23rd June 2017, 01:56 PM
Procedure to get AP ICET registration number if lost?
Sir/Mam, I lost my AP ICET registration number, what should be done now? Can you please give me the procedure to follow to get back the registration number again? My name is. shaik akbar haq, Date of birth is 04/11/1994 . Please help me sir.
27th April 2018, 09:04 AM
Sir my registration no is not find can you tell me sir my payment id P58103045627
Date of birth 18/03/2018 KARANAM THARUN KUMAR |
5th May 2018, 04:02 PM
Sir i lost my ICET registration no. help me to find i written my exam in 2018 my name is kanala hari madhav DOB :- 05 - 07 - 1996
15th May 2018, 10:36 AM
Sir I forgot my registration number .please help me
My payment reference id is P581057862D5 My email I'd is : [email protected] |
14th June 2018, 12:30 AM
sir i forgot my registration number...please help me...my hall ticket number is 3902010067 and my date of birth is 07/03/1997 and email id is :[email protected]
20th April 2019, 01:27 PM
Sir/madam, I forget my ap icet registration number so please sent me my registration no my email id [email protected]
My dob:10/11/1998 Contact no:8328331459 |
22nd August 2019, 09:27 PM
Search with your full name as registered in icet registration Indiaresults
18th March 2020, 01:37 PM
I have lost my registration I'd for ap icet.
Name :sankaraguptam srija Email.id: [email protected] Dob: 08/06/1999 Payment reference id: P5210271163A |
12th April 2020, 12:25 PM
I have lost my registration number for ap icet
Name: PRATHI SAIHARISH Email id:[email protected] Dob 19/10/1996 Payment reference id: P521062120BD |
6th September 2020, 09:46 AM
Sir I had lost my icet rg number and my payment id is - P5210713702C.
My date of birth- 10/08/1999 E-mail id- [email protected] Name- Manoj kumar samanth |
18th July 2022, 05:28 PM
Sir I lost my registration number so please help me
Name:mookala leelavathi DOB:12/11/2001 E-mail I'd: [email protected] Payment I'd:P5210424259D |