31st July 2012, 07:43 PM
Can I get placed in good companies after scoring 6.5 CGPA? I am a final year Mechanical engineering student in government institute in Tamilnadu
sir, i'm doing final year mechanical engineering in govt. institute in tamilnadu.....my expected c.g.p.a will be around 6.5 ....can i get placed in good companies....whether my c.g.p.a will let me down....?
26th July 2013, 02:25 PM
Now a days Many of the top companies don't prefer the CGPA because lack of standards in some colleges will get more CGPA than the other colleges who strictly maintain standars.In many of the IIT's student get very low CGPA compare other Institutes even though they placed in top most companies.So most of the companies just take the CGPA as gate way for the interviews.Now a days top companies like Infosys,Facebook,Microsort companies just they test Aptitude test,resoning skills of student.So if you are well in your reasoning and ability no need worry about CGPA.
3rd August 2014, 03:29 AM
my 2 percentage is 58 then my cgpa is7.1 before6th sem. so which mechanical company i will join..
30th September 2014, 03:19 PM
i have a cgpa of 7.2 . im doing my electrical and electronics engg. in a deemed university .im afraid that i will not be placed due to this . this fear makes me full blank and frightens me of taking a step ahead. can you help me with this, please.