7th February 2012, 06:31 AM
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What is the syllabus for Chemistry for RMSA Teachers Recruitment Test?

What is the syllabus for Rastriya Madhyamic Siksha Abhiyan teachers recruitment test.
for andhra pradesh.
for post graduate teacher, chemistry.
trained graduate teacher.

23rd December 2012, 10:21 PM
Siva mechanical
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 213
Default Re: What is the syllabus for Chemistry for RMSA Teachers Recruitment Test?

hello friend,
the syllabus are:
1. GENERAL CHEMISTRY: Atomic Structure
and elementary quantum mechanics:
Blackbody radiation, Planck’s radiation
law, photoelectric effect, Compton Effect,
de Broglie’s hypothesis, Heisenberg’s
uncertainty principle. Postulates of
quantum mechanics, Schrodinger wave
equation and a particle in a box, energy
levels, wave functions and probability
densities, Schrodinger wave equation for
H-atom, Separation of variables, Radial
and angular functions, hydrogen like wave
functions, quantum numbers and their
importance Chemical Bonding: Valence
bond theory, Hybridization, VB theory as
applied to ClF3, BrF5, Ni(CO)4,XeF2,
Dipole moment, Molecular orbital theory.
Stereochemistry of carbon compounds:
Stereo isomerism, Stereo isomers:
enantiomers, diastereomers –
Conformational and Configurational
isomerism- Conformational, Enantiomers,
Optical activity asymmetric and
dissymmetric molecules, General
Principles of Inorganic qualitative analysis:
Molecular symmetry: Concept, types, The
symmetry operations of a molecule form
a group, Theory of quantitative analysis
Principles of volumetric, gravimetric
analysis, introductory treatment to
Pericyclic Reactions.
and Periodic Properties, s,p,d,and f block
elements Theories of bonding in metals:
Valence bond theory, Explanation of
metallic properties and its limitations,
Free electron theory, thermal and
electrical conductivity of metals,
limitations, Band theory, formation of
bands, explanation of conductors,
semiconductors and insulators. Metal
carbonyls and related compounds – EAN
rule, classification of metal carbonyls,
structures and shapes of metal carbonyls
of V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni, Metal
nitrosyls and metallocenes Coordination
Chemistry: IUPAC nomenclature, bonding
theories, Isomerism in coordination
compounds – structural isomerism and
stereo isomerism, stereochemistry of
complexes with 4 and 6 coordination
numbers. Spectral and magnetic
properties of metal complexes, Reactivity
of metal complexes, Stability of metal
complexes: Hard and soft acids bases
(HSAB): Classification, application of HSAB
principles – Stability of compounds /
complexes. Bioinorganic chemistry:
Essential elements, biological significance
of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and
chloride, Metalloporphyrins –
haemoglobin, structure and function,
Chlorophyll, structure and role in
theory in Organic Chemistry, Bond
polarization, Alicyclic hydrocarbons
Cycloalkanes Benzene and its reactivity,
Concept of resonance, resonance energy,
Heat of hydrogenation, heat of
combustion of Benezene, mention of C-C
bond lengths and orbital picture of
Benzene, Concept of aromaticity, Huckel’s
rule. Application to Benzenoid (Benzene,
Napthalene) and Non Benzenoid
compounds (cyclopropenyl cation, cyclo
pentadienyl anion and tropylium cation)
Reactions . General mechanism of
electrophilic substitution, mechanism of
nitration, Friedel Craft’s alkylation and
acylation, Orientation of aromatic
substitution. Definition of ortho, para and
meta directing groups. Ring activating and
deactivating groups with examples
(Electronic interpretation of various
groups like NO2 and
Phenolic). Orientation effect of (i) Amino,
methoxy and methyl groups (ii) Carboxy,
nitro, nitrile, carbonyl and Sulfonic acid
groups. (iii). Halogens (Explanation by
taking minimum of one example from
each type).Halogen compounds, Hydroxy
compounds -Polyhydroxy compounds:
Carbonyl compounds,Physical and
chemical properties Base catalysed
reactions with mechanism: Aldol,
Cannizzaro reaction, Perkin reaction,
Benzoin condensation, Haloform reaction,
Knoevenagel reaction.Oxidation of
aldehydes: BaeyerVilliger oxidation of
ketones with mechanism.Reduction: Wolf
Kishner reduction, MPV reduction,
reduction with LiAlH4 and NaBH4 Analysis
of aldehydes and ketones. Carboxylic
acids and derivatives physical and
chemical properties, Active methylene
compounds Acetoacetic esters: Malonic
ester: Synthetic applications, inter
conversion: Nitrogen compounds:
Carbohydrates: Amino acids and proteins
Intermolecular forces, structure of liquids
(qualitative description). Structural
differences between solids, liquids and
gases, Liquid crystals, the meso morphic
state, Classification of liquid crystals into
Smectic and Nematic, Differences
between liquid crystal and solid/liquid,
Application of liquid crystals as LCD
devices.Solid state: Classification of solids,
crystalline state, seven crystal systems,
close packed structure of solids, nearest
neighbours, ionic radii, simple ionic
compounds, point defects. Solutions:
Liquid-liquid – ideal solutions, Raoult’s
law. Ideally dilute solutions, Henry’s law.
Non-ideal solutions, Vapour pressure,
composition and vapour pressure-
temperature curves. Azeotropes-HCl-
H2O, ethanol-water systems and
fractional distillation, partially miscible
liquids-phenolwater, trimethylamine-
water, nicotine-water systems. Effect of
impurity on consulate temperature,
immiscible liquids and steam distillation,
Nernst distribution law, Calculation of the
partition coefficient, Applications of
distribution law; Catalysis: Types of
catalysis, Electrochemistry: Electro
chemical cells and cell reactions.
Electrode potentials, Nernst equation and
its relation to DG, Electrochemical series,
emf of galvanic cells, Faraday’s laws of
electrolysis: Electrolytic conductance,
specific, equivalent and molar
conductance, Kohlrausch’s law:
concentration cells. Chemical kinetics:
Rates of chemical reactions, order of
reactions- first, second, third and zero
order reactions with examples, effect of
temperature on rate of reaction,
Chemical methods of analysis, Separation
techniques Spectrophotometry,
spectroscopy, Spectral interpretation,
Drugs, formulations, pesticides and green
chemistry, Macromolecules, Material.
all the best for your future.
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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