25th February 2011, 09:00 PM
How to prepare well for IIT JEE entrance exam?
How i can prepare well for IIT-JEE entrance exam?
Please reply thanks |
25th February 2011, 11:04 PM
if you want to crack IIT exam first of all your basic should be very clear because most of questions they asked are simple but tricky . well to be frank one should join IIT coaching institute to clear it because they will help you a lot.they teache you how to do smart work rather then unnecessary hard work. you can join many test series conducted by different institute all over India . |
25th February 2011, 11:26 PM
IIT JEE are top level exam for student those have Physics,Chemistry and Maths in 12th class. Every student want to go in IIT JEE college for B.Tech degree.To crack IIT JEE entrance exam you should require hard work. According to me any student cant clear IIT JEE exam.For clear IIT JEE entrance exam you should join best IIT JEE coaching institute. Without join any coaching center it is impossible to clear IIT JEE exam.For selection in IIT JEE entrance exam you should require 8-9 hours study per day. you should study regularly every day. So i will advise to join any coaching center and study 8-9 hours per day.you can get selection in IIT JEE. You should cover all topic of syllabus of IIT JEE. you should clear all doubts with respected teachers. Best of luck. |
25th February 2011, 11:32 PM
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BY doing this i am confident that you can do . Best of luck |
25th February 2011, 11:51 PM
How to prepare well for IIT JEE entrance exam?
If You Really Interested To Prepare for IIT JEE Exams, The I will Suggest You, Just Prepared for this exams According to the syllabus. So, Please Start Preperation form the NCERT Books, And try to Complete the Syllabus Of 11 And 12th Class Completely. Dont Skip Any Chapter, Try to Clear Your Basics First. Because To Crack the IIT JEE Exams, You Basics must Be Clear, Only then You will be Able to Crack the IIT JEE Examination. And Solve Passed Year IIT question papers, iit sample papers, So That Your Confidence Level Would Increase And You Will Be Able To Attempt Question Easily In Exams. If You Find Problem In Self Study, Then Please Join Some Good Coaching Classes Near By Your City, So That You will Not Face Any Difficulties. Coaching Classes Will Helps and Provide Best Study Materials As well As They will Tell You the Best Way to solve IIT JEE Paper. So, Please Study According to the Syllabus And Try to Complete the Syllabus As Soon As Possible And Also Read for the NCERT Books And when Your Syllabus Will Complete, Then Please Try to Solve Previous Year papers. Only then You will Be Able to Scored Good Marks in IIT JEE Examination. rahul k |
26th February 2011, 12:11 AM
hello my dear,
if you selected in IIT exam then you do hard work. you studied according to the syllbus. you study full of 11th and 12th course. if you need any guidence you also choose coaching classes in the best institute. but don't skip any chance because time is very valuable. BEST OF LUCK. |
26th February 2011, 01:14 AM
To prepare well for the IIT-Jee entrance exam,you should keep in mind the following points-
1. CONFIDENCE-You must be confident & free from all worries & tensions then only you can achieve the success. 2. CONTINUOUS EFFORT-IIT-JEE preparation requires continuous effort. Each subject must be given proper and regular time. Instead of preparing one subject for some days then other subjects, all the three subjects (Physics, Chemistry and (Mathematics) must be given time each day. It also helps in breaking monotony. 3. PROPER GUIDANCE- In today's competitive era, proper guidance is needed for success. The pattern of JEE has become concept based completely. So you need clear and doubtless concepts in each and every topic, to achieve a good rank in JEE. 4. PREPARE GOOD NOTES- Prepare good notes during attending lectures or self study. If you want to make the concept more clear while preparing notes of lectures leave some space and just after lecture fill up the space with clarification. 5. DO REGULAR REVISION- Apportion proper time for each subject. The approach should be balanced.After systematically understanding the concepts practice relevant problems to consolidate the topic. Now a days a no: of coaching centres also provide the study materials & Try to make the students more confident.So you can join them too. |
26th February 2011, 11:09 AM
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Hard Work ! Dedication ! Determination ! Proper Schedule ! Proper making of Notes ! Joining Some Good Institutes For tricks ! at-least 6 hrs of Study for IIT Syllabus ! With out compromising your 12th Board Exams. Hope you get my Point |
29th March 2011, 09:52 AM
