17th November 2012, 10:46 PM
What is the last date to apply for IIT JEE entrance exam?
what is the last date for applying for IIT JEE exam? Is it essential to appear and get through both IIT (Main) and IIT (Advanced) exams for getting admission in mercantile navy nautical course?
17th December 2012, 11:06 AM
what is the last date for applying for IIT JEE exam? Is it essential to appear and get through both IIT (Main) and IIT (Advanced) exams
24th October 2013, 07:05 PM
can i apply IIT JEE while i am studying B.Sc final year?
31st March 2015, 11:54 PM
Last date for applying for JEE Main exam was December 18, 2014. The JEE Main exam is essential to be able to appear for JEE Advanced. The candidates who will sit in JEE Advanced are selected on the basis of ranks in JEE Main. To get admission into IITs through JEE Advanced it is also necessary that your class 12th board score stays within top 20 percentile of all candidates.
The online registration for JEE Advanced starts from 2nd May 2015 and is open upto 7th May 2015. The admit cards can be downloaded from 9th May 2015 to 12th May 2015. The exam will be conducted on 24th May 2015. |