25th February 2018, 07:00 PM
What kind of questions are asked in MindTree Junior Aptitude Test? Selection procedure in MindTree Interview?
Hello friends, I have to attend interview which is scheduling by MindTree. I want to know that as I have completed my B.Tech in IT so, what are the questions asked in Aptitude? Also let me know that what is the process of selection?
29th December 2022, 02:43 PM
Selection process of MindTree recruitment for Junior Aptitude Test :
The detailed selection process of this MindTree recruitment for Junior Aptitude Test is given below, Name of the Company - MindTree >> As far as my best knowledge is concerned, the selection process consists of the below mentioned rounds. They are, @ Written Examination @ Coding Test @ Technical Interview @ HR Interview >> Also the written examination consists of the below mentioned sections viz., @ English (Basic English skills like Antonyms, Synonyms, Sentence Correction, Sentence Completion..etc.,) @ Quantitative Aptitude (Aptitude Questions include topics like Time and Work, Time and Speed, Algebra, Profit and Loss, Percentages, Geometry, Arithmetic..etc., ) @ Coding (You are required to code in any of the language of your choice) @ Logical Ability (This section consists of Logical reasoning based questions which will test your reasoning skills) |