6th September 2014, 02:23 PM
Is there any value of doing B.Com honors from DU SOL(correspondence)
Sir I want to know that ,is there any value of doing b.com honers from du Sol(correspondence)
23rd July 2015, 03:59 PM
I want to know that if a sol student score more than a regular college student, then also people will give priorty to the regular student whoz less qualified than the student of sol.???
Basically m doing english honors from sol my percentage was less for taking admissiom in a regular college in du but i scored 95 in english thought its my favrte subject also i always wanted to pursue english honors aftr my schooling.. but now m doing it with sol but handful of people says the regular ones has more value dan sol...? I mean how.. i want to clear my doubts because m getting demotivated hearing this frm some people |