23rd November 2011, 07:25 PM
Diploma courses in mechanical? List of various ITI courses and what is the scope?
Pls send me the information of diploma courses in mechanical & also inform various ITI Courses in scop future
thanks & regards shruti |
25th November 2011, 07:31 PM
There are many diploma courses in mechanical. Some of them are diploma in drafting and designing (mechanical), Diploma in mechanical Engineering, Diploma in Mechatronics, Diploma in Tool Engineering, etc. The candidates completing diploma in mechanical can find placement in various companies as technician, assistant manager in mechanical engineering, etc. there are many ITI courses like mechanical, electrical, architectural assistant etc. You can find job opportunities in many companies depending upon the stream you choose.
31st December 2011, 10:52 PM
what is the scope DIT in future.
15th February 2012, 11:53 PM
For both the options you need to clear the civil service exam. A graduate can apply for the same. The candidate can pursue any stream that interests them. So even mechanical engineers can apply for this exam. But they should have studied in recognised institute. Also their age should be more than than 21 years and less than 30 years. You can visit the UPSC site to know the details of the exam.
2nd April 2012, 06:53 PM
Hi friend,
There are many diploma courses in mechanical. Some of them are diploma in drafting and designing (mechanical), Diploma in mechanical Engineering, Diploma in Mechatronics , Diploma in Tool Engineering, etc. The candidates completing diploma in mechanical can find placement in various companies as technician, assistant manager in mechanical engineering, etc.there are many ITI courses like mechanical, electrical, architectural assistant etc. You can find job opportunities in many companies depending upon the stream you choose. good luck |
14th April 2012, 08:41 PM
You can do the following courses in ITI: 1)Accountancy and book keeping. 2)Advanced vocational training scheme 3)Art and crafts 4)Attendant operator 5)Auto electrician 6)Auto mechanic 7)Bleaching Dyeing 8)Boiler Attendant 9)BOOK Binder 10)Carpenter 11)COMPUTER Hardware 12)COMPUTER OPERATOR PROGRAMMING ASSISTANT 13)Consumer Electronics 14)Cutting and tailoring 15)DENTAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY 16)DESK TOP PUBLISHING OPERATOR 17)DRAUGHTSMAN in CIVIL 18)DRAUGHTSMAN in MECHANICAL 19)Dress making 20)DRIVER/MECHANIC 21)Dental laboratoy Technology 22)DESK TOP PUBLISHING OPERATOR. 23)Elecro Plator ALL the best regards arun |
9th January 2013, 07:11 PM
There are lots of options available in diploma course of ITI and every course has good scope.
Following are some diploma courses which you can go for: Mechanic (Diesel) Pump Operator-cum-Mechanic Driver Cum Mechanic (Light Motor Vehicle) Institution House Keeping Domestic House Keeping Pre/Preparatory School Management (Assistant) Crèche Management Cabin/Room Attendant Event Management Ass Dress Making Baker and Confectioner Preservation of fruits and vegetables Photographer Bleaching Dyeing and Calico Printing Hair and Skin care Steward Craftsman Food Production (General) Craftsman Food Production (Vegetarian) Process Cameraman Plate Maker-cum-Impositor Litho - Offset Machine Minder Dairying Interior Decoration and Designing Fitter Turner Machinist Thanks... |
16th November 2014, 11:02 PM
I have diploma mechanical., I'll plan for join to Nttf tool designer, give me some ideas kindly
[email protected] |