6th February 2011, 02:09 PM
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What areas should be improved for a good placement?

i m a cs engineer doing my third year now.may i know wat r the areas i need to improve for getting placed in a good company?

6th February 2011, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

few points you may keep in mind

Have up to date knowledge in your field and also in your area of interest
concentrate only on your basics .Interviewrs wont ask you for derivation but the basis of it.
improve your english, fine enough to express your ideas and convay them properly.

As a CS student try to do some internship in IT compony in proper manner . Also, try to devise something new , innovative for which the industry is in dire need

keep viewing this thread to get more info from other peoples too

al the best
6th February 2011, 08:31 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

if you want to get an job in good companies in the software field then you have to definitely improve your aptitude skills,because most of the companies these days have an written exam which is purely aptitude test,books like barrons gre can really help you to imptove in this aspect,
also you have to improve your technical knowledge specially in basic languages like c and java,
also improve your group discussion skills because some companies do take gd test also
all the best
7th February 2011, 01:41 AM
rahul k
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

If You Really Wat To Get Good Jobs In Top Companies, Then You Have To Work Hard For Getting Jobs, Firstly Scored Well Marks In Your Degree Course.

And If Your Communication Skills Are Weak, Then Please Imrove It Soon Because Without English You Can Not Get Jobs Easily In Top Companies. Every Company Wants A Allover Candidates.

So, Improve Your Communication Skills And GD Skills Also, If Your Really Wants Good Jobs And Also Touch With Current News And General Knowledge As Well.

If All these Activites You Can Improve On Time Then Definitely You Will be Recruited In The Best Company. In Now A Days Company Dont Ask To You Bookish Knowledge But They Will Ask You Anything Related To Current Affairs.

So, The Competition Was Hard, So Its Better If You Can Improved Yourself To Get Good Jobs In Top Companies. So work Hard And Try To Communicate In English To Imrove Your Communication Skills.
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7th February 2011, 04:11 AM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

u have to be good in programming skills especially in c languages and java
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7th February 2011, 06:44 AM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

Since you are fresher it is important that you should be thorough in the area of specialisation. You should have a sound conceptual knowledge. Also you should have good communication skills as you should be able to express yourself during the group discussion. Do update yourself in the current affairs area for the group discussion round. During the interview it is important that you answer the questions asked to the point.
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7th February 2011, 09:42 AM
simran kaur20389
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

Dear, there are few of the tips like, your communication skills must be good, you must be self confident, good personality as well. personality does nt means looks only, infact it means how you carry yourself,.....

So, these are few few of the tips ...

All the very best
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7th February 2011, 11:56 AM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

to get placed in a good company you should know what quality you should have in the company. the main few thing which is very much required for good software company are

1. Good communication skill
2. Positive attitude to work
3. Work Life Balance
4. good Personality
5. obviously technical knowledge

so if you are strong in communication then you should work on the other field. but you are weak in communication then you must improve the communication skill first.

don't think that technical knowledge is not required at the time of work. actually at the selection procedure they may not ask any question from technical part or may ask some simple easy question. but when the real play will start you will face a big problem if you don't have subject knowledge. in the industry you have always learn new things. now if you don't know the previous one you can not learn new things. as a result you will be backward. there will be no improvement in the industry and you will remain in the same place. i think technical knowledge is very much required to be successful in life.

try to acquire the basic technical knowledge. study carefully C, C++, JAVA, software engineering, Operating system etc subject attentively.

also improve your personality. try to be professional. build positive attitude to work in corporate world. interact with the professional person if possible and know their experience.

best wishes.
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7th February 2011, 02:21 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

Dear Friend,

Green Greetings!

It is really indispensable to first concentrate on your self confidence.You can win over any thing you wish if you believe in you!

The placement is completely different from your normal academics. You can find many of the academic rank holders finding themselves very difficult to get placed in companies. The difference is: in academics, whatever gets into the mind the students mug it up and score in exams but presence of mind is essential in placement. Most of these academic holders fail in this area.

It's worth to say again that "concentrate on your self confidence"

Marks of your course are not so essential in placements but are just for the eligibility criteria. Once you are eligible no one ever minds about your marks. Just they expect your communication skills!

Ever be polite and never argue with the interview panel members. Concentrate on your politeness.

Be as you are ever. Please don't try to pretend. You may get stuck if so. Be truthful in your words.

The next biggest area to be concentrated is Technical skills! Have a thorough basic knowledge in your core degree. If you do not know the answer for a question it is better to inform them that you do not know the answer rather than giving irrelevant replies.

The thing what the panel expects from you is Your Confidence, Your Politeness, Your Truthfulness, Communication Skills and finally Technical Skills, in the priority order.

It is good worth to concentrate on all the above fields to get through the placements!

