14th January 2018, 12:02 AM
What is the eligibility for D.Ed. at KSOU and last date of application?
What is the eligibility for D.Ed at Karnataka State Open University? And, the last date for application for the year 2018? Will I get the post of Professor based on completing D.Ed.? Can someone please provide me with the required information soon? Thank you!
15th January 2018, 09:24 AM
Karnataka State Open University or KSOU is a distance learning university set up in 1996, situated in Mysore, Karnataka, India.
As you want to know that is a Karnataka State Open University offer D.Ed if it so I want to tell you that yes this university offers the Diploma in Education (D.Ed). A student should complete graduation in any stream with minimum 50% marks to apply for D.Ed course in KSOU. There is no notification about the last date of submission of application form. |
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