5th May 2011, 11:37 PM
Join Date: May 2011
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M.Tech, MS or Job, Which one should I go for after completing B.Tech? If I go for a job then what kind of job can I expect after completing B.Tech Pharma?

sir,i m doing my B-tech 3 year.After completing my final yr shall i do further studies like M-tech/M S or shall i go for job .........if i go for job what will be the kind of job that i can expect for B-tech Pharma

6th May 2011, 10:42 PM
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Arrow Re: M.Tech, MS or Job, Which one should I go for after completing B.Tech? If I go for a job then what kind of job can I expect after completing B.Tech Pharma?

Originally Posted by divyaatt View Post
sir,i m doing my B-tech 3 year.After completing my final yr shall i do further studies like M-tech/M S or shall i go for job .........if i go for job what will be the kind of job that i can expect for B-tech Pharma
Its the most tentative question for every engineering student at his/her stage of engineering that too in 3rd year

The options for an engineering student after his final year while pursuing his final year are




Coming to MBA and M.tech if you know the differences between them its enough to know whether to choose that or this

look at this you will get a clear picture about the first two options

MBA : Masters in Business Administration

M.Tech: Masters in Technology

Both are Master degrees in two important fields one in technology and the other in Business

Both are equally important for the development of country.

Both are very highly regarded in the society

coming to your career if you select MBA or M.tech after your Bachelors

then your job opportunities are more than a student with the bachelors degree

For that reason most of the students do their M.tech or M.B.A after their bachelors

and some do for their pleasure

And doing masters will also fetch for research work

research which is key for the development of the field can be done with masters only

so selecting Masters degree in Business or Technology

depends on your interest

if you have a good core subject knowledge of your bachelors in engineering then go with M.tech
or if you are exceptionally interested with your core subjects don't miss an opportunity for the country a precious diamond

if you are very much attracted to business then it will be good option for your career and also for your job prospectus

MBA jobs pay higher to you than M.tech Jobs

Before taking a decision think twice

next coming to the job market as far this question is concerned it should be decided by you because it mainly depends on your financial position

if you are financially sound then it is well and good you can do continue your studies for atleast next two years either with M.Tech or MBA

but if it is not then you should think about it because you have an option that you can also study after getting financial stability

Act wise and take good decision


26th June 2011, 01:30 PM
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Default Re: M.Tech, MS or Job, Which one should I go for after completing B.Tech? If I go for a job then what kind of job can I expect after completing B.Tech Pharma?

Am Doin my btech 3rd year I'n Computerscience and i am not a great In my core subjects and i don't enjoy programing,i really intrested I'n mass media and am very communicative and am good I'n writing articles , so i know thar if i choose that field i can enjoy what i do , the main problem I's thar i don't know any one Frm that field who can guide me and suggest me
What to do . Can i have a good future I'n it .
15th December 2011, 04:19 PM
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Default Re: M.Tech, MS or Job, Which one should I go for after completing B.Tech? If I go for a job then what kind of job can I expect after completing B.Tech Pharma?

Im karthika doing my second year btech in pharma im worried about wheter to chose mtech or mba im not intrested in job after my ug bcos i wish to get job that earns me lot of amount if i plan to go for mtech i should prepare for gate starting from now and for mba after my ug degree pls guide me..... Which course should i choose
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16th January 2012, 01:00 PM
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Default Re: M.Tech, MS or Job, Which one should I go for after completing B.Tech? If I go for a job then what kind of job can I expect after completing B.Tech Pharma?

I'm studyin my final year B.E 8th sem... i have a confusion about takin up M.tech or MS.. i guess its too late to think about MS f m not wrong coz apparently i need to prepare for GRE. I'm from Mangalore.. if u suggest MS then in which field?f mtech ? wat are the exams to b given..
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7th October 2012, 03:10 PM
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Default Re: M.Tech, MS or Job, Which one should I go for after completing B.Tech? If I go for a job then what kind of job can I expect after completing B.Tech Pharma?

I'm studying btech final year and i was placed in tcs. now i had a confusion of joining in tcs or continue my studies.please suggest me whether i need to do my ms or to go job?
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