15th February 2011, 08:34 PM
Syllabus of ISRO recruitment examination for ECE branch?
Syllabus for ISRO Recruitment exam for scientists/engineers in ECE branch?
15th February 2011, 11:12 PM
there is nothing new in the syllabus other than your semester courses , make sure to revise all the contents which have been taught in your btech before the exam.
15th February 2011, 11:32 PM
Dear friend !!
Please kindly check the link for details...http://www.isac.gov.in/CentralBE/advt.jsp Thank you.. |
16th February 2011, 12:02 AM
I have attached the ISRO Scientist ECE syllabus for your reference. Also, you can register at the following link: http://www.isac.gov.in/CentralBE/page1.jsp?advtno=02/2011&postno=BE001&postcode=Scientist/Engineer-SC[Electronics] The last date of submission of complete application form is : 28th February 2011. Date of examination is: 16th April 2011 [Saturday] Test Centres: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cuttack, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, New Delhi and Thiruvananthapuram. |
16th February 2011, 10:15 AM
Theory of Computation: Regular languages and finite automata, Context free languages and Push-
down automata, Recursively enumerable sets and Turing machines, Undecidability; NP-completeness. Digital Logic: Logic functions, Minimization, Design and synthesis of combinational and sequential circuits; Number representation and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point). Computer Organization and Architecture: Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU and data-path, CPU control design, Memory interface, I/O interface (Interrupt and DMA mode), Instruction pipelining, Cache and main memory, Secondary storage. Programming and Data Structures: Programming in C; Functions, Recursion, Parameter passing, Scope, Binding; Abstract data types, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, Binary search trees, Binary heaps. Algorithms: Analysis, Asymptotic notation, Notions of space and time complexity, Worst and average case analysis; Design: Greedy approach, Dynamic programming, Divide-and-conquer; Tree and graph traversals, Connected components, Spanning trees, Shortest paths; Hashing, Sorting, Searching. Compiler Design: Lexical analysis, Parsing, Syntax directed translation, Runtime environments, Intermediate and target code generation, Basics of code optimization. Operating System: Processes, Threads, Inter-process communication, Concurrency, Synchronization, Deadlock, CPU scheduling, Memory management and virtual memory, File systems, I/O systems, Protection and security. Databases: ER-model, Relational model (relational algebra, tuple calculus), Database design (integrity constraints, normal forms), Query languages (SQL), File structures (sequential files, indexing, B and B+ trees), Transactions and concurrency control. Computer Networks: ISO/OSI stack, LAN technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), Flow and error control techniques, Routing algorithms, Congestion control, TCP/UDP and sockets, IP(v4), Application layer protocols (icmp, dns, smtp, pop, ftp, http); Basic concepts of hubs, switches, gateways, and routers. Read more here: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/syllabus-isro-recruitment-exam-scientists-engineers-ece-branch-79262.html#ixzz1E5e0AteK |
16th February 2011, 11:02 AM
syllabus of isro examination for the ECE branch.check that.
(1) Physical Electronics, Electron Devices and ICs: Electrons and holes in semi-conductors, Carner Statistics, Mechanism of current flow in a semi-conductor, Hall effect; Junction theory; Different types of diodes and their characteristics; Bipolar Junction transistor; Field effect transistors; Power switching devices like SCRs, GTOs, power MOSFETs; Basics of ICs-bipolar, MOS and CMOS types; basic and Opto Electronics. (2) Signals and Systems: Classification of signals and systems; System modeling in terms of differential and difference equations; State variable representation; Fourier series; Fourier transforms and their application to system analysis; Laplace transforms and their application to system analysis; Convolution and superposition integrals and their applications; Z-transforms and their applications to the analysis and characterization of discrete time systems; Random signals and probability; Correlation functions; Spectral density; Response of linear system to random inputs. (3) Network Theory: Network analysis techniques; Network theorems, transient response, steady state sinusoidal response; Network graphs and their applications in network analysis; Tellegen's theorem. Two port networks; Z, Y, h and transmission parameters. Combination of two ports, analysis of common two ports. Network functions: parts of network functions, obtaining a network function from a given part. Transmission criteria: delay and rise time, Elmore's and other definitions effect of cascading. Elements of network synthesis. (4) Electromagnetic Theory: Analysis of electrostatic and magneto-static fields; Laplace's and Poisson's equations; Boundary value problems and their solutions; Maxwell's equations; application to wave propagation in bounded and unbounded media; Transmission lines: basic theory, standing waves, matching applications, microstrip lines; Basics of wave guides and resonators; Elements of antenna theory. (5) Analog Electronic Circuits: Transistor biasing and stabilization. Small signal analysis. Power amplifiers. Frequency. response. Wide banding techniques. Feedback amplifiers. Tuned amplifiers. Oscillators, Rectifiers and power supplies. Op Amp, PLL, other linear integrated circuits and applications. Pulse shaping circuits and waveform generators. (6) Digital Electronic Circuits: Transistor as a switching element; Boolean algebra, simplification of Boolean function Karnaugh map and applications; IC Logic gates and their characteristics; IC logic families: DTL, TTL, ECL, NMOS, PMOS and CMOS gates and their comparison; Combinational logic circuits; Half adder, Full adder; Digital comparator; Multiplexer De-multiplexer; ROM and their applications. Flip-flops. R-S, J-K, D and T flip-tops; Different types of counters and registers. Waveform generators. A/D and D/A converters. Semi-conductor memories. (7) Control Systems: Transient and steady state response of control systems; Effect of feedback on stability and sensitivity; Root locus techniques; Frequency response analysis. Concepts