12th May 2012, 10:25 PM
What is the syllabus for DRDO entry test? I am a diploma holder
hello sir, i am a diploma holder.i am aplying for drdo entry test for STA-B. and i want the sylabus for drdo entry test..pls send me the syllabus for drdo entry test 2011 and old qoestion paper for the pst of STA-B electrical engg on my email-id = [email protected]
9th July 2012, 02:00 AM
i completed b.tech ece i want to write entrance exam how?
11th July 2012, 02:46 PM
What is the syllabus of drdm entry test :i am diploma holder (mechanical)
my email id [email protected] pls tell me |
16th July 2012, 01:58 PM
What is the syllabus of DRDO entry test :i am diploma holder (election and communication)
my email id [email protected] pls tell me |
17th July 2012, 06:33 PM
what is the syllabus of drdo entry test? i am diploma holder (computer science & engineering)
my email id [email protected] plz tell me |
20th July 2012, 09:24 PM
Sir i m diploma holder in electronics n comm engg plz send me the solved question paper for drdo test for the post of STA of last five year and also the syllabas for this exam my I.D is [email protected]
21st July 2012, 12:44 PM
Hello sir i m a diploma holder i m appliying for electronics and communication engineering so please sir send me the sylabus and solved question pappers
my email id is [email protected] |
22nd July 2012, 10:23 AM
what is the syllabus of drdo entry test? i am diploma holder (computer science & engineering)
my email id [email protected] plz tell me.pls send me the syllabus for drdo entry test 2012 and old question paper for the pst of STA-B comp. Science engg on my email-id = [email protected] |
25th July 2012, 09:06 PM
Hello sir i m M.Sc. in physics&i want to join drdo.so plz tell me what is the syllabus of drdo entry test?&also send me the previous question papers& my ID is [email protected]
26th July 2012, 05:31 PM
what is syllabus for entry test? i am diploma holder in electronics instrumentation and control & sir also send me also send me the previous question papers& my ID is :[email protected]
27th July 2012, 09:47 PM
hello sir i m diploma holder (computer engineering)...........what is the syllabus of drdo entry test?
my email ID is- [email protected] |
28th July 2012, 11:13 AM
what is syllabus for entry test? i am diploma holder in electronics instrumentation and control & sir also send me the previous question papers& my ID is :[email protected]
28th July 2012, 02:28 PM
hello sir, i am a diploma holder.i am aplying for drdo entry test for STA-B. and i want the sylabus for drdo entry test..pls send me the syllabus for drdo entry test 2012 and old qoestion paper for the pst of STA-B electrical engg on my email-id = [email protected]
31st July 2012, 11:30 AM
What is the syllabus for DRDO entry test? I am a diploma in ece
hello sir, i am a diploma holder.i am aplying for drdo entry test for STA-B. and i want the sylabus for drdo entry test..pls send me the syllabus for drdo entry test 2011 and old qoestion paper for the pst of STA-B ece engg on my email-id = [email protected] |
4th August 2012, 03:03 PM
Hello sir, i am a diploma holder. I have no any syllabus for DRDO entry test.Plz send me the complete syllabus on my ID- [email protected]
1st February 2013, 09:17 PM
please give me information how to get entry in DRDO. I am a diploma student with IT branch. My email id is [email protected]
12th March 2013, 02:26 PM
hallow sir i m mechanical engg i want information about model question paper of exam of DRDO on my g-mail account my g-mail id [email protected] thanku
20th March 2013, 06:04 PM
DRDO Entry Test – 2012
CEPTAM-05 DRDO offers exciting and challenging career opportunities in very broad spectrum of subjects/ disciplines at its more than 50 laboratories/ establishments spread throughout the length and breadth of the country: Invites applications for recruitment through DRDO Entry Test – 2012 for the following Posts. 1) SENIOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANT- ‘B’ (STA-’B') 2) TECHNICIAN -’A’ (TECH -’A') 3) ADMINISTRATIVE & ALLIED CADRE Please Read full post details in the advertisement. Fee : Rs.50/- Last Date – Online – upto 1600 hrs on 02 April, 2012. Offline – 09/04/2012. HOW TO APPLY: Apply on the designed proforma (SECTION ‘C’) on A4 size (210X297mm) white plain paper, and exactly in the same format as provided in advertisement. The proforma may be downloaded from DRDO website.Photocopy of the format published in the Employment News can also be used. All columns of the application form should be filled legibly in own handwriting. CEPTAM encourages online registration of candidates through its website. Online facility will be available upto 1600 hrs on 02 April, 2012. EXAM SCHEDULE CEPTAM-05 Advt. “DRDO Entry Test-2012″ has been scheduled on 05 August 2012 (Sunday) as per the details given below - Shift Reporting Time Duration of Exam Post I 0930 hrs 1000 – 1200 hrs STA ‘B’ (0102-0123), Asstt Hindi (0301), Store Asstt ‘A’ (0401-0402) II 1400 hrs 1430 – 1630 hrs Technician ‘A’ (0202-0232), Admin Asstt (0501-0502), Civilian Driver ‘A’ (0601), Security Asstt (0701), Fire Engine Driver (0801), Fireman (0901) Despatch of Admit Cards to the candidates are in process. Online Admit Cards will be available on 15 July 2012 on DRDO site. |
28th May 2013, 08:21 PM
What is the syllabus of drdm entry test :i am diploma holder (mechanical)
my email id [email protected] pls tell me Reply With Quote Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/what-syllabus-drdo-entry-test-i-am-diploma-holder-762941.html#ixzz2UaZYViK9 |
25th July 2013, 09:51 PM
hello sir, what is the syllabus of metallurgycal diploma engineering for ceptam-6
my email [email protected] plz tell me |
7th October 2014, 01:02 PM
Hello sir,Plz send me the syllabus of DRDO CEPTAM-07 on email-id [email protected]
25th October 2014, 01:58 PM
question:what is the syllabus DRDO entry test? iam diploma holder(Auto mobile engineering).
plz send subject details , My email:[email protected] |
20th January 2015, 11:00 AM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;2150956]hello sir, i am a diploma holder.i am aplying for drdo entry test for STA-B. and i want the sylabus for drdo entry test..pls send me the syllabus for drdo entry test 2011 and old qoestion paper for the pst of automobile engg on my email-id = [email protected]