17th August 2011, 01:17 AM
Recommended books to prepare for IAS Preliminary Exam for General studies?
I am a student,studing btech (civil engg) second year. I want to start my ias preparation from now. so,kindly reccomend some books for ias prelims general studies which could help me in my preparation. your's faithfully swagat chandan nayak |
21st August 2011, 09:05 AM
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very good. and as you're just a Second year B.Tech there is no need to practice the specially designed civil services aptitude test books from right now itself. But as you have asked for time being there is nothing wrong to know about them I'll provide some details which I myself gathered for me to prepare for CSAT. i'm going to tell you now so have a carefull look in to it. Books that are good for CSAT are as follows. ->Our Constitution -Subash Kashyap. ->an introduction to the constitution of India-D.D Basu ->Constitution of India-P.M.Bakshi ->India's struggle for Independence-Bipan Chandra ->Geography of India-D.R.Khullar. ->Certificate Physical and Humanity Geography-Goh Cheng Leong ->Indian Economy-Dutt and Sundaram ->Indian Economy -Mishra and Puri ->NCERT Books Journals which will fetch in CSAT preparation are ->Kurukshetra ->World Focus ->Yojana News papers best for preparation are ->The Hindu ->The Times of India ->The Economic Times. These are the best sources to prepare for your preparation there is nothing wrong in preparing but you are only eligible for the examination after you complete your graduation or after getting the age of 21 years which ever is fast. This is all about your question Regards ![]() ~AdityA~ |
21st August 2011, 11:11 AM
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The book list for IS Preliminary Exam :- 1. Indian History - India Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra; NCERT Books ( XI & XII ) 2. Geography - Spectrum 3. Indian Polity - Constitution of India by Bakshi 4. Indian Economy - Plus One, Plus Two Books, Pratiyogita Darpan 5. General Science - Tata Mc Graw Hill Guide 6. Mental Ability - Quantitative Apitude by R.S. Aggarwal 7. Current Affairs - Some magazines and Newspapers thanks |
7th September 2011, 05:11 PM
I am a student,studying at IISER PUNE doing ms second year. I want to start my ias preparation from now. so,kindly reccomend some books for ias i m taking sociology and public administration in Hindi medium . which could help me in my preparation. your's faithfully ANIL KUMAR MEENA |
8th September 2011, 08:52 PM
i am doing b.tech in applied electronics and instrumentation branch(2nd year). i am an ias aspirant and want to prepare from now.so kindly provide the necessary details about the exam pattern and please guide me in choosing the optional subjects along with required books. roshni mishra |
25th September 2011, 11:52 PM
I am doing m.sc soil sci.(agriculture).i want to appear for civil services exam,but because of my research i have less time for preparation.plz suggest me time table n best books for preparation in limited time period. mamata |
29th September 2011, 11:52 AM
dear friend,
The book list for IS Preliminary Exam :- 1. Indian History - India Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra; NCERT Books ( XI & XII ) 2. Geography - Spectrum 3. Indian Polity - Constitution of India by Bakshi 4. Indian Economy - Plus One, Plus Two Books, Pratiyogita Darpan 5. General Science - Tata Mc Graw Hill Guide 6. Mental Ability - Quantitative Apitude by R.S. Aggarwal 7. Current Affairs - Some magazines and Newspapers ~manoj~ |
23rd October 2011, 10:16 PM
plz,for history optional (mains)i am refering ignou material for ancient,satish chandra for medieval,bipan chandra for modern and mukherji for world history.plz recommend any other books to refer other than mentioned above
for prelims and mains plz recommend books for geography (general studies) |
24th October 2011, 12:26 AM
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very good. and as you're just a Second year B.Tech there is no need to practice the specially designed civil services aptitude test books from right now itself. But as you have asked for time being there is nothing wrong to know about them I'll provide some details which I myself gathered for me to prepare for CSAT. i'm going to tell you now so have a carefull look in to it. Books that are good for CSAT are as follows. ->Our Constitution -Subash Kashyap. ->an introduction to the constitution of India-D.D Basu ->Constitution of India-P.M.Bakshi ->India's struggle for Independence-Bipan Chandra ->Geography of India-D.R.Khullar. ->Certificate Physical and Humanity Geography-Goh Cheng Leong ->Indian Economy-Dutt and Sundaram ->Indian Economy -Mishra and Puri ->NCERT Books Journals which will fetch in CSAT preparation are ->Kurukshetra ->World Focus ->Yojana News papers best for preparation are ->The Hindu ->The Times of India ->The Economic Times. These are the best sources to prepare for your preparation there is nothing wrong in preparing but you are only eligible for the examination after you complete your graduation or after getting the age of 21 years which ever is fast. This is all about your question regards: sathish |
7th December 2011, 03:11 PM
I am a B.tech doing student with computer Science specialization.....in IInd year.
