14th August 2011, 10:54 AM
Which course is better for me between BBA and B.Tech having completed 12th with PCM?
i have passed my 12 by pcm stream now what should i do bba or b tech i m confused
18th August 2011, 09:29 AM
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This course will ask for the candidates who are ready to accept anything I mean that the students have to be ready to learn anything, with leader ship qualities and quality to take initiative and etc., many qualities are required to get succeeded with this course. B.Tech : Bachelors of Technology this is the course which is done by tech freeks. and who like and want to do something with the emerging technology they don't bother about the money what they earn but they want the recognization .. all these kinda people have to select this course so that there will be the recognization in their expected way. If you love to manage things, Want to administrate some firm or some work or some projects atleast go for BBA if you want to create something new or more interested about technical things then you go for B.Tech Both are equally good but it depends on the attitude of the 12th candidate to select the course. As you are from MPC background you will feel intial difficulty in BBA course than in B.Tech. No Issue if you have interest towards management field you will enjoy that difficulty also. But think twice while selecting the course. all the best Regards ![]() ~AdityA~ |
18th August 2011, 10:28 AM
Dear friend,
As per my concer you should go with B.Tech because you have completed 12th with PCM and B.Tech is easy for you to understand on other hand BBA is quiet different from B.Tech it creares a problem while studying because you haven't deal with such subject in your career.B.tech is evergreen field and there is also good scope .There are various jobs available in private sector as well as in government sector.- my dear if you choose B.Tech as career then definitely your future will be bright . Thank you |
18th August 2011, 01:37 PM
I think you should do B-Tech.because your 12th background is PCM and these subjects are very much related to B-Tech course.In BBA there is only application of mathematics.I like to inform you will get physics and chemistry as a subject in B-Tech.But in BBA except mathematics every subject is new to you.So i suggest you to go for B-Tech. ........... Best of luck for future............ |
18th August 2011, 04:12 PM
This totally depends on your field of interest as both BBA and B.tech are completely different streams from each other .
BBA is Bachelor of business administration B.tech is bachelor in technology (engg) So after doing BBA you can go for job in business administration sector and after B.tech you can go for job in Core companies or I Tcompanies |
29th August 2011, 11:28 AM
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B-TECH in the course of technical field . The scope for job is better than BBA course . After B-TECH you have chances for lots of Higher study like MS , M-TECH,MBA , JRF ,PHD etc. But BBA is the management line so the job scope is not better than BBA . BBA course have also some higher study like MBA ,MCA etc. So you can try for B-TECH course. All the best |
1st September 2011, 01:56 AM
Hello dear
completed 12th with PCM, B.tech will best option for you compare to the BBA course. jobs opportunity as well as research and higher study opportunity is very good in case of engineering compare to BBA. after doing engineering you can do >>MTECH. >>MS >>JRF. >>MBA. jobs opportunity in case of govt sector also very good for B.Tech. al the best..... |
23rd November 2011, 05:38 PM
it depends upon your interest..anyhw both are good provided you get a good college having good infrastructure,placements.dont get carried away by anyone"s opinion . sit and rethink about your interest and aim and then take the step.good luck.
13th May 2012, 04:18 PM
if you are ready to accept anything then you have to be ready to learn anything, with leader ship qualities and quality to take initiative and etc., many qualities are required to get succeeded with this course.Bachelors of Technology this is the course which is done by tech freeks. and who like and want to do something with the emerging technology they don't bother about the money what they earn but they want the recognization .. all these kinda people have to select this course so that there will be the recognization in their expected way.
20th May 2012, 06:51 PM
This is most important question which is searched on the Internet by those who are interested to do MBA. When you want to do MBA, you have to choose either MBA Finance or MBA Marketing. But you always think which degree will give you higher salary, reputation and status.
