10th June 2011, 10:42 PM
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Difference between B.Tech CS and MS CS? Which one is better from career perspective?

i want to know difference between B.Tech. Computer Science and MS Computer Science. also guide me which one is better from career perspective. I also want to know whether I should go for an integrated five years MS course of Computer Science or should I go for a four year B.Tech in Computer and then M.Tech.

8th July 2011, 09:26 AM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech CS and MS CS? Which one is better from career perspective?

what is beeter betwen b tech and msc in comuter sc after bsc in computer sc and why
12th July 2011, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech CS and MS CS? Which one is better from career perspective?

B.Tech and MS are two completely different courses. B.Tech is a graduation course while MS is a post graduation course. MS course is equivalent to M.Tech in India. Now if you are willing to go abroad to the United States and do your graduation and your post graduation then, yes 5 years integrated MS in computer science is a good option. So your confusion will end when you decide where you want to do your studies. If you are choosing India, then B.Tech and then M.Tech and if you are choosing to go abroad then you can select MS integrated course.
7th October 2011, 03:53 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech CS and MS CS? Which one is better from career perspective?

what wil be the expected desgination and salary for a MS student?which one is better to do Msc or MS?
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18th April 2012, 02:18 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech CS and MS CS? Which one is better from career perspective?

can i do fashion designing course at P.G. level after bsc-IT ?please give me complete information for better career.
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28th May 2012, 06:28 PM
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Arrow Re: Difference between B.Tech CS and MS CS? Which one is better from career perspective?


As you may know B.Tech is the Bachelor in Engineering course which is a full time graduation program of duration 4 years.
It is true that these days many private colleges have come up with the integrated B.Tech + M.Tech programs in 5 years.
But I must ensure you that no government colleges is yet providing this type of course.

B.Tech is Computer Science is the Engineering Graduation course whereas the MS in CS is the Master's in that subject. It is called M.S because the Engineering colleges which teach on the technical studies call it M.S. But there are universities which have come up and they offer courses in all streams. They call this course to be M.Tech.
This is the namely difference So no other difference.

Now coming to your query that which is a better career, I would say that these cannot be compared. You have to do B.Tech at first and then decide if you want to go for M.S

Since the two courses are different and of different levels like one is graduation course and the other is post graduation.. thus they cannot be compared with respect to each other.

Now I would suggest you to go for the B.Tech at first and then sit for the GATE - Graduate Aptitude test of Engineering and go for the M.Tech separately. The Integrated course may look tempting that you would save one year but to be true very few companies value the integrated M.Tech course.

Rest the decision has to be yours.

Hope this helps

All the best

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28th May 2012, 07:21 PM
Join Date: May 2012
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech CS and MS CS? Which one is better from career perspective?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can i do fashion designing course at P.G. level after bsc-IT ?please give me complete information for better career.
List of Colleges / Institutes offering Fashion Designing courses in Bangalore

Vogue Institute of Fashion Technology
Football Stadium Complex, Diagonally Opp. Garuda Mall,
Off MG Road, Bangalore - 560 025. Karnataka, INDIA
TEL: 91- 080 25304332/25550866/25304372/25545098/99.
Fax: 25513604
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.voguefashioninstitute.com

Courses Offered by the Vogue Institute

* Post Graduation Program in Fashion Merchandising & Retail Management - MBA FM&RM
* Degree Program in Fashion & Apparel Designing: B.sc. FAD
* Degree Program in Interior Designing – B.Sc. ID
* Degree Program in Jewellery Designing & Management – B.Sc. JD& M
* Degree Program in Animation & Multimedia – B.Sc. A&M
* Bachelor’s of Business Management – BBM
* Diploma Programs in Fashion Designing & Management – GDFDM
* Diploma in Computer Aided Fashion Designing – CFD – CAD
* Diploma in Interior Designing – GDID
* Diploma in Jewellery Designing & Manufacturing – CAD – DJD – CAD
* Diploma in Diamond Grading & Identification – DDGI
* Diploma in Gemology – DG,
* Diploma in Animation & Multimedia GDA&M.

Army Institute of Fashion and Design
ITI Bhavan, Doorvani Nagar,
Old Madras Road, Bangalore - 560 016
Tel: 91 - 80 - 25617559, 25617309, 25618014
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.aifdonline.com

PG Programmes-Duration 2 Years (40 seats each)
PG Diploma in Fashion Design
PG Diploma in Apparel Merchandising and Logistics Management
UG Programmes-Duration 3 Years (60 seats)
B.Sc. Fashion And Apparel Design (Affiliated to Bangalore University)

Alt Training College
Kaikondanahalli, Sarjarpur Road,
Near Bellandur Gate, Carmelram Post,
Bangalore - 560 035, India
Telephone - 91 - 80 - 8439210 / 11/ 12 / 86 / 87
Fax - 91 - 80 - 8439195 / 8439280
Email : [email protected]
Website: http://www.alttrainingcollege.com