Please guide me .....how to prepare for IAS..... I have no knowledge of the books .....which are best for preparation.... |
7th March 2012, 10:20 PM
Hello sir/mam,
I'm a first year student of b.com hons at SRCC. I want to become a civil servant.How and when should i start my preparation ? and what subjects can i choose as optionals ? -Sethu. |
5th May 2012, 02:51 PM
Hello sir,
I did M.Sc Chemistry and Currently i m working in Pharmaceutical company,i would like to give IAS preliminary exam.so can you please suggest me what will the proper procedure? and required books. |
14th June 2012, 11:13 AM
hi friend,
Very nice to hear from you that you are aspired to become a Civil servant very good. and as you're just a Second year B.Tech there is no need to practice the specially designed civil services aptitude test books from right now itself. But as you have asked for time being there is nothing wrong to know about them I'll provide some details which I myself gathered for me to prepare for CSAT. i'm going to tell you now so have a carefull look in to it. Books that are good for CSAT are as follows. ->Our Constitution -Subash Kashyap. ->an introduction to the constitution of India-D.D Basu ->Constitution of India-P.M.Bakshi ->India's struggle for Independence-Bipan Chandra ->Geography of India-D.R.Khullar. ->Certificate Physical and Humanity Geography-Goh Cheng Leong ->Indian Economy-Dutt and Sundaram ->Indian Economy -Mishra and Puri ->NCERT Books Journals which will fetch in CSAT preparation are ->Kurukshetra ->World Focus ->Yojana News papers best for preparation are ->The Hindu ->The Times of India ->The Economic Times. These are the best sources to prepare for your preparation there is nothing wrong in preparing but you are only eligible for the examination after you complete your graduation or after getting the age of 21 years which ever is fast. This is all about your question thank you |
26th June 2012, 03:59 PM
hello sir,
i am a student of btech chemical engineering...second year.. i want start my ias preparations now.. pls guide me how to prepare and recommend me tha books... yours faithfully Megha Saluja |
27th June 2012, 09:50 PM
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----------------------------------------------------------------------- hello!! -------------books referred for General studies-----------
http://img6.flixcart.com/image/book/...fpfmt4ngf.jpeg http://img8.flixcart.com//image/book...ynjvtxmad.jpeg http://img5.flixcart.com/image/book/...qtehhnhmy.jpeg http://img5.flixcart.com/image/book/...mykhynezq.jpeg http://img5.flixcart.com/image/book/...gj2rzy6wz.jpeg http://img5.flixcart.com/image/book/...fmeyzyrnp.jpeg http://img6.flixcart.com/img/thumb/7...8192051710.jpg http://img8.flixcart.com/img/thumb/6...8182551629.jpg hope this helped............... with regards roknits |
29th August 2012, 10:10 PM
IAS Books
History IAS Papers : Mostly Suggested books for History Exam By contributor | February 10, 2008 1. What is History E.H. Carr 2. Historian’s Craft Marc Block 3. The Past and the present Lawrence Stone Ancient India: 1. Ancient India (NCERT) Prof. R.S. Sharma 2. The Wonder That was India A.L. Basham 3. Ancient India - An Introductory Outline D.N. Jha 4. History of India, Vol. I Romila Thapar 5. Aspects of Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancient India R.S. Sharma (only Conclusion) 6. Material culture & Social Formation in Ancient India R.S. Sharma 7. Indian Feudalism R.S. Sharma 8. Ashoka & Decline of the Maurya Romila Thapar 9. A History of South India K.A. Nilkantha Sastri 10. Ancient India and Indian Archaeology Archaeological Survey of India Medieval India: 1. Medieval India (NCERT) Satish Chandra 2. Medieval India (Macmillan) Satish Chandra 3.The Wonder That was India (Vol.2) S.A.A. Rizvi 4.The Agrarian System of Mughal India 1556-1707 Irfan Habib 5.The Mughal Empire J.F. Richards 6.Urban Dynamics H.C. Verma 7.The Marathas Gordon Modern India: 1.Modern India (NCERT) Bipan Chandra 2.Modern India (Macmillan) Sumit Sarkar 3.Anatomy of the Raj (PPH) Suhash Chakravarty 4.The Raj Syndrome (Penguins) Suhash Chakravarty 5.VAID’s Fundamentals of History Series a.Administrative History Pravin Kumar b.Constitutional History Pravin Kumar c.Social History Pravin Kumar d.Freedom Struggle Pravin Kumar 6.Peasant Movements in India D.N. Dhanagare 7.India’s Struggle for Independence Bipan Chandra and others 8.Gandhi B.R. Nanda 9.Gandhi Judith Brown 10. Freedom Struggle (NbT) Bipan Chandra & others World History: 1.The story of Civilization, Vol. 2 (NCERT) Arjun Dev 2.Contemporary World History (NCERT) Arjun Dev & others 3.The Mainstream of Civilization Strayer, Gatzke & Harbison 4.Western Civilizations Burns & others 5.Industry & Empire E.J. Hobsbawm 6.Age of Revolution E.J. Hobsbawm 7.Age of Capital E.J. Hobsbawm 8.Age of Empires E.J. Hobsbawm 9.Social basis of Democracy & Dictatorship B.J. Moore 10.Europe Since Napoleon David Thompson 11.Europe Since 1815 W.C. Craig 12.Europe Since 1870 James Joll. Geography IAS Papers : Mostly Suggested books for Geography Exam Books for Geography Preliminary Exam : 1. 