5th May 2013, 02:15 AM
What should be done after passing BDS?
what should be done after passing BDS to practice general medicine. can i practice general medicine along with dental practice ? is it possible or not ? if possible than how? whether an bds graduate can practice general medicine or not?
5th May 2013, 09:15 AM
You can do PG
A candidate for admission to the Diploma Course must have a degree of BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) from a college and University recognized by Dental Council of India or an equivalent qualification recognized by the Dental Council of India. Duration of the Course: The duration of the diploma courses in various specialties of dentistry shall be of two years duration which will be further divided into four Semesters as under- First and Second Semesters: Preclinical Work and Applied Basic Sciences. Third and Fourth Semesters: Clinical Work. All the candidates for the Post Graduate Diploma are required to pursue the prescribed course for at least two academic years as full time candidates in a BDS recognized and mds approved/recognized Institution under the direction of the Head of the department who has to be a recognized postgraduate teacher in that specialty. Selection of students: 1. Students for Post Graduate Diploma Courses shall be selected strictly on the basis of their academic merit. 2. For determining the academic merit, the university/institution may adopt any one of the following procedures for P.G. Diploma Courses: (i) On the basis of merit as determined by a competitive test conducted by the State Government or by the competent authority appointed by the State Government or by the University/group of universities in the same state; or (ii) On the basis of merit as determined by a centralized competitive test held at the national level; or (iii) On the basis of the individual cumulative performance at the first, second, third & Final b.d.s. examinations, if such examinations have been passed from the same university; or (iv) Combination of (i) and (iii). Staffing pattern: The diploma courses shall be conducted only in postgraduate departments in a BDS recognized and MDS approved/recognized Institution by the Dental Council of India & RGUHS. For each seat of Post Graduate Diploma Course one additional reader is required. A department, which does not have the above staff pattern, shall not start a postgraduate diploma course in that specialty. 1. Examination: Eligibility: The following requirements should be fulfilled by every candidate to become eligible to appear for the final examination. Attendance: Every candidate should have fulfilled the minimum attendance prescribed by Dental Council of India and RGUHS (80% of the attendance during each academic year of the diploma course). Progress and conduct: Every candidate should have participated in seminars, journal review meetings, symposia, conferences, case presentations, clinics and didactic lectures during each year as designed by the concerned department. Work diary and log book: Every candidate shall maintain a work diary and log book for recording his/her participation in the training programmes conducted by the department. The work diary and log book shall be verified and certified by the Head of the Department and Head of the institution. The certification of satisfactory progress is based on the work diary and log book. 2. University Examination: There shall be one examination at the end of 2 years. RGUHS shall hold examinations twice a .year with a minimum gap of four months between the two examinations. The university examination shall have the following components- i) Written ii) Clinical and / or Practical iii) Viva voce or oral examination. Written Examination: The written examination shall consist of three papers, out of which two shall be pertaining to the specialty; one in Applied Basic Sciences. Each paper shall be of three hours duration and shall include recent advances. Clinical/Practical Examination: It will aim at examining clinical skills and competence of candidates for undertaking independent work as a specialist. The actual format of clinical examination in various specialities could be worked out by various universities making sure that the candidates is given ample opportunity to perform various clinical procedures. The council desires that the actual format is made known to the students prior to the examination well in advance by the respective universities. Viva voce Examination: Viva voce examination shall aim at assessing depth of knowledge, logical reasoning, confidence and verbal communication skills. Two examiners conduct the viva voce at a time as two teams, each team for 20 minutes. When one examiner is conducting the viva, the other examiner could make a note of the questions asked and the performance level to enable proper assessment and award of marks. Distribution of Marks at the University Examination: Theory: Paper-I 100 marks Paper-II 100 marks Paper-III 100 marks Total 300 marks Clinical Examination: 200 marks Viva-voce : 100 marks Examiners: There shall be at least four examiners in each subject. Out of them two shall be external examiners and two internal examiner. The qualification and teaching experience for appointment of an examiner shall be as laid down by the Dental Council of India and the RGUHS. Valuation of answer Books: All the answer books to be valued by all the four examiners and the average marks will be computed. Criteria for declaring pass: A candidate is declared successful in the University Examination when he or she secure not less than 50% marks in each head of passing separately which shall include theory including viva voce and practical including clinical examination (i.e., 50% of the total marks allotted in each of the theory paper and viva voce and 50% of the total marks in the clinical examination) and 50% in aggregate. In other words, the candidate should secure 200 out of 400 marks (300 in theory and 100, for viva voce) and 100 out of 200 in practical examination. A candidate who secures less than this shall be declared to have failed in the examination. A candidate who failed and has secured less than 50% marks has to take the whole examination (namely theory, practical and oral examination). First Class : the candidate has to secure 65% of the total marks in Theory, Viva Voce and Practicals combined together. Distinction : the candidate has to secure 75% of the total marks in Theory, Viva Voce and Practicals combined together. Ranks should be declared from among the candidates who have passed in Distinction / First Class. |
5th May 2013, 02:07 PM
Dear Friend,
there are many oppertunities after bds...check the attachment for more details |
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