6th November 2014, 09:18 PM
In which college of Gujarat can I get admission for PhD in Life Science?
I completed Msc. Biotechnology. After clearance of GATE and CSIR-NET in Life sciences, in which collages of Gujarat i can get admission for PhD???
7th November 2014, 07:01 PM
You can apply fro Ph.D admission in following Universities in Gujarat.
1. M.S. (Maharaja Sayajirao) University of Baroda : Faculty of Science, Vadodara (Gujarat) University Campus, Sayajigunj , Vadodara (Vadodara (Baroda) Dist.) - 390002 2. Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India Tel: 02717 241911-15(O)079- 26766465(R) Fax: 02717-241917 3. Hemachandracharya North Gujarat University,Patan Web: http://www.ngu.ac.in/ 4. Sardar Patel University Website: http://www.spuvvn.edu/ |