6th to 12th NCERT Books for Geography. 2. Certificate of Physical Geography - Goh Cheng Leong. 3. Physical Geography -Savindra Singh 4.Physical Geography - Made simple series - Rupa Publications 5. Economic & Commercial Geography - Made Simple Series - Rupa Publications. 6. Human and Economic Geography - Leong & Norgan 7. Human Geography - Majid Hussain. 8. Geographical thoughts - Majid Hussain. 9. Field Work - 11 th NCERT. 10. Cartography - R.L. Singh 11. Geography of India - Gopal Singh 12. Economic & Commercial Geography of India - C.B. Memoria 13. Orient longman - Atlas. 14. TTK - Atlas 15. Dictionary of Geography - Penguin 16. Spectrum guide for Geography. 17. Siddhartha - Preliminary Question Bank. 18. Geography Guide - Narmadeshwar Prasad. Books for Geography Main Exam : For Paper - I 1. Physical geography - Savinder Singh 2. The Earth’s dynamic surface - K. Sidhartha 3. Physical geography - Strahler & Strahler 4. Climatology - D.S. Lal 5. Physical geography made simple - Rupa 6. Oceanography - Sharma & Vital 7. Biogeography - Savinder Singh 8. Evolution of geographical thoughts - Majid Hussain and Adhikari 9. Economic geography - K. Sidhartha 10. Economic and social geography made simple - Rupa 11. Urban geography - K. Sidhartha 12. Human geography - Majid Hussain 13. Geography of population - R.C. Chandra 14. Regional Planning in India - hand & Puri 15. Political geography - Dixit For Paper - II 1. Physical environment - NCERT 2. NCERT Class XII 3. India: Physical aspects - K Sidhartha 4. Geography of India - Mamoria 5. Agricultural geography - Majid Hussain 6. Agricultural problems in India - Sadhu and Singh 7. Economic & Commercial geography of India - Mamoria 8. India’s urbanisation and urban systems - R. Ramachandran 9. Regional planning in India - Chand and Puri 10. Political geography - Dixit 11. India: political aspects - K. Sidhartha Other Books : Physical Geography 1. NCERT Vol -1 2. Physical Geography - Bunnett 3. Certificate physical and human geography - Goh, Cheng Leong 4. Physical Geography made simple Human and Economic Geography 1. Human and Economic Geography - NCERT 2. Economic Geography, Economic and Social Geography made simple 3. Penguim masters studies on geography 4. The Cultural Landscape - Rubeistein Indian Geography 1. Indian geography - Rammorthy Gopalakrishnan 2. Physical geography of India - S.M. Mathur 3. General geography - NCERT 4. Mineral of India NBT (Wadia) a. Resources and regional development - NCERT b. Catography - R.L. Singh c. World regional geography - Fellnan d. Work book - K. Siddhartha and S. Mukherjee e. Question Bank - Surendra Singh, 1000 f. Geography quiz - Muthiah General Studies 1. History – Ancient, Medieval & Modern History – NCERT (10-12) 2. Modern History – Spectrum 3. Economics – Collins Economics Dictionary, Current Year Economic Survey 4. Geography – NCERT (6-12th), Certificate Physical Geography by Gocheng Leong, Indian Geography by Khullar 5. Mental Ability – R.S.Agarwal 6. Polity – Lakshmikanth 7. Current Affairs – Hindu, Magazines 8. General Knowledge – India Year Book, Manorama Year Book 9. Statistics – Spectrum Guide 10. Science & Technology Public Administration 1. Public Administration – Avasthi Maheswari 2. New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya 3. Administrative thinkers – Prasad & Prasad 4. Indian Public Administration ; Institutions Issues – Ramesh K. Arora 5. Public Administration – Lakshmikanth 6. Public Administration & Public Affairs – Nicholas Henry 7. Public Administration Concepts & Theories – Rumki Basu 8. Organizational Behaviors – Stephen Robin 9. Public Administration – Sadana & Sharma 10. Journals of Indian Institute of Public Administration 11. Comparative Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya 12. Financial Administration – M.K.Thavaraj |
10th September 2012, 11:49 PM
