28th November 2010, 09:05 PM
Details about GRE topics, Marks and Scholarships?
i want to know about gre topics,marks and scholrship details .please give career guidance about my future studies as iam studying mechanical engineering.i dont know to go for mechanical field or software field.
kindly give answer to my doubts. thanking uuuuu |
29th November 2010, 07:57 PM
dear friend,
gre is nothing but the graduate record exam. and the score of gre and TOEFL are the gateways for higher studies in the foreign universities, especially in USA. well the topics are quant, analytical and verbal sections and based on your gre marks, toefl marks, 12th marks and then your extra co curricular activities, you would be alloted the university. and as per your field is concerned, i would ask you to go ahead with mechanical so prepare well. work hard. god bless you. |
30th November 2010, 01:01 PM
Hey GRE is all about studying in Great Universities round the Globe.
The topics are mainly on english which test your analytical skills,aptitude test,verbal sections. There are two sections each consisting of 60 questions in GRE. |
1st May 2011, 08:01 PM
Hi. I want to know the min. gre and toefl score for getting the full scholarship...
I m doing b.tech in biotechnology,, i want to do MS in medical biotechnology ...also plz tell me the min. score at which i can get medical biotech in US .... plzzz help me .... Thanking you.. |
8th May 2014, 05:44 PM
iam studying Btech ece.. iwanted to do ms in usa ....so could u plz tell me the total marks. qualifying marks, scholarship regarding gre ....when should we write the gre exam ......plzzz answer my doubt ....immediately sir