20th June 2012, 07:24 PM
How can I join MN after electrical engineering?
how can i join mn after electrical engneering...pleaes tel me how can i join
3rd January 2016, 08:25 AM
To join a multi national company after the electrical engineering you have to first make a handsome resume that shows your qualification you have attained and the projects with that you have been worked and make remember the points in making the resume.
>> Resume should be fully professional and input only the matters in resume that you could answer in the interview as most of the questions are asked from the resume in such interviews. >> Resume should not be flow less. >> Resume should not be too large and too short it should be according to post you are applying for. After making the resume you have to submit it to the company and on the occasion of any vacancy the company will call you for the interview and on qualifying the interview you will become an employee of that company. |