i m doing b.com marketing hons....part-1......i decided 2 take management nd sociology as my subjects for ias...can u suggest me some books?....sugest me books also for general knowledge....thank you....ds is aaheli chakraborty
23rd October 2012, 09:09 PM
Dear aspirant,
General studies is the most important subject of the exam which is a deciding factor of the selection. The selection of best books will play a great role in deciding your rank. If you have a good collection of books then your preparation will be better. At the same time your hard work to finish the syllabus of optional subjects will play a great role in deciding your rank in the mains. In order to have expert level knowledge of General studies the recommended books are: General Studies Manual -McGraw Hill Publication Arihant Publication Upkar Publication UPSC Portal books Pratiyogita Darpan study material , Civil Services Chronicle, Competition wizard for articles on important issues. Civil services chronicle year book Manorama year book Believe you can and you will on the half way. Please do visit this website for your queries related to any entrance exam. Best of luck |
23rd October 2012, 09:11 PM
Dear aspirant,
General studies is the most important subject of the exam which is a deciding factor of the selection. The selection of best books will play a great role in deciding your rank. If you have a good collection of books then your preparation will be better. At the same time your hard work to finish the syllabus of optional subjects will play a great role in deciding your rank in the mains. In order to have expert level knowledge of General studies the recommended books are: General Studies Manual -McGraw Hill Publication Arihant Publication Upkar Publication UPSC Portal books Pratiyogita Darpan study material , Civil Services Chronicle, Competition wizard for articles on important issues. Civil services chronicle year book Manorama year book Believe you can and you will on the half way. Please do visit this website for your queries related to any entrance exam. Best of luck |
5th December 2012, 07:47 PM
Books that are good for CSAT are as follows.
->Our Constitution -Subash Kashyap. ->an introduction to the constitution of India-D.D Basu ->Constitution of India-P.M.Bakshi ->India's struggle for Independence-Bipan Chandra ->Geography of India-D.R.Khullar. ->Certificate Physical and Humanity Geography-Goh Cheng Leong ->Indian Economy-Dutt and Sundaram ->Indian Economy -Mishra and Puri ->NCERT Books Journals which will fetch in CSAT preparation are ->Kurukshetra ->World Focus ->Yojana News papers best for preparation are ->The Hindu ->The Times of India ->The Economic Times. These are the best sources to prepare for your preparation there is nothing wrong in preparing but you are only eligible for the examination after you complete your graduation or after getting the age of 21 years which ever is fast. |
23rd May 2013, 06:40 PM
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IAS Exam or Civil Services Exam is commenced by UPSC for the recruitment of the posts like IAS, IFS, IPS, etc. Upcoming IAS Exam will be commenced on 26 May 2013. However, Online Applications of IAS Exam is over now. For filling Online Applications, candidates will have to log on to: http://upsconline.nic.in You will have to crack three stages to qualify IAS Exam i.e. >> Preliminary Exam (CSAT Exam) >> Mains Exam >> Personal Interview Some of the best books for the preparation of IAS Preliminary Exam are: ![]() Concise CSAT General Studies: Civil Services Preliminary Examination (Paper - 2) 1st Edition (Paperback) by Madhukar Kumar Bhagat Price: Rs. 241 ![]() CSAT Civil Services Aptitude Test Capsule English (Set of 7 Books) (Paperback) by J. K. Chopra Price: Rs. 755 ![]() IAS Prelims/CSAT Civil Services: 18 Years General Studies Topic-Wise Solved Papers (1995-2012) (Paperback) by Disha Experts and 1 more variant Price: Rs. 225 ![]() Crack Civil Services General Studies IAS Prelims CSAT, Paper - 1 and 2 (Set of 2 Books) (Paperback) by Disha Experts Price: Rs. 833 ![]() Governance in India for UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination (Paper - I) 1st Edition (Paperback) by M. Laxmikanth Price: Rs. 236 ![]() General Studies for Civil Services Preliminary Examinations (Paper - 1) (Paperback) by Manohar Pandey Price: Rs. 866 |
24th May 2013, 03:38 AM
These are good books of General studies for IAS Exam--
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