19th July 2018, 04:22 PM
Course structure of BTech(Harbour Engineering and Ocean Engineering) in AMET, Chennai?
Can I know about the structure of BTech(Harbour Engineering and Ocean Engineering) course which is available in AMET, Chennai? Please provide me the course structure asap. Thank you!
22nd July 2018, 09:50 AM
BTech(Harbour Engineering and Ocean Engineering) in AMET, Chennai is a course duration of 4 years (8 semesters ) long. Course structure is given below.
=>Semester 1: Technical English-I, Engineering Mathematics-I Engineering Physics-I Engineering Chemistry Introduction to Programming in C and C++ Engineering Graphics Engineering Physics Laboratory Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Progrmming in C and C++ Laboratory Spoken English-I =>Semester 2: Technical English-II Engineering Mathematics-II Engineering Physics-II Basics of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Environment Science Engineering Mechanics Thermodynamics Basics of Electrical & Electronics Practical Engineering Practices Laboratory Spoken English - II =>Semester 3: Engineering Mathematics III Materials for Marine Environment Introduction to Coastal & Offshore Technology Mechanics of Fluid Wave Hydrodynamics Mechanics of Solids Mechanics of Fluids Laboratory Mechanics of Solid Laboratory Spoken English -III =>Semester 4: Ocean Data Analysis Oceanography Basics of Dredging Technology Theory of Coastal Surveying – I Applied Coastal Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machinery Coastal Survey Laboratory – I Coastal Modeling Laboratory - I Harbour – Computer Aided Design Spoken English -IV =>Semester 5: Design of Coastal Structures Marine Geotechnical Engineering Theory of Structures Design of RC Structures Core Elective Course – I Open Elective Course – I Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory Concrete Technology Laboratory Personality Development Programme - I STCW =>Semester 6: Foundation Engineering Theory of Coastal Surveying - II Design of Steel Structures Quantity Surveying Port Planning - I Core Elective Course - II Open Elective Course - II Coastal Survey Laboratory II Marine Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory Personality Development Programme - II Industrial Training =>Semester 7: Port Planning - II Offshore Structural Analysis Advanced Design of Coastal Structures Prestressed Concrete Structures Core Elective Course - III Coastal Modeling Laboratory II Major Design Project Phase - I =>Semester 8: Advanced Dredging Technology Advanced Geotechnical Behavior of Dredged Materials Engineering Economics and cost analysis Design of Offshore Pipelines Major Design Project Phase - II Last edited by ppsahu; 5th August 2018 at 08:59 PM. Reason: Remove dots |