B.Sc. in Fashion & Apparel Designing
Apparel Production Engineering
Retail Management
Apparel Industrial Engineering
Apparel Production Management
Fashion Design And Merchandising
Apparel Machine Engineering
Sewing Machine Mechanic
Apparel Production Supervisor
Computer Aided Textile & Garment Designing
Customised Special Corporate Courses
Sewing Maching Operator

Alt Training College
Kaikondanahalli, Sarjarpur Road,
Near Bellandur Gate, Carmelram Post,
Bangalore - 560 035, India
Telephone - 91 - 80 - 8439210 / 11/ 12 / 86 / 87
Fax - 91 - 80 - 8439195 / 8439280
Email : [email protected]
Website: http://www.alttrainingcollege.com

B.Sc. in Fashion & Apparel Designing
Apparel Production Engineering
Retail Management
Apparel Industrial Engineering
Apparel Production Management
Fashion Design And Merchandising
Apparel Machine Engineering
Sewing Machine Mechanic
Apparel Production Supervisor
Computer Aided Textile & Garment Designing
Customised Special Corporate Courses
Sewing Maching Operator
Arunas Institute of Fashion Technology
No. 21, Gangadhara Chetty Rd,
Near Ulsoor Lake, opp. Rbanms Coll. Gnd.
Bangalore - 560042, Karnataka, India
Tel: 080- 25594826

Fashion Design
Fashion / Art Director courses

Fortune Institute of Fashion Technology & Arts
No.135, 2nd Floor, Dispensary Road, Parallel to Commercial Street,
Bangalore - 560 001.
Phone: 2558 4313 / 4113 2522
Mobile: 9845383989
E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
Website: www.fiftarts.com

Fashion Designing Management
Textile Designing and Management
Interior Designing and Management
Computer Designing Management
Fine Arts Management

Bangalore Institute of Fashion Technology
6, Bilekahalli Gate (near IIM-B),
Bannerghatta Main Road,
Bangalore - 560 076.
Phone : 91-80-32721283 / 41109966
E-Mail : [email protected]
Website: http://www.biftindia.com

B.Sc. Fashion And Apparel Design
Fashion Design & Boutique Management
Garment Manufacturing Technology
Fashion Design
Pattern Making & Garment Construction
Apparel Quality Management
Apparel Merchandising & Marketing

Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM)
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore 560012, India
Tel: 091-80 - 2293 2359
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://cpdm.iisc.ernet.in/

Post Graduate:
2 year Master of Design (M.Des) programme in Product Design and Manufacturing
Design Research Program both at M.Sc. ( Engg.) and Ph D level

NICC [U.G.C. (Govt.of India)-recognised]
30 & 31, Hennur Gardens, Near Hennur Bande,
Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore - 560 043.
Tel: +91-80-65337001/2
Fax: +91-80-41671672
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: http://www.niccindia.org/

Graduate Programme:
-International Professional Diploma in Applied Design (3 years)

Post Graduate Programme:
-International Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Design (1 ½ years)
-International Professional Diploma in Photography and Cinematography (2 ½ years)
-International Postgraduate Diploma in Retail Design and MBA Retail Management Degree Programme (2 years)

C.A. Site No. 21 Sector 1, 27th Main Road HSR Layout,
Bangalore - 560 034
Tel: +91-80-25632550-55
Fax: +91-80-25632566
Email:- [email protected], [email protected]
Website: http://www.bangalore.niftindia.com/

Master Programmes:
-Master of Fashion Management (M.F.M.)
-Master of Fashion Technology (M.F.Tech.)
-Master of Design (M.Des.)
-PG Diploma in Enterprise Management for Fashion Business

Bachelor Programmes:
-Bachelor of Design (B.Des.)
-Bachelor of Fashion Technology (B.F.Tech.)

Srishti School of Design
Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology
P.O. Box No. 6430, Yelahanka New Town,
Doddabalapur Road, Opp. Wheel & Axle plant,
Bangalore - 560 064, India
Phone: 91-80-28462506/07/08, 28560238.
TeleFax: 91.80.28560240
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.srishti.ac.in/

Under Graduate:
-2 + 2 year Professional Diploma in Communication Design (Visual Communication Design, Experimental Media Arts, Digital Video Production,)
-Industrial Design (Textile Design, Furniture and Interiors, Product Design)

Post Graduate:
-2 year Advanced Diploma in Experimental Media Arts, Design in Education, Animation and Visual Effects, Gaming and Interaction

T. JOHN COLLEGE (Affiliated to Bangalore University)
88/1, Gottegere, Bannerghatta Road,
Bangalore - 560 083. India
Phone : 91 80 25597817, 25092057, 28429624, 25
Fax : 91 80 25590952
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.tjohncollege.com

B.Sc. (Fashion & Apparel Design)
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