3rd August 2011, 03:34 PM
What is the future of Chemical Engineering branch? Is this branch good for girls?
Dear sir,
My Daughter join in B.Tech - Chemical Engineering in NIT - Warangal. But I have some doubts about this branch. So Please clear my douts. I mean what about the future carrer in this branch than other branches (EEE,EC & CS ) and is it good for girls. Because is there any problem for girls due to they are always work in labs. Once again Iam requesting you that reply to my email about chemical engineering branch and escpecially for girls. thanking you, srihari Hyderabad. |
7th November 2011, 04:52 PM
There is large number of opportunities for girls in Chemical Engineers. You can find openings in many public sector firms. Your daughter can opt for designing jobs in many companies which is usually office jobs. Another option for your daughter is to go for higher studies. She can take a job in many educational institutes. She can even opt to work in pollution control boards, environmental firms etc.
31st December 2011, 05:46 PM
There is a good future of chemical engineering branch.
After completing chemical engineering lots of job opportunities are available. They can apply in these following field 1.Food department 2. production. 3.Schools. 4.Environmental field. All the best, |
9th June 2012, 01:48 PM
Is chemical engeering gaining ground or architecht engineering?i m a girl and interested in courses mentioned alongside.iwill be higly obliged if i'm answered.I'm confused!!pls help me.
-Rashmi (student) |
9th June 2012, 08:23 PM
chemical engineering is not good one for girls.
i am also a final year student of B.TECH.according to me,CSE,IT and ECE are the best branches suited for girls.mechanical,automobile and production are not good options for girls because these are tough enough. |
21st June 2012, 09:27 PM
the most likely thing that will happen is that your interests will change in time. You still dont know who you are and what you really love. You, as a person, are still developing. Set your scope wide; try many subjects out; find things you love, make a list, and then go from there.
At this point in the game take as many math and science classes as you can, but don't avoid the others. I've heard it said by many, "If you do something you LOVE for a career, you never actually have to work a day in your life." A large percentage of your life will be spent trying to earn an income, why not slow down, take a deep breath and try to answer this question first: "What type of career/ job would you do for free?" |
22nd June 2012, 06:23 PM
hi sir!!
1)There is large number of opportunities for girls. You can find openings in many public sector firms. 2)Your daughter can opt for designing jobs in many companies which is usually office jobs. 3)Another option for your daughter is to go for higher studies. She can take a job in many educational institutes. But according to me for girls it is not gud job,because girls can perform well in IT sector,they can go for cse jobs,ee jobs but i m not giving you advice to go for this.because mechanical,industrial all these jobs are not good for girls according to me. |
22nd June 2012, 06:28 PM
hi sir!!
1)There is large number of opportunities for girls. You can find openings in many public sector firms. 2)Your daughter can opt for designing jobs in many companies which is usually office jobs. 3)Another option for your daughter is to go for higher studies. She can take a job in many educational institutes. But according to me for girls it is not gud job,because girls can perform well in IT sector,they can go for cse jobs,ee jobs but i m not giving you advice to go for this.because mechanical,industrial all these jobs are not good for girls according to me. |
22nd October 2012, 07:56 PM
in future there is a good scope of chemical engn ..as fossils fuels are vanishing very quickly there fore there will be many researches based on chemicals...
there is no where written that this particular branch is made for girls..girls can try any branch... but if you still aks then you daughter should go for mechanical engn. |
15th April 2013, 08:44 PM
future of Chemical Engineering branch --production. --Environmental field. --Food department --production. good luck!!!!!!!!! best of luck!!!!!!!! |
13th June 2014, 01:13 PM
there are lots of opportunities to say like food departments, public sector firms, environmental field, field of production.. etc. now cause of a smart level of study so you can choose your career according interest.
all the very best ![]() |
31st May 2020, 11:14 PM
Chemical engineering has no future. Following points corroborate this.
Fuel you use in your vehicles are refined by an IT engineer. Toothpaste you use on daily basis is produced by a mechanical engineer. Paint you use to paint your home is produced by civil engineer. Comb, bucket , toothbrush and other plastic things you use , are produced by a computer science engineer. All nuclear power plants recruit biotech engineer to operate the plant. All chemicals like sulphuric acid, Pottasium permagnet you use on daily basis are produced by an electrical engineer. |