30th April 2012, 02:04 PM
What is the difference among part time, full time and Correspondence M.Tech course?
which is the basic difarances part time, full time and crosspondances M.Tech
27th May 2012, 09:32 PM
There are various courses on offer by different Universities including M.Tech programs through various modes. Candidate seeking to pursue course through regular mode have to attend regular classes on daily basis. The degree obtained from this mode of study gets the maximum recognition. Candidate who are engaged with job commitment and are not able to attend classes on daily basis look to opt for the part time mode.These classes are held on either weekends or in the evenings. Candidate who are unable to attend the classes at all and are engaged with other commitment and are willing to pursue the course with their own pace and home look for the correspondence mode.
29th July 2012, 09:47 PM
Hi I am working in shift duties (Morning , evening & night on alternate day) I want to do part time M tech.Please let me know what are the placement option available after M.tech & all the procedure for getting admission to part time M.tech course in Mumbai.
8th August 2012, 12:21 AM
Hi..this is Aasik. I hav completed B.E ECE on 2011. Give me the colleges in chennai who are providing m.tect course in Embedded system design? Also What will be required GATE percentile to join on the upcoming year?