13th August 2012, 08:05 PM
Is food technology a good career option after B.E Chemical
Is food technology is good carrier option after B.E.chemical, suggest good one
6th January 2013, 12:57 AM
Hello !!
yes,food technology seems to be a good career option after B.E Chemical. The scope for chemical engineers is tend to grow in future due to industrial expansion and the related scarcity of resources needed. They may be demand as they work to create synthetic replacements for those natural materials and resources that are in short supply. Overall chemical engineers could make very important contributions for the improvement and maintenance of the quality of life. since, According to me , chemical engg. is one of the best field. Bcoz , I'm studying chemical engg. It is so much familiar with our day 2 day life.This was one of my vision. thanks. |