19th August 2010, 02:31 AM
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IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

hi,please tell me which would be better for a civil engineer, ias or ies?

19th August 2010, 11:07 AM
jomson varghese
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Originally Posted by maddusajj View Post
hi,please tell me which would be better for a civil engineer, ias or ies?
dear friend,
IES is better for a civil engineer
19th August 2010, 12:34 PM
shivdayal sharma
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

from my point of view IES is better for civil engg, because u will do work in ur core field and also u utilize ur civil engg knowledge.

for IAS its administrative service there is no use of ur core field

good luck peeper well
19th August 2010, 01:01 PM
Bishwajit Giri
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

dear friend,
for civil engineering both IES and IAS are very useful
but IES is better to IAS
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19th August 2010, 01:01 PM
divyashri rajwaniya
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

IES is much better for you because indian engg. services consist of more construction work so civill engg. has more scope there.
I suggest you to give ths exam.
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19th August 2010, 03:49 PM
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u r eligible for both exam , but it depends on u that what do u want to do in futre.Both is better.

Best of luck
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19th August 2010, 03:55 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Hello Friend

First of all be clear that IES and IAS both are entirely different Jobs.

IES is for Engineering Services in Goverment sectors- Indian Railway Engineering service, Millitary Engineering Service, Central Engineering Service etc.

IAS is for Bureaucracy of Indian Govertment. It includes Administrative jobs- Directors, Secretry to PM, CM, Aviation, Revenew etc.

So, first find your area of interest weather you want to work in Engineering line or Bureaucracy.

As being an Engineer IES will be good for you. And also you are a Civil Engineer which adds charm to your career prospect in IES.

However, just think before acting.


Last edited by faiyaz; 20th August 2010 at 01:02 AM.
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19th August 2010, 05:29 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

dear friend,
These both jobs are in different sectors & its is better for you to choose any one of it as per your interest.

no doubt both exams are very much renowned & conducted by UPSC, but you should know the basic difference between these two.

for example if you are interested in administrative work, then you should choose IAS.
otherwise if your aim is to be an engineer in government sector then IES will be better option for you.

but just decide as per your interest, choice is yours.

good luck.
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19th August 2010, 05:38 PM
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dear friend,
These both jobs are in different sectors & its is better for you to choose any one of it as per your interest.

no doubt both exams are very much renowned & conducted by UPSC, but you should know the basic difference between these two.

for example if you are interested in administrative work, then you should choose IAS.
otherwise if your aim is to be an engineer in government sector then IES will be better option for you.

but just decide as per your interest, choice is yours.

good luck.
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19th August 2010, 05:49 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

For civil engineers both IES and IAS are good options. If you wish to build up your career in engineering opt for IES.Civil services is also a smart option if you aspire to go for administrative services. It depends on your personal interest.
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19th August 2010, 06:18 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

I do not know what has promted you to ask this question. There is no comparison between teh two services, while IES will land you jobs in different Government sectors like the Defence Sector, Electricity Boards, Railways, etc. IAS will make you a part of the administration.

I do not know what made you take up Civil Engineering; but if it had anything
to do with your liking for the subject/field then IES will give you the most
satisfactory break. But if that has not been the case and you nurture
bureaucratic dreams then may be you should try cracking IAS. The decision has to be entirely yours. Remember, it is you who will have to live with your
decision and not others.

I'd like to add that whatever your decision, you will have to work real hard to
fulfill your dream...
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19th August 2010, 08:44 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Hello Friend
First of all try to understand what these two examination are:

IES stands for Indian Engineering Services and deals with the government sector jobs such as Railways ,Military and central ....

Whereas IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and deals with the Administrative jobs...

Both the exams are conducted in in two stages.

1.Preliminary Examination : It is of objective type, which is a qualifying examination for the selection of candidates for Main Examination

2.Main Examination : It consists of written examination and interview for the selection of candidates for the various services and posts.

