5th January 2012, 10:29 PM
Posts: n/a

Will I get recruited while in college or do I have to apply for the job offcampus?

My question is will i get recruited when i am in college or should i run behind the job .?
And will i do love marriage or arranged marriage?

6th January 2012, 09:32 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Erode (dt), Tamilnadu state, India.
Posts: 332
Default Re: Will I get recruited while in college or do I have to apply for the job offcampus?

hi.. if your college will providing on campus, then you can get job in college itself. otherwise
you can attend off campus its little bit tough.. If you have good communication skills, Apps, technical skills then no problem you will get as soon after completing your degree..

you are asking about Marriage.. this is your personal matter, according to me love+arranged marriage is better.. so choose your better choice
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