Finally Keep smiling... This depicts that you are a personality keeping your surroundings cheerful!

Best Wishes for your placements!
Please inform me after you got placed. Any queries please be frank to ask me.

Wishes and Regards,
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7th February 2011, 02:57 PM
justin russo
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Thumbs up Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

Originally Posted by anupamavenugopalan View Post
i m a cs engineer doing my third year now.may i know wat r the areas i need to improve for getting placed in a good company?
Hey hello,
i am your senior, i have placed in infy.
for your placement you have to firstly improve your communication skills. Your knowledge will pley an important role but firstly you have to develop yuour skills & looks (peersonality). this will make your first good impression and inc. your chance of selection by 70%.
All the best for your career.
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7th February 2011, 03:22 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

You need to improve ur communication skill.You are computer engineer so u need to improve your programming skill.you can choose one two or three lanuguages and get the basic core knowledge about that.And to get a place in Top companies you should have the knowledge about apptitude etc....

All the Best!!!!
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7th February 2011, 04:42 PM
mohit brh
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

every one want to get good job in top company but some quality of student will make defferent from other. so if you want to get good job than you should have some good quality which makes you different. but mainly 2 types 1-personility skill 2- technical skill.
1- communication skill and personility development.
it is better to improve you skill with help of your friends.
2- see GD topic and interview question on internet. and participate in GD in your class.
3- see placement paper of private and PSU and make preparation.if you want to get job in PSU than prepare GK and GS.
4- for software company you should have a skill of C,C++,Java.
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7th February 2011, 05:23 PM
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Thumbs up Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

Originally Posted by anupamavenugopalan View Post
i m a cs engineer doing my third year now.may i know wat r the areas i need to improve for getting placed in a good company?
At first I will sugest you to get good marks in your semesters.
you must get marks in an increasing graph. at least average marks should be more than 7.5 to get jobs in reputed companies.
the subjects in which you have to be concious are
C,C++, Java, micro processor, DBMS....
also try to improove your personality and spoken English...
so best of luck.......
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8th February 2011, 12:32 AM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

Dear friend,

Firstly, start your preparation with a positive attitude in your mind. Brush up your course subjects.
Fare knowledge of basic subjects helps you leaving a good impression over the interviewers.
Generally, a normal placement process has some phases.
You have to go through a round of aptitude test. After clearing the aptitude round you have to face technical interview and HR interview.
For aptitude test prepare well practicing R.S.Aggarwal's quantitative aptitude and the verbal & non-verbal reasoning by the same author. Otherwise, you can try other books on aptitude and reasoning.
But practice hard with aptitude papers because they are the first gateway you have to cross to go to the next round.

For the technical round, it is suggested that you should have confidence in your course subjects.
Mainly,the interviewers ask for the basics. If you really think you have good command over them then answer confidently but if that is not the case and you don't know an answer don't bluff.
The interviewers also seek one with proper knowledge but also with honest confidence.
In whole of the interview process your verbal communication is tasted. Being well-versed in English will help you.

In the HR round the candidate is questioned about his/her background, strong/weak points etc, mainly the candidate's personality is judged here.

Don't be nervous. Prepare well and give it your best shot.

Best of Luck!!
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8th February 2011, 01:55 AM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

Well A good placement depends on a lot of things.
In my view it depends a lot on companies visiting your campus.
Do you think why IIT/IIM grads bag the best jobs in country while they still
lack in comparison to US University grads.
So first of all you/your college's placement cell need to Invite good companies and ensure that they actually visit your campus so that students can demonstrate their mettle.There are many good people in colleges where no company visits..they never get a good placement!!
Next Now onto impressing good companies you need following::
1.Acads : often there are high cutoff criteria for good companies.
So keep scoring well be among the top rungs.
2.Aptitude tests:: prepare well as they are an important part of selection procedure.
if you clear them only then you get into GDPI. refer R.S. Aggarwla books.
2.Soft skills:: to perform well in interview and GD rounds
4. Enhance your technical skills and knowledge. have relevant skills.
Esp in software field if you master two/3 languages that are most favored JAVA, mainframe etc.( u knw..
you will become highly employable and highly paid too. so learn some of them.
Further Keep up with current affairs strengthen your interpersonal skills networking.
And yes work on your english.
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8th February 2011, 04:45 PM
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Smile Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

i m a cs engineer doing my third year now.may i know wat r the areas i need to improve for getting placed in a good company?
Computer Science Engineer/Students are more Talented than Any other branch. But its Depends. You are in third Year and you would be having this year MINI project + Seminar Right !!!

Make your self such that you put yourself in various Events. means your active participations should be there which will make you more Interactive and Communicative. And even it will build your communication skills too.

Having active participations in Events like Debate,C Quiz, Inter college Competitions etc etc will make you Officially Certified with vast knowledge. You will gain Knowledge as well as you will be Certified through These events which will make your resume Lengthier.