of gain and phase margins; Constant-M and Constant-N Nichol's Chart; Approximation of transient response from Constant-N Nichol's Chart; Approximation of transient response from closed loop frequency response; Design of Control Systems; Compensators; Industrial controllers. (8) Communication Systems: Basic information theory; Modulation and detection in analogue and digital systems; Sampling and data reconstructions; Quantization and coding; Time division and frequency division multiplexing; Equalization; Optical Communication: in free space and fiber optic; Propagation of signals at HF, VHF, UHF and microwave frequency; Satellite Communication. (9) Microwave Engineering: Microwave Tubes and solid state devices, Microwave generation and amplifiers, Wave guides and other Microwave Components and Circuits, Microstrip circuits, Microwave Antennas, Microwave Measurements, Masers, Lasers; Micro-wave propagation. Microwave Communication Systems-terrestrial and satellite based. (10) Computer Engineering: Number Systems. Data representation; Programming; Elements of a high level programming language PASCAL/C; Use of basic data structures; Fundamentals of computer architecture; Processor design; Control unitdesign; Memory organization, I/o System Organization. Microprocessors: Architecture and instruction set of Microprocessor's 8085 and 8086, Assembly language Programming. Microprocessor Based system design:typical examples. Personal computers and their typical uses. |
15th April 2011, 07:59 PM
The three posts are:
Electronics Computer Science Mechanical The syllabus for your subject i.e Electronics is given below: (1) Physical Electronics, Electron Devices and ICs: Electrons and holes in semi-conductors, Carner Statistics, Mechanism of current flow in a semi-conductor, Hall effect; Junction theory; Different types of diodes and their characteristics; Bipolar Junction transistor; Field effect transistors; Power switching devices like SCRs, GTOs, power MOSFETs; Basics of ICs-bipolar, MOS and CMOS types; basic and Opto Electronics. (2) Signals and Systems: Classification of signals and systems; System modeling in terms of differential and difference equations; State variable representation; Fourier series; Fourier transforms and their application to system analysis; Laplace transforms and their application to system analysis; Convolution and superposition integrals and their applications; Z-transforms and their applications to the analysis and characterization of discrete time systems; Random signals and probability; Correlation functions; Spectral density; Response of linear system to random inputs. (3) Network Theory: Network analysis techniques; Network theorems, transient response, steady state sinusoidal response; Network graphs and their applications in network analysis; Tellegen’s theorem. Two port networks; Z, Y, h and transmission parameters. Combination of two ports, analysis of common two ports. Network functions: parts of network functions, obtaining a network function from a given part. Transmission criteria: delay and rise time, Elmore’s and other definitions effect of cascading. Elements of network synthesis. (4) Electromagnetic Theory: Analysis of electrostatic and magneto-static fields; Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations; Boundary value problems and their solutions; Maxwell’s equations; application to wave propagation in bounded and unbounded media; Transmission lines: basic theory, standing waves, matching applications, microstrip lines; Basics of wave guides and resonators; Elements of antenna theory. (5) Analog Electronic Circuits: Transistor biasing and stabilization. Small signal analysis. Power amplifiers. Frequency. response. Wide banding techniques. Feedback amplifiers. Tuned amplifiers. Oscillators, Rectifiers and power supplies. Op Amp, PLL, other linear integrated circuits and applications. Pulse shaping circuits and waveform generators. (6) Digital Electronic Circuits: Transistor as a switching element; Boolean algebra, simplification of Boolean function Karnaugh map and applications; IC Logic gates and their characteristics; IC logic families: DTL, TTL, ECL, NMOS, PMOS and CMOS gates and their comparison; Combinational logic circuits; Half adder, Full adder; Digital comparator; Multiplexer De-multiplexer; ROM and their applications. Flip-flops. R-S, J-K, D and T flip-tops; Different types of counters and registers. Waveform generators. A/D and D/A converters. Semi-conductor memories. (7) Control Systems: Transient and steady state response of control systems; Effect of feedback on stability and sensitivity; Root locus techniques; Frequency response analysis. Concepts of gain and phase margins; Constant-M and Constant-N Nichol’s Chart; Approximation of transient response from Constant-N Nichol’s Chart; Approximation of transient response from closed loop frequency response; Design of Control Systems; Compensators; Industrial controllers. (8) Communication Systems: Basic information theory; Modulation and detection in analogue and digital systems; Sampling and data reconstructions; Quantization and coding; Time division and frequency division multiplexing; Equalization; Optical Communication: in free space and fiber optic; Propagation of signals at HF, VHF, UHF and microwave frequency; Satellite Communication. (9) Microwave Engineering: Microwave Tubes and solid state devices, Microwave generation and amplifiers, Wave guides and other Microwave Components and Circuits, Microstrip circuits, Microwave Antennas, Microwave Measurements, Masers, Lasers; Micro-wave propagation. Microwave Communication Systems-terrestrial and satellite based. (10) Computer Engineering: Number Systems. Data representation; Programming; Elements of a high level programming language PASCAL/C; Use of basic data structures; Fundamentals of computer architecture; Processor design; Control unit design; Memory organization, I/o System Organization. Microprocessors: Architecture and instruction set of Microprocessor’s 8085 and 8086, Assembly language Programming. Microprocessor Based system design: typical examples. Personal computers and their typical uses. |
12th July 2011, 03:15 PM
![]() Quote:
Hi, the given link http://www.isac.gov.in/CentralBE/advt.jsp"]http://www.isac.gov.in/CentralBE/advt.jsp is can not be opened , could you please tell us how i can i open the above link |
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