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Preparing for IIT-JEE and trying it to clear is a dream which every student from science background has. This is a top level highly standard exam. You would need to do a lot of hardwork rather say "SMART hardwork". I would suggest you to go for a coaching, they help a lot. you solve a series of question papers published by diff good institutions, if you cannot join one. Stick to the basics, get all your concepts cleared. Do not ever try to mug up the things, those would be the first things you would forget when you enter examination hall . do not leave any major topic. And the most important thing. Preparing for IIT does not mean to go under ground. Don't take the preparation as a stress. Do as much as you can and keep yourself happy, that will help you in better understanding. All d best prepare well |
29th March 2011, 11:32 AM
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29th March 2011, 05:57 PM
To prepare IIT-JEE entrance exam, follow following tips: - 1. Join any coaching class. 2. Arrange study material from any coaching institute. 3. Purchase a competitive exam book from market & start practice. 4. Arrange last year papers. 5. Practice more & more questions. 6. Prepare according to the syllabus. 7. Work Hard 8. Take guidence from the faculty. Best Of Luck & Good Luck |
22nd April 2011, 11:42 AM
23rd April 2011, 09:10 PM
IIT Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Notification
PATTERN OF IITJEE Question Papers There will be two question papers, each of three hours duration. Both the question papers would consist of three separate sections on Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Questions in these papers will be of objective type, which are to be answered on a specially designed machine-gradable sheet (ORS Optical Response Sheet) using HB pencils only. Incorrect answers will be awarded negative marks. Language and Font of Question Papers Candidates can opt for Question Papers either in English or in Hindi. This option should be exercised while filling the application form. It cannot be changed at any later stage. Visually impaired candidates, on request, will be provided with question papers with 20% enlarged font. Calculating Aids Use of log tables and any electronic calculating aids are NOT permitted Aptitude Test for B.Arch. and B.Des. Candidates called for counselling and desirous of joining the B.Arch. and B.Des. courses will be required to qualify in an Aptitude Test to be conducted at each counselling institute on ______. The test will consist of one paper of three hours duration from 10:00 to 13:00 hrs. Candidates who fail to qualify in the Aptitude Test will not be eligible for admission to either B.Arch. or B.Des. courses. Question papers for aptitude test for B.Arch and B.Des will be in English only. The candidate should write the test only once, either on ____ . ELIGIBILITY FOR IIT JEE 2011 Eligibility: You must make sure that you satisfy all the eligibility conditions given below for appearing in JEE-2011 Date of birth: Candidate belonging to GE, OBC and DS categories must be born on or after October 01, 1986 and those belonging to SC, ST and PD categories must be born on or after October 01, 1981 Year of passing qualifying examination (QE): Must have passed the qualifying examination, namely, XII standard or any equivalent examination, after 1st October 2009 or in the year 2010 or will be appearing in 2011 Minimum percentage of marks in QE: candidates belonging to GE, OBC and DS categories must secure at least 60% marks and candidates belonging to SC, ST and PD categories must secure at least 55% marks in aggregate in the qualifying examination Important notes: (i) You can attempt JEE only twice, in consecutive years. That means you should have attempted JEE for the first time in 2010 or will be appearing in 2011 (ii) If you have accepted admission after qualifying in JEE in earlier years by paying full fees at any of the IITs, IT-BHU, Varanasi or ISM, Dhanbad, you will not be eligible to write JEE at all, irrespective of whether or not you joined in any of the programmes Reservation of seats: : For SC/ST candidates, respectively 15%, 7.5% seats are reserved in each programme in all the IITs, IT-BHU Varanasi and ISM Dhanbad. Candidates belonging to these categories are qualified on the basis of a relaxed criterion For OBC candidates belonging to non-creamy layer, 27% seats are reserved in each programme in all the IITs, IT-BHU Varanasi and ISM Dhanbad. Candidates belonging to this category are qualified on the basis of a relaxed criterion For candidates with physical disability (PD), including leprosy-cured candidates, who are otherwise fit to pursue the course, 3% seats are reserved in each of the categories (viz GE/OBC/SC/ST). Candidates in this category are also qualified under relaxed norms Two seats in each institute are preferentially allotted to children of defence/paramilitary personnel killed or permanently disabled in action during war or peacetime operations (DS) provided the candidate qualifies without any relaxed criterion Some SC/ST/PD candidates, who do not qualify in the merit list of JEE-2011, may be offered admission to the preparatory