More the lengthier and attractive resume you made more chances of being selected in the Leading Companies.

So, Hope uptill now you have understood the Things need to crack Interview.

Which are communication skills, interactive, friends, way of talking, you resume (Main).

Good luck.
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15th February 2011, 07:44 PM
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Smile Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

these are some of the important areas:

technical skills (hard skills)

communication skills(soft skills)

good aptitude

only this will make your placement sure.......
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27th March 2011, 01:21 AM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

For being able to crack every company you should have
1. A very Positive approach.
2. A fearless Attitude
3. Good or Normal Communication Skills
4. Good Analytical Skills
5. You should be well prepared with all types of questions.

Some of the tips for and books for preparation are listed below they will surely help you out.

The best book for aptitude, VA and REASONING is
R S Agarwal

Other methods for preparation are
Various Institutes CAT materials(TIME, IMS, CR)
QA for CAT by Arun Sharma
Websites like

These all will complete youy preparation.

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14th April 2011, 10:10 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

i am pursuing my B.TECH degree in EEE branch,and i am in 2nd year now.
what should be my plans and skills that are required to obtain a good job
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15th April 2011, 10:36 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

dear friend,
Sometimes one should go by the market .you see where your interest goes, technicity or managerial.
rest,you can work on analytical skills.
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19th April 2011, 04:57 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

Just know the basic concepts of every subjects. Also you need to have logical thining capablity.
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25th June 2011, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

i completed my b.tech in eee with an aggregate of 75%.what should i do either job or m.tech
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25th June 2011, 01:12 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

i completed my b.tech in eee with an aggregate of 75%.i am female.what should i do either job or M.tech
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28th June 2011, 11:36 AM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

am karthika doing my cs engineering and may i know what are the fields in cs that are most developed now a days ?
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30th July 2011, 04:40 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

am doing mechanical engg and may i know wat are alll the core companies available and how to get into that companies
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30th July 2011, 07:49 PM
amisha rath
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

hey friend ...

to be different from crowd you need to groom yourself and for this

1. language fluency.
2. communication skills.
3. personality.
4. positive attitude.
5.tact to deal with people.
6.humanity(most imp.)

these are one side of coin.

other side which helps to impress the interviewer is your core knowledge,projects,research papers,extra activities apart from academics,participation in techfest,presentation skills.

if you can make this areas sound then nobody can stop you gaining high package and different image of yours in front of interviwer panel and others.
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31st August 2011, 02:05 AM
amaan khan ak
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

Originally Posted by anupamavenugopalan View Post
i m a cs engineer doing my third year now.may i know wat r the areas i need to improve for getting placed in a good company?
If you want to placement in good company than you should have good

knowledge about your field.The need in companies is you have good

knowledge about your field.If you belong to programming field than its very

important for you to have good knowledge about basic languages like c and

c++ and also have a good knowledge which you have choose for your future

preference.So if you want to get placed in good company than all concepts of

the related field will be clear.Its very good to get knowledge and helps you to

get a job.

All the best
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31st August 2011, 07:23 PM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

dear friend,
As you are from computer Science department then you have to appear in campus drive of software companies..
To get a job in software company you must have some qualities like-

1.Good Technical knowledge.

2.Good communication skill




These things are very much important to get a job in software sector..

So, try to improve this things in you..
They want a student who is very much professional..
and being a professional one must have two qualities , they are-
1.You must have complete the work with in a time limit.
2.You should have the ability to work under pressure..

So, bring this things in you..
All the best..
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15th January 2012, 11:03 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

Since you are fresher it is important that you should be thorough in the area of specialisation. You should have a sound conceptual knowledge. Also you should have good communication skills as you should be able to express yourself during the group discussion. Do update yourself in the current affairs area for the group discussion round. During the interview it is important that you answer the questions asked to the point.
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15th May 2012, 01:58 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

i persuing my B.tech from cs branch...i need placement in good company... what should i do...???
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18th January 2013, 12:23 PM
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Default Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

i am studying final year btech cse.i am good enough at my commncation skills .but poor in technical skills .how can i compete with my friends in campus interview who are better in technical skills comparitively????????????????????????plz suggest me
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18th January 2013, 04:21 PM
kadiyam pavani
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Thumbs up Re: What areas should be improved for a good placement?

Originally Posted by anupamavenugopalan View Post
i m a cs engineer doing my third year now.may i know wat r the areas i need to improve for getting placed in a good company?
you are a student, If you get good placement in a company you will follow this points keep in mind

Good Communication skills
Self confidence
Good academic percentage
Technical knowledge
Positive thinking etc
Good hard working

before entering the interview you have to know details of company.
these are very few tips to get good placement
and another one "The first impression is the best impression in the interview"
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