the college selection then try to communicate with the
presently studying student in the college so that you can get two know the future
prospects of each and every branch in that particular college.
This is fact that the scope, job opportunity, fame etc of a particular branch is not same
in every college and the scope, job opportunity, fame etc of all branch in a particular
college are not same.

On an average the preferential order of engineering courses in Girls community is as under;
ECE (E&I, Electronics, E&T etc)

But while choosing a course and college you must analyze the college stature and the
scope of that course in that college because it varies from college to college.
21st June 2011, 02:38 AM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Originally Posted by ashtha12 View Post
which engineering branch is best for girls in preferencial order atleast three branches and what are their scope inplacement
dear friend

You can go for core department like electronics ,electrical, civil ,mechanical because this category have lots of chance to crack in govt sector.also this stream are applicable for private sector.

Second choice is IT or CS because this category have more jobs in private sector.this is reliable for girls

best luck dear
21st June 2011, 02:42 AM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

dear friend,
Now a days i don't think so that there is any difference between a boy and a girl.. both are at the same level..because now a days girls are doing everything.. though you want to know that which branch is better for girls then i would say-
1.computer science
2.Information technology
3.Electronics and communication
these are the branches which you can select...
but personally i would say never underestimate you spirit... never think that you are a girl that is why you can not do these things...
all the very best..
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21st June 2011, 07:02 AM
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Smile Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

all the branches in engineering are good depending upon the current development of the branches. There is no best or worst branches. the companies give the first preference to engineering students. so you choose any branches in engineering having a good scope in future.
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21st June 2011, 09:13 AM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

in now days all are same
company will not see no difference between girls and boys.
so all branches take girls

computer science

all are wide future and placement is good...........
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24th June 2011, 01:48 AM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

i wnt to take mechincal eng..... whts th scope in ths 4 girls??????? or icn take any other... m nt intrsetd in computrs or electroncs...
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1st July 2011, 11:54 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

I am a girl and I want to know in which Branch maximum scope of very good placement? Kindly give very clear answer ,thanks
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4th July 2011, 04:37 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Hi, i want to know in which branch i can take adm.?i'm interested in computers but options for me r IT, electrical, electronics & chemical.I can bear Physics only 4 one year.Please answer me.
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4th July 2011, 08:46 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

is salary is same for all branches of engineering ?
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5th July 2011, 06:37 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

i got 35843 rank in eamcet in which college i would get the seat and in which branch?
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6th July 2011, 01:15 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Engineering branches are in no way divided on the basis of gender. There is a healthy boy to girl ratio in all the branches in engineering. Usually girls do not prefer to take the branches which involve lots of physical work. Girls are rather too keen on taking branches such as IT, CSE, ECE, CIVIL, ARCHITECTURE etc. There are girl students who even join in branches like electrical and mechanical out of interest even though these branches requires physical pressures too.
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13th July 2011, 02:10 AM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

hello friend,
If you are goimg for engineering tht means you are smart enough to handle any branch effectively but since you have asked so in my opinion which is based on the current status of branches prefered by girls are as follows:

1.CSE-here placement chances are good for a girlandidate because IT companies try to equalixe the sex ratio so girls stand a agood chance.

2.ECE-With this branch also you can go in softwares and if your technical knowledge is good you stand a good chance in government sector

3.IT-Its similar to cse but cse is prefered compared to IT.

IF you dont get any of this then go for any branch except mechanical,civil and mining(as these requires physical factors)

best of luck
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15th July 2011, 12:32 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

sir i would like to take up eee or mechanical engineering i love physics please suggest me the best branch among these
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15th July 2011, 12:53 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

sir i would like to take up electrical and electronics engineering or mechanical engineering i love physics please suggest me the best branch in these

i would also like to know about electronics and instrumentation engineering about its placements and subjects
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15th July 2011, 01:09 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

sir i would like to take up mechanical engineering i love physics can girls opt for it

i would also like to know about electrical and instrumentation engineering about its subjects and placements can i take m.tech in aeronautics after this course
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6th November 2011, 08:29 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

which branch of engineering has more job opportunities for girls?
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10th November 2011, 11:58 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Girls are doing well in all the fields and engineering is no exception of that.
Except Mining Engineering girls are contributing in good numbers in all the
branches of engineering.

There are chances that choice and priorities differs from one girl to another.

I would say that you should first try to get a good college through top engineering
entrance exams like IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BISAT etc.

Once you are done with the college selection then try to communicate with the
presently studying student in the college so that you can get two know the future
prospects of each and every branch in that particular college.
This is fact that the scope, job opportunity, fame etc of a particular branch is not same
in every college and the scope, job opportunity, fame etc of all branch in a particular
college are not same.

On an average the preferential order of engineering courses in Girls community is as under;
ECE (E&I, Electronics, E&T etc)

But while choosing a course and college you must analyze the college stature and the
scope of that course in that college because it varies from college to college.
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11th November 2011, 12:41 AM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Girls are doing well in all the fields and engineering is no exception of that.
Except Mining Engineering girls are contributing in good numbers in all the
branches of engineering.

There are chances that choice and priorities differs from one girl to another.

I would say that you should first try to get a good college through top engineering
entrance exams like IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BISAT etc.

