25th October 2016, 02:25 PM
How can I get my lost CPT Registration number?
Respected Sir, I have lost my CPT Registration number my name is Vijay Singh, S/O Bhagavan Singh, Date of Birth 07/02/1997 and my Mother's name is Shanthi Devi. Please help me getting my Registration number back.
9th March 2019, 03:07 PM
Hello sir, i have my reg no and date of birth. But when i try to summit it[for form fill], then[after summit reg no, dob and chepcha] never accept to reg no and dob. it showing me that your reg no and dob is invalid. So, sir please help me, what i do now.
11th March 2019, 11:53 AM
How can i get regestration no of ca foundation and if email is deleted from me that is sent by ICAI