course of one-year duration provided (i) seats reserved for respective category are vacant (ii) candidates satisfy minimum norms (iii) candidates have not registered for the preparatory course earlier in any of these institutes. Candidates successfully completing the preparatory course will be offered direct admission to the first year in the academic year 2012-13 How to Apply for IIT Joint Entrance Examination ? The Information given below is based on IIT JEE 2010 Exam Notification. Details regarding the application process will be published in leading national dailies and employment news/rozgar samachar on Saturday, 30th October, 2010 Application procedure: A candidate can submit application either on-line through internet or off-line through prescribed (OMR) application form. (a)Online: For online submission of applications, visit any of the websites given below and carefully follow the instructions given therein. Candidates can pay the application fee through NEFT or through challan of selected banks. The application fee for online mode is Rs 450/- for SC/ST/PD/Female candidates and Rs 900/- for all other candidates (b)Offline: A candidate can buy an application form with information brochure from any one of the designated branches of banks by paying Rs 500/- for SC/ST/PD/Female candidates (light yellow envelope) or Rs 1000/- for all other candidates (white envelope). The information brochure contains details regarding application procedure, syllabus of JEE, examination cities, course available at various institutes, fee structure and additional information about JEE-2011 (c) Help-line (only in IIT Madras zone): Those who do not have access to computers and internet can also apply on-line with reduced examination fees by visiting any of the forty approved CMC help-line centres distributed all over the IIT Madras zone. For details visit JEE website or contact CMC office tele 044-22504500 All India list of designated branches of banks for purchase of application material is also given in websites of all IITs. Institute website IIT Bombay http://www.jee.iitb.ac.in IIT Delhi http://jee.iitd.ac.in IIT Guwahati http://www.iitg.ac.in/jee IIT Kanpur http://www.jee.iitk.ac.in IIT Kharagpur http://www.iitkgp.ernet.in/jee IIT Madras http://jee.iitm.ac.in IIT Roorkee http://www.iitr.ac.in/jee All India helplines from 8 am to 8 pm 044-42925020 and 21 List of designated branches of banks for purchase of application material is as follows IIT Delhi zone (Union Bank of India) Delhi/New Delhi Anand Vihar (C-8, Anand Vihar), Connaught Place (14/15F), Dwarka (Bansal Plaza Sec-6), Karol Bagh (Arya Samaj Road), Model Town-2 (B-5), Nehru Place (73/74, Sheetala House), Rajouri Garden (Patel Market), Sarita Vihar (Local shopping complex, F&G Pkt), S.D.A. (Opposite IIT Main gate), Shahdara (Raj Block, G.T. Road), Shalimar Bagh (BQ Commercial Complex); Haryana Faridabad (56, Neelam Bata Road), Gurgaon (New Railway Road); Jammu and Kashmir Jammu (Raghunath Bazar), Srinagar (Lal Chowk); Madhya Pradesh Indore (1/3 Murai Mohalla, Sanyogita Ganj), (453, MG Road), Ujjai (5, Vishala Kshetra, Rishi Nagar), Uttar Pradesh Alligarh (Pathar Bazar, Railway Road), Gautam Budh Nagar (Brahmaputra Shopping Complex, Sector-29, Noida ), Ghaziabad (15, G.T. Road), Mathura (1872, Tilak Dwar) IIT Kanpur zone (State Bank of India Main branch) Madhya Pradesh Bhopal (T.T. Nagar), Gwalior (Jiwaji Chowk, Lashkar), Jabalpur (Main branch), Uttarakhand Almora (The Mall), Haldwani (Nainital road), Nainital (The Mall), Pant Nagar (University Campus), Uttar Pradesh Agra (M.G. Road), Allahabad (Kutcheri Road, and High court branch), Amethi (Railway station road), Azamgarh (near collectorate), Ballia (near Kutcheri), Banda (Kutcheri compound), Etawah (Shastri nagar), Faizabad (civil lines), Gonda (Malaviya nagar, near Gandhi park), Hardoi (station road), Jhansi (civil lines, near elite crossing), Kanpur (mall road and IIT Kanpur), Lucknow (Moti mahal marg and ashok marg), Raebareli (super market), Sitapur (Eye hospital road), Sultanpur (main branch) IIT Roorkee zone (Punjab national bank) Chandigarh Chandigarh (sector 17-C branch, sector 37-D branch); Haryana Ambala (Tandura bazar, Ambala city), Hissar (model town); Kurukshetra (railway road, Thanesar), Panipat (G.T. Road), Rohtak (Jhajjar road) and Yamuna nagar (Saharanpur road); Himachal Pradesh Palampur (main branch) and Shimla (The Mall); Punjab Amritsar (Lawrence road), Bhatinda (bank street), Jalandhar (Civil lines), Ludhiana (Civil lines), Pathankot (railway road) and Patiala ( The Mall), Uttarakhand Dehradun (Astley Hall), Hardwar (Ahmedpur), Roorkee (IIT campus), Srinagar Garhwal (Main branch) and Uttarkashi (main branch); Uttar Pradesh Bareilly (shyam ganj), Bijnor (main branch), Meerut (eastern kutchehri road), Moradabad (civil lines), Muzaffarnagar (Gaushala Nai mandi, south Bhopa road), Saharanpur (Shaheed ganj) and Varanasi (Nichi bagh) IIT Bombay zone (Canara Bank) Rajasthan Ajmer (M.G. Marg), Bhilwara (14-A, PWC road), Bikaner (Phad bazaar), Jaipur (Arvind marg; Malaviya nagar; Mirza Ismail road, Vaishali Nagar) Jodhpur (Jalori gate) Kota (Baran road) Sriganganagar (Shiv circle), Udaipur (Sethjiki Bari) IIT Guwahati zone (State Bank of India) Uttar Pradesh Gorakhpur (Main) IIT Kharagpur zone (Axis Bank) Chhattisgarh Bhilai (Supela chowk), Bilaspur (Rama trade centre), Raipur (Jeevan bima marg |
