13th May 2015, 02:18 AM
Will it be a problem to apply for the post graduation entrance exam in Delhi University if I have a back papers in graduation?
Will it effect when i apply for entrance for post graduation in Delhi university when i have a back paper to clear and i get through the entrance exam for du post grad? Can someone let me know the information on this as soon as possible? Am I eligible to write the entrance test for post graduation course in DU now?
13th May 2015, 10:16 PM
You can apply for entrance exam but you have to produce the documents when required. If you are not pass then it will cancel your candidature and you will not be considered for admission. Hence, it is always better to get your degree before applying or make sure you have passed all the subjects.
21st May 2015, 11:16 PM
You will be asked to furnish your certificates at the time of admission. If you do not have them at the time of admission,your candidature will be cancelled.
You can apply for the entrance tests but MUST clear your backlogs before admission. In some rare cases,if your previous university delays its procedures then you might get a window of hardly a month or so but that is very rare. |