2nd June 2011, 12:12 AM
Posts: n/a

How can I be medically fit for IAS exam?

i am overwt and gynemcomestia how i willget medical fit in iaf...what should be folllowed

15th August 2011, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am overwt and gynemcomestia how i willget medical fit in iaf...what should be folllowed
You will not allowed to join AIR Force because of Overwheight and Gynecomestia !

Below are the IAF Medical Standards to be Ponder :-
  • You must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/ disability, which is likely to interfere with efficient performance of duties. There should be no evidence of weak constitution, bodily defects or overweight.
  • The height and weight standards for men and women differ. Click to view the appropriate standards for each.
  • Men
  • Your chest should be well developed. The minimum range of expansion after full inspiration should be 5 cm.
  • There should be no disease of bones and joints of the body.
  • You should be free of any past history of mental breakdown or fits.
  • Your hearing should be normal without any evidence of present or past disease of the ear, nose and throat.
  • There should be no sign of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels. Your blood pressure should also be normal.
  • The muscles of the abdomen should be well developed without any enlargement of the liver or spleen. Any evidence of disease of internal organs of the abdomen can be a cause for rejection.
  • An un-operated hernia can make you unfit for selection. If operated, this should have been done at least six months prior to the present examination and healing should be complete without any potential for recurrence.
  • There should be no hydrocele, varicocele or piles. If operated for hydrocele and/or varicocele, this should have been done at least six months prior to the present examination and healing should be complete without any recurrence.
  • Urine examination will be done and any abnormality, if detected, can be a cause for rejection.
  • Any disease of the skin, which is likely to cause disability or disfigurement, will also be a cause for rejection.
  • Vision will be tested. You must have good binocular vision. In case you have undergone or are detected to have undergone Radial Keratotomy, or any other procedure to improve the visual acuity, you will be permanently rejected.
  • You should have sufficient number of natural and sound teeth. A minimum of 14 dental points will be acceptable. When 32 teeth are present, the total dental points are 22. You should not be suffering from severe pyorrhoea.
15th August 2011, 12:46 PM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 649
Default Re: How can I be medically fit for IAS exam?

Hello friend

physical fitness is very important for joining any govt /armed forces /civil services
There could be no compromise in physical fitness in ias test

As you have overweight problem and also gynocomatsia you are unifit for the exam
Gynacomastia problem is hard to be treated but you can correct your overweight problem then you may be considered as physically fit and can appear for the exam

best of luck to you
29th September 2011, 07:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How can I be medically fit for IAS exam?

J hav completed my puc with 59% now studyin BE 1st sem but i normally use lens can i apply for ips exam?
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27th January 2012, 01:17 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How can I be medically fit for IAS exam?

I have lost my forefinger,
i am eligible for IPS or not,
please tell me
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