6th December 2011, 08:34 PM
bhautik k
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 1

Which is more preferable, either B.Tech(Mechanical engineering) and M.Tech(automobile engineering) or B.Tech(automobile engineering) and M.Tech(Automobile engineering)? What's the difference between them?

sir if i do b.tech in mech engg and m.tech in mech with specialization in automobile engg or b.tech in automobile engg and m.tech in automobile engg then what will be the difference?
i have a special liking towards cars.

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31st May 2012, 06:22 PM
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 21
Default Re: Which is more preferable, either B.Tech(Mechanical engineering) and M.Tech(automobile engineering) or B.Tech(automobile engineering) and M.Tech(Automobile engineering)? What's the difference between them?

If your are determined to a future in automobiles field then opt for automobile engineering in your b.tech. The difference between two options is that a person with b.tech in automobile engineering will be given higher preference when applying for jobs at automobile companies. If you take mechanical engineering at b.tech level you come across a wide range of subjects of which you study automobile engineering only in one semester. On the other side when you take up automobile engineering at b.tech level it will very well prepare you for a career in automobile engineering.However there are few common subjects in both the courses.
You could start your career in automobile engineering after your completion of b.tech in automobile engineering where as the chances for getting in to an automobile company are less for a student graduating in mechanical engineering.
4th June 2012, 02:02 PM
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Default Re: Which is more preferable, either B.Tech(Mechanical engineering) and M.Tech(automobile engineering) or B.Tech(automobile engineering) and M.Tech(Automobile engineering)? What's the difference between them?

which is value b.e mechanical engineering or b.tech mechanical engineering
10th May 2013, 12:13 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Which is more preferable, either B.Tech(Mechanical engineering) and M.Tech(automobile engineering) or B.Tech(automobile engineering) and M.Tech(Automobile engineering)? What's the difference between them?

Is there a space where i can know the list of courses available in anna university/affiliated colleges with duration of course.
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11th October 2013, 12:10 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Which is more preferable, either B.Tech(Mechanical engineering) and M.Tech(automobile engineering) or B.Tech(automobile engineering) and M.Tech(Automobile engineering)? What's the difference between them?

Friends Plzz tell me whether Mechanical engineering comes under B.E or B.Tech
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24th December 2013, 06:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Which is more preferable, either B.Tech(Mechanical engineering) and M.Tech(automobile engineering) or B.Tech(automobile engineering) and M.Tech(Automobile engineering)? What's the difference between them?

What is the difference between diploma civil engineering and btech civil engineering. ..
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