I hope now you have understands the things..........

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19th August 2010, 08:50 PM
mohit brh
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Dear friend,
for civil engineer IES is better but it depends upon your interest so firstly you will have to understand that what is IAS and IES.
IAS- Indian Administrative Service.
IES- Indian Engineering Service.

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19th August 2010, 09:53 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Dear frend,
in my opinion IES will be a better option for any engineer than IAS.....coz in IAS you have to study totaly different subjects...but in IES many of the subjects are known...........
wish you all the best!!!!!!!!
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19th August 2010, 11:24 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

hello dear

both IES & IAS most repective job in india.

but as you have engg degree.

so IES is better for a civil engineer.

as IES is the best jobs for engg.

all the best........
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20th August 2010, 12:53 AM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Ofcourse IES as its engineering services and is related to ur engineering. But its important whats your interest in IES or IAS. Both are different and very popular.

So chose the one which interests you but my choice would be IES as you asked it for an engineer
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20th August 2010, 01:21 AM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

You should plan at least one year in advance. Identify your interests, your strenghts and your weaknesses
The 2 things are totally different
U have to choose according to your field of interest
According to me u should choose IES AS IT WILL BOOST UP YOUR CARRER AS AN ENGINEER

All the best
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20th August 2010, 02:34 AM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

i am interested in ias ,and i want to take civil as one of my subject,
please tell which other subject will be good as my second choice?
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20th August 2010, 10:34 AM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Hello friend,

If you want to be in the engineering service, you must appear for IES exam but selection between IES and IAS must be done on the basis of what you want to be rather deciding on the basis of what you have been doing since years. If you love the job of civil engineer, why would you go for IAS?
Both IES and IAS are different services and hence can not be compared. As an IAS officer, you will be performing completely different task which is not related to the engineering field at all. This doesn't mean that civil engineers or people from other departments/fields dont appear for IAS exams. They do, but only if they want to be IAS officer, no matter which field/department they have come from.
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20th August 2010, 03:17 PM
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If you are doing engineering then Indian Engineering services exam is best for you. Because this exam is related to engineering field so it is easy for you to face this exam if you are doing engineering.

If you are not an engineering student then I will suggest you for the IAS exam because Indian Engineering Services exam is related to engineering field only.

Since the eligibility for IAS and IES is different so you should give that exam in which you are eligible. The eligibility criteria for IAS and IES exam is given below.

UPSC Indian Engineering Services (IES) Examination - Eligibility Conditions
Age Limits:

(a) A candidate for this examination must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on the 1st August, of the current year

IAS Examination Eligibility

ge Limits :

(a) A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on 1st August, 2010, i.e. he must have been born not earlier than 2nd August, 1980 and not later than 1st August, 1989.

(b) The upper age limit for IAS Exam prescribed above will be relaxable:

(i) upto a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe.

(ii) upto a maximum of three years in the case of candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes who are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such candidates.

(iii) upto a maximum of five years if a candidate had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from the 1st January, 1980 to the 31st day of December, 1989.

(iv) upto a maximum of three years in the case of Defence Services personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof:

(v) upto a maximum of five years in the case of ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs / SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service as on 1st August, 2010 and have been released (i) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from 1st August, 2010) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, or (ii) on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service, or (iii) on invalidment.

Minimum Educational Qualifications for IAS Exam:

The candidate must hold a degree of any of Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University Under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification.


(b) The upper age-limit of 30 years will be relaxable upto 35 years in the case of Government servants of the following categories, if they are employed in a Department/Office under the control of any of the authorities mentioned in column 1 below and apply for admission to the examination for all or any of the Service(s)/Posts mentioned in column 2, for which they are otherwise eligible.

(i) A candidate who holds substantively a permanent post in the particular Department/Office concerned. This relaxation will not be admissible to a probationer appointed against a permanent post in the Department/Office during the period of his probation.