9th May 2011, 09:30 PM
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IIT-JEE is a tough competitive exam and information regarding it refer the file attached. Please refer. Thank you. |
29th June 2011, 02:12 PM
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for preparing to give competitive exams,the first thing needed is dedication.. you need to be dedicated towards your goal you need to join some coaching so that you will be able to tackle competition and also do hardwork but smartly.. firstly...start with ncert in all the three subjects...then read the following books: physics:hc verma chemistry: organic--> op tondon for physical,inorganic and organic+ solomons for organic and jd lee for inorganic. maths: ml khanna/a das gupta(subjective) previous years papers in all three subjects from arihant prakashan,.. best of luck!! |
30th January 2012, 05:18 PM
Crack IIT exam first of all your basic should be very clear because most of questions they asked are simple but tricky,well to be frank one should join IIT coaching institute to clear it because they will help you a lot.they teache you how to do smart work rather then unnecessary hard work.
you can join many test series conducted by different institute all over India . |
24th July 2012, 04:20 PM
Hi Jatin,
IIT-JEE Engineering Entrance Exam is conducted every year jointly by IITs. This exam is commenced for admission to Undergraduate Courses in different branches of Engineering. In this exam, only top class brains are selected. This exam is regarded as one of the toughest exam in India for engineering. Selection ratio is about 50:1. That means from every 50 students only 1 is selected. For preparing these exams, special strategy is to be made. Then only, a candidate can crack this exam. Firstly, good reference books are must like TMH Publications, Arihant Publications, etc. Secondly, NCERT Textbooks of Class 11 and 12 are very necessary for the clearance of concepts. Thirdly, coaching is must. Without coaching it would be nearly impossible for a student to crack IIT-JEE exam. Lastly, 8-10 hours study per day is must for a student if he is preparing for IIT-JEE exam. |
24th July 2012, 07:02 PM
IT JEE are top level exam for student those have Physics,Chemistry and Maths in 12th class.
Every student want to go in IIT JEE college for B.Tech degree.To crack IIT JEE entrance exam you should require hard work. According to me any student cant clear IIT JEE exam.For clear IIT JEE entrance exam you should join best IIT JEE coaching institute. Without join any coaching center it is impossible to clear IIT JEE exam.For selection in IIT JEE entrance exam you should require 8-9 hours study per day. you should study regularly every day. So i will advise to join any coaching center and study 8-9 hours per day.you can get selection in IIT JEE. You should cover all topic of syllabus of IIT JEE. |
24th July 2012, 08:22 PM
-->if you are in CBSE board during your +2 class then it is good and you can go through your +2 syllabus to achieve good marks becuse exam is normally related to CBSE/ICSE board. OTHER INFORMATION:- -->good to know that have started your preparation for IIT-JEE exam just after passing class 10th.IIT-JEE exam is conducted every year jointly by IIT's for admission in undergraduate courses in various IIT's. -->But at this moment you are not eligible for giving this exam. -->you can give this exam while appearing 12th board. -->minimum %age required is 60%. -->FOR WELL PREPARARTION YOU CAN JOIN ANY INSTITUTE OR ALSO YOU CAN PREPARE YOURSELF. --->PLEASE WORK HARD IF YOU REALLY WANT TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS IN YOUR LIFE AND TO MAKE YOUR CAREER BRIGHT. -->for more information please visit this page. *http://jee.iitm.ac.in all the best...go ahead!! |
25th July 2012, 01:36 PM
IIT JEE are top level exam for student those have Physics,Chemistry and Maths in 12th class.
Every student want to go in IIT JEE college for B.Tech degree.To crack IIT JEE entrance exam you should require hard work. According to me any student cant clear IIT JEE exam.For clear IIT JEE entrance exam you should join best IIT JEE coaching institute. Without join any coaching center it is impossible to clear IIT JEE exam.For selection in IIT JEE entrance exam you should require 8-9 hours study per day. you should study regularly every day. So i will advise to join any coaching center and study 8-9 hours per day.you can get selection in IIT JEE. You should cover all topic of syllabus of IIT JEE. you should clear all doubts with respected teachers |
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