21st June 2012, 07:20 PM
How to join Indian Army after passing 10th standard? I have teeth infection
Dear sir, I have passed 10th standard and I want to join indian army but I have teeth infection. Now can I join indian army?
15th August 2012, 10:19 AM
Dear Friend,
Sorry to say but you are not eligible to Join Indian Army because of the following reasons : * Being a 10th pass out student you are not eligible because the minimum qualification required to join Indian Army is 12th pass. * You have a teeth infection so you are not physically fit. this is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want. |
15th August 2012, 09:59 PM
hello friend....!!!!
->NO, you can't give the NDA II entrance exam after 10th. ->so,according to my advice first you should go for +2 if you want to go for NDA. ->girls are not eligible for NDA . ->unmarried man are eligible. ->Here is the eligibility criteria,please check the eligibility criteria:- NDA entrance exam eligibility criteria:- >You should be minimum 12 pass out >age limit-16.5-19 yrs >you should be an unmarried citizen of india ->Exam pattern:- >paper i is mathematics of 300 marks >paper ii is the general ability divided into two parts:- >part A is english of 200 marks >part B is general knowledge of 400 marks >so total 900 marks Then there is the interview session on the basis of which you are chosen,so,always prepare the interview session carefully and give it with full confidence. ALL THE BEST.... ![]() For more information you can visit the official website i.g given as follows:- www.upsc.gov.in so,work hard my friend...!!! |
16th August 2012, 12:35 AM
you can easily join indian army for this you have to give NDA exam it is held twice in a year eligibility: --12th pass --if you are appearing in 12th then also you can apply --you should be indian exam procedure: written test interview physical test |
12th June 2013, 10:16 PM
![]() Quote:
23rd November 2013, 12:57 PM
hai buddy...
After 10th there is no scope in joining indian army You must pursue a minimum qualification is 12 standard and go for NDA exam conducted by central board of government. 1.eligibility is 16.5-19 yrs 2.Indian citizenship 3.unmarried Wings in NDA : Indian army,Indian navy,Indian air force Exam pattern:written exam,medical test,personal interview sorry to say that with certain medical problems ur are not eligible . |
9th July 2015, 04:20 PM
**After 10 th standard you can not join in Indian Army.
**At least you are to complete 12th standard from the recognized board to join NDA. Here you have mentioned,you have teeth infection, no matter this is curable so that you can do NDA after 12th to join in Indian Army as Officer Post. **Nda is conducted by UPSC 2 times every year. **Your age must be within 16.5 years to 19 years. **Eye sight should be normal 6"/6".and free from colour blindness. **Only unmarried Indian male can write NDA entrance exam. **Height: Should be 157.5 cms. |