6th August 2018, 02:09 PM
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Course structure and fee expenses of PhD(Medicine) in Swami Rama Himalayan University?

Dear friends, I would like to know about the structure of PhD program in Medicine which is available in Swami Rama Himalayan University. Can anyone of you let me know about the course structure as well as course fee expenses? Please let me know immediately. Thank you!

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30th June 2022, 06:08 PM
Aiman Afifa
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Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 4,398
Default Re: Course structure and fee expenses of PhD(Medicine) in Swami Rama Himalayan University?

The Course Structure of PhD Medicine at Swami Rama Himalayan University is:-

*Stem Cells and Regeneration

*Research Methodology

*Advances in Physiology & Microbiology

*Application of Medical Science

*Advances in Medicine
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