(ii) A candidate who has been continuously in a temporary service on a regular basis in the particular Department/Office for at least 3 years on the 1st August, of current year.
Minimum Educational Qualification:

For admission to the examination, a candidate must have—

(a) obtained a degree in Engineering from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational Institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or

(b) passed Section A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India); or

(c) obtained a degree/diploma in Engineering from such foreign University/College/Institution and under such conditions as may be recognised by the Government for the purpose from time to time, or

(d) passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India); or

(e) passed Associate Membership Examination Parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India; or

(f) passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held after November, 1959.

Provided that a candidate for the post of Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engineering Posts and Engineer Group 'A' in Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing/Monitoring Organisation) may possess any of the above qualifications or the qualification mentioned below namely:-

M.Sc. degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject.
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20th August 2010, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

dear friend,

both fields are good. both has good opportunities to serve country.

but in my view IAS will be better than IES. in IAS you can directly help needy people.you can become top officials like secretary of any department.

but it depends on you that which field you like most.

best of luck.
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20th August 2010, 06:33 PM
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Cool Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Originally Posted by maddusajj View Post
hi,please tell me which would be better for a civil engineer, ias or ies?
in my opinion ies will be better for you because there you will be able to utilise your skills as an civil engineer. but that doesn,t mean that ias is not good. if you get selected in ias then it will be more beneficial from salary point of view.
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20th August 2010, 06:54 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

dear friend
IES AND IAS BOTH ARE great jobs for anyone .for a civil engineer IES is better than IAS because civil engineer are belong from core department i.e work in any condition .

best of luck.............................
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20th August 2010, 10:57 PM
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Thumbs up Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

dear friend,

As u r doing civil engineering then it will be better for u to go for IES..

see , after doing IES u can get a job in govt. secors like railways, isco etc..
and after doing IAS u can get administrative jobs like, DM...

now u decide in which field u want to go..

all the best...
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21st August 2010, 11:24 AM
rajesh gupta 1
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Hi friend;

It is clear fact that IAS is far Better than

IES. Because working field of IAS is more

wide than IES.So you prepare for IAS.
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23rd August 2010, 05:07 PM
Bishwajit Giri
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

dear friend,
becoming a civil engineer, IES is better for you.because in future the knowledge of engineerig will help you.
but in IAS ,is fully administrative part,there is no ralation with engineering.
so,friend its totally depends upon you.
best of luck
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25th August 2010, 10:30 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

hello friend,
ies is more better.
you can apply there through upsc exam.
you will get to technical posts.
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26th August 2010, 05:03 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

i have heard that the pattern of ias exam has changed this year,is this true?
please tell me what is the new pattern going to be like?
what are the changes made?
is it better to miss the exam this year?
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26th August 2010, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Sir i want to know one can how clear IES in one or two attempts and how many hour he has to read.
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26th August 2010, 07:34 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

what is the salary of IES
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27th August 2010, 12:55 AM
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dear friend
i think ies is betterbecause as an engineering student every body wants good engg jobs .for that reason u should give ies exam.then u get ur dream jobs.
good luck.
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27th August 2010, 05:19 AM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

dear friend,

both is important equally.

it depends on your interest that in which field you want to join.

you can choose any field.both field has great opportunities.

best of luck.
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27th August 2010, 05:05 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

for ece branch ies is better or not and how much salary we can expect for the post of ies
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27th August 2010, 05:36 PM
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Thumbs up Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Originally Posted by maddusajj View Post
hi,please tell me which would be better for a civil engineer, ias or ies?
ies is more better for commerce students so you should ies ok best of luck dear.................for more detail search on internet.
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27th August 2010, 09:04 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

dear friend

both the field that you have mentioned are brilliant.

but you have to decide that in which field you are interested.

as an engineer IES will be best for you.

it will give a career in engineering with money , status and job satisfaction.

if you are interested in UPSC.

then you can also opt for it as well.

there is nothing good or better between IES or IAS

all the best.
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29th August 2010, 01:27 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Originally Posted by maddusajj View Post
i have heard that the pattern of ias exam has changed this year,is this true?
please tell me what is the new pattern going to be like?
what are the changes made?
is it better to miss the exam this year?

