28th June 2012, 02:52 PM
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Which MBA field is suitable for me? I am doing company secretary course

I am doing company secretary course. I am also interested in MBA. Which MBA field is suitable for me. In Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, is there any scholarship?

15th October 2017, 07:00 PM
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 8
Default Re: Which MBA field is suitable for me? I am doing company secretary course

Since you are studying Company Secretary, the following MBA streams are nice selection for you,

MBA in Finance Managemen
MBA in Accounting
MBA in Entrepreneurship Management.

There are Entrance Exams for MBA course.

15th October 2017, 07:05 PM
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 77
Default Re: Which MBA field is suitable for me? I am doing company secretary course

Doing Company Secretary course currently,MBA course is not tough for you.

But there is no extra advantage with MBA course.

Especially most of the regular colleges MBA course will not give any value addition.

Instead it is extra effort for you with exam preparation for MBA.

But still if you want to join,

MBA in Finance is a good choice.

Almost all colleges offer this course.
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