Once you are done with the college selection then try to communicate with the
presently studying student in the college so that you can get two know the future
prospects of each and every branch in that particular college.
This is fact that the scope, job opportunity, fame etc of a particular branch is not same
in every college and the scope, job opportunity, fame etc of all branch in a particular
college are not same.

On an average the preferential order of engineering courses in Girls community is as under;
ECE (E&I, Electronics, E&T etc)

But while choosing a course and college you must analyze the college stature and the
scope of that course in that college because it varies from college to college.
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20th November 2011, 09:24 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Is mechanical branch good for girls????
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13th April 2012, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

i have great interest in chemistry and i want to be a chemical engineer in future but people say that it is not having much scope for girls plz guide me
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23rd April 2012, 02:26 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

what is the scope of girls in mechanical branch...which branch has the best placement???
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11th July 2012, 10:19 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

My college has Electrical, Electronics and telecommunication and Electronics.. Which one of them is most preferred for girls? With a good placement and future progress? Id be obliged if you give me an order of preference.
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12th July 2012, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

I am a girl interested in civil.is it good for girls?
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16th July 2012, 12:10 AM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

I would like to ask that automobile engineering is good for girls or not
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12th August 2012, 01:49 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

i am pass 2 with 87% . which branch is best for me?
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15th August 2012, 11:20 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Dear Friend

Today there is no meaning of best or worst for Girls or boys.
Girls are doing well in all the fields and engineering is no exception of that.
Except Mining Engineering girls are contributing in good numbers in all the
branches of engineering.

There are chances that choice and priorities differs from one girl to another.

I would say that you should first try to get a good college through top engineering
entrance exams like IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BISAT etc.

Once you are done with the college selection then try to communicate with the
presently studying student in the college so that you can get two know the future
prospects of each and every branch in that particular college.
This is fact that the scope, job opportunity, fame etc of a particular branch is not same
in every college and the scope, job opportunity, fame etc of all branch in a particular
college are not same.

On an average the preferential order of engineering courses in Girls community is as under;
ECE (E&I, Electronics, E&T etc)

But while choosing a course and college you must analyze the college stature and the
scope of that course in that college because it varies from college to college.
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2nd September 2012, 02:31 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Is there any similarities between mechanical and metellurgical engineering in there syllabus and jobs?
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27th October 2012, 12:18 AM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Why girls are not placed in core companies in civil engineering .?
Why girls are given only off site jobs?
Girls are also fit to do field jobs.
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20th November 2012, 08:12 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Is there any colleges in India, give preference for girls in M Tech in Mechanical Engineering stream ?
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13th April 2013, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

i wanna 2 get admn in electronics r electrical....m a grl is these best 4 meeh??also tell meeh scope n about salary in these fields?????
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14th April 2013, 02:41 AM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Hi friend............

The Girls are not working hard like boys.

they need to take the Engineering branches very care fully.

The Girls are taking for the under branches is good

Civil Engineering

Computer Science Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Electrical Engineering

These are good to take for Girls

All the best.......
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17th April 2013, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?


For girls some of Engineering branches are available and other many branches also there but girls are not working like boys.So they choose like some branches.The branches are

**Electronic Engineering

**Civil Engineering

**Electrical Engineering

**Computer Science Engineering

Some of other Branches:

B.Tech Environmental Engineering

B.Tech Mining Engineering

B.Tech Aeronautical Engineering

B.Tech Aerospace Engineering

B.Tech Architecture Engineering

B.Tech Automobile Engineering

B.Tech Bioinformatic

B.Tech Biotechnology

all the best.................
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8th May 2013, 08:37 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

dear friend,,,,

Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement

1.Information technology
2.Electronics and communication
3.computer science
4.Computer Science Engineering
5.Automobile Engineering
6.Mining Engineering
7.Environmental Engineering
8.B.Tech Biotechnology
9.B.Tech Architecture Engineering
10.B.Tech Environmental Engineering
11.B.Tech Automobile Engineering
12.B.Tech Environmental Engineering
13.B.Tech Biotechnology
14.Electronic Engineering
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25th May 2013, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

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30th May 2013, 03:16 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Wht is scope for chemical engineering for girls?
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6th June 2013, 03:02 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

i got 122 marks in bitsat and 87% in 12th with:
maths 81
physics 90
chemistry 87 can i gets bits pilani, and which branch
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16th June 2013, 05:09 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

does telecommunication engineering have any scope ??? is this branch have jobs in governament sectors
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3rd July 2013, 06:15 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

is electronics branch good or electronics and telecommunication good for girls with regaurd to future
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6th July 2013, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

is electrical and electronics branch is good for girls with regaurd in coming four years.
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12th July 2013, 08:27 PM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

i am getting chemical science and engineering in iitg and electrical in nit jaipur . which one will be better? tia
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3rd June 2015, 02:01 AM
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Default Re: Best Engineering branches for girls in descending order and their scope in placement?

Why most of the people prefer cse instead of IT
does IT has less placements
Are IT and cse have same subjects
Are the both stream have same subjects
Which is have better placements
which i have to choice????
I got 59000 in eamcet and 89.4 % in inter
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