Yes Civil Service Examination pattern is going to be changed slightly from 2011.

Preliminary will be replaced by an "Aptitude Test".

This decission was pending in HRD Mnistry from many years, at last Present HRD Minister Kapil Sibal has passed the proposal of Civil Service exam conducting committe.

Reason for this has given that present Preliminary has a very vast syllabus to cope up with time and gets typical for candidates from diverce educational backgrounds.

What actually would be in that "Aptitude Test" I means syllabus and pattern are still to be get finalise and will be updated soon.

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29th August 2010, 01:36 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

IES is the good for civil engineers .you can apply for railways as well as milatry line.
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29th August 2010, 02:38 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Hello Friend
Every exam is good so never categorize it into whther IES is good or IAS good..

The point is that choose the subject in which you find interest,first know the things about the examination and then try to judge in which you found interest..

taking your question i can explain what it exactly means......

IES stands for the Indian Engineering Services and this exam is basically for the engineering students...

Whereas IAS is the Indian Administrative Services and concerned with the administration of any district....

Hope that you have understand.....All the best..
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29th August 2010, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

yes civil services examination the pattern is going to be changed from 2011
preliminary will be replaced by an aptitude test
this decision was pending in HRD ministry from many years ,at last present hrd minister kapil sibal has passed the proposal of civil servie exam conducting committe
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24th September 2010, 04:34 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Hello sir
I want to know, as I am Electonics and telecom engineer which job will be good for me
IAS or IES ?
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22nd October 2010, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

I think you are joking , no dounts ies and ias are better job option than c e.
Good luck
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29th October 2010, 09:53 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

i am doing a dual degree ---> msc chemistry civil engg... can i simutaneously prepare for IAS and IES ???
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30th October 2010, 07:34 AM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

IES is a better bet for a civil engineer then IAS as it would distract you from your stream but in IES you can move ahead with civil engineering.
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30th October 2010, 07:59 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Originally Posted by maddusajj View Post
hi,please tell me which would be better for a civil engineer, ias or ies?
Since you belong to engineering, I feel IES will be better because Its your field and you can excel in this field.
IES and IAS are equivalent post and IES will be better for you.

Good luck.
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7th November 2010, 05:40 AM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Both are good regarding the interest.
If someone want to remain in the technical field than IES is best if you want to switch in administrative mode than IAS is best.
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7th December 2010, 12:32 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Hi friends,
i want to take up IES in civil Engineering. so i want to know that is there a good money in high posts like these or is there a good money in private sectors
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31st December 2010, 12:11 AM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi friends,
i want to take up IES in civil Engineering. so i want to know that is there a good money in high posts like these or is there a good money in private sectors
after the latest pay commission there is actually more money and perks in government jobs than the private sector,
after clearing ies you will surely get an very high post with all the facilities like transportation,house and etc,
also you will be getting extra perks of good office and respect in society
all the best
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31st December 2010, 12:14 AM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am doing a dual degree ---> msc chemistry civil engg... can i simutaneously prepare for IAS and IES ???
if civil is one of your subjects for ias then surely you can prepare for both the exams,in fact if you prepare for ias thoroughly that means you are already ready for ies exam,because even ies exam has one general studies paper,
which ias students are very good at
all the best
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1st January 2011, 12:35 AM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

hello friend,
both IES and IAS are good for a civil engineer
but IES is better to IAS for you.

good luck..
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2nd January 2011, 06:58 PM
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Default Re: IES or IAS? which one is better for a civil engineer?

Both are best career option for a student you could any one of them, both has its own plus and negative factors. So don't need to worry you could join any of them.
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