On this question, I have single view that both are important for your learning. Both MBA finance and MBA marketing are very necessary because after doing MBA marketing, you have to make contacts and increase sale figures of business. On the other side if you will do MBA Finance, you have to reduce misuse of fund which business gets from sale or other sources. So, only skills which you will get either from MBA finance or MBA marketing and proper use of this, will make you hero. If you want to select anyone, then you should check your personal interest. If you want to enjoy to talk with others, discuss others and have leadership quality and want to promote your skills in the field of modern marketing, MBA marketing is better for you. If you have taste to investigate the accounting information and to solve the problem relating to finance, then for MBA finance is better for you. 2 Big Mistakes of Your Brain regarding decision on which is better MBA Finance or MBA Marketing 1. # Scope Some will say you the scope of MBA finance is more and some will say scope of MBA marketing is more. Forget this suggestion. My Argument Both marketing and finance are the function of business. Try to understand the relationship of finance with marketing and then decide at what level, you have to help business. 2. # Justice Some will say you that after MBA finance, you will not get justice from companies because companies will prefer CA instead appointing MBA Finance. So, do MBA marketing. Some other will say you that after MBA marketing, you have to go door to door for selling company's product. Your reputation will be worse than beggar. So, do MBA Finance and enjoy setting work in AC room. My Argument a) Do you have efficiency to fight CA after your MBA Finance. If yes, it is 100% sure, you will select as Finance manager instead of CA. If your way to get MBA finance education, then it is very easy, but if you have decided to get knowledge of everything relating to MBA finance, it is difficult, but after this no one can fight with you. b) Thinking of door to door marketing is the proof of your narrow thinking. Never forget, you will meet human beings, you will discuss with them. Many of them will be specialize in their field and you get more and more knowledge from them. Now, you will be single in the world who can remove your all faults by getting this knowledge. Moreover, if samething is thought by Obama the president of USA, then he will never come India. Because he has also come from one door that is called USA and reached other door that is called India for business ( means marketing). Try to change your thinking. Now think on this topic with positive way! |
23rd June 2012, 05:00 PM
Which field is good for my future career bba or biotech. As i hv completed my 12th with PCB and have secured only 65%?
Or suggest me some other good course which is good for my career? |
22nd August 2012, 02:25 AM
BBA has emerged as an important option among students after completing Class 12. Many students are confused due to lack of proper information and guidance and often end up making a wrong choice. This article will help you clear your doubts and confusion, though of course the onus of choosing your career lies upon you at the end of the day. BBA : Bachelors of Business Administration.The determining factor of choosing BBA over B.Com is a job in the field of management or shaping your career as an entrepreneur. So, the most obvious step after BBA is MBA or Masters in Business Administration. this is the course directly done by the candidates who are interested in doing Management studies and settle as a Manager or HR in a good company. Tough eligibility criteria might differ from one institute to the other, most institutes accept students who have passed 10+2 in any stream and have obtained 50% marks in average. B.Tech : Bachelors of Technology this is the course which is done by tech freeks. and who like and want to do something with the emerging technology they don't bother about the money what they earn but they want the recognization .. all these kinda people have to select this course so that there will be the recognization in their expected way. Both are equally good but it depends on the attitude of the 12th candidate to select the course. |
22nd August 2012, 03:07 AM
hello dear,
Both are equally good but it depends on the attitude of the 12th performance to select the course. As you are from PCM background you will feel intial difficulty in BBA course than in B.Tech. there is lots of job oppurinity in b.tech field.jobs will be easily getable by studing b.tech than bba. lots of goverment sector jobs are aviable on b.tech than bba affter complet of btech u can go for higher study like m.tech,MBA,PHD etc but bba is management degree so b.tech is good for u r future good luck |
12th June 2014, 03:39 PM
Hi!! I have completed my 12th vth general group and got 64%. And now im confused between btech and bba. I wana earn a lot of money and a good reputation. Which vl be best for me?? Ple help!!! Confused!!
26th September 2017, 10:41 AM
I am a btech student but I didn't get any job after complete btech in mechanical engineering so I search for so many companies for job they said no valances her. Lot of btech students passout every year. So no one get jobs .when I complete MBA I get a job in a international company. My